educational equity in district 58

Educational Equity in District 58 Justin Sisul Dr. Ivette M. Dubiel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Defining and Pursuing Educational Equity in District 58 Justin Sisul Dr. Ivette M. Dubiel Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Executive Director Equity and Professional Learning District 58s long-standing commitment to

  1. Defining and Pursuing Educational Equity in District 58 Justin Sisul Dr. Ivette M. Dubiel Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Executive Director Equity and Professional Learning

  2. District 58’s long-standing commitment to equity... District 58 Mission Statement: We Envision a school district that inspires children, sparks creative and innovative thinking, celebrates diversity, and builds visionaries. District 58 Guiding Principles: The school environment should be safe, friendly, and nurturing, where everyone comes to learn, grow, and develop. District 58 Strategic Plan: Objective 1.3: Ensure equitable access to appropriate resources and programming. ● Objective 2.2: Improve engagement and outreach connecting the community, staff, ● administration and Board of Education to achieve their shared mission. Objective 2.3: Develop systems to promote equity and consistency of the student learning process. ● Key Performance Indicators 5&6 = Annual subgroup performance monitoring ●

  3. Discussion Points ❏ Review the shared definition of educational equity ❏ Provide details about the professional development offered ❏ Share staff feedback from the professional learning

  4. Professional Learning and Growth Time Audience Topic January 2020 All administrators Equity Overview & Understanding Implicit Bias March 2020* Middle school staff Equity Overview August 2020 Middle school staff Understanding Implicit Bias August 2020 Elementary school staff Equity Overview August 2020 Instructional Assistants Equity Overview & Understanding Implicit Bias September 2020** Any missed staff Equity Overview *Elementary staff was scheduled to receive Equity Overview in March but was rescheduled due to Covid-19 ** Elementary staff will receive training on Understanding Implicit Bias later in SY 2020-21

  5. District 58 Staff Feedback I thought having Ivette come in to talk about cultural proficiency was so important! She did a fabulous job talking through the key points of equity in education and providing some "food for thought" for our district. I really hope we can continue this conversation and make concrete decisions to help move our district forward in promoting equity within our buildings. - Middle School Teacher The equity training was wonderful! Learned so much and it's a great foundation to continuing the conversation in our district. - Elementary School Specialist I appreciate that this topic applies to my life within but also beyond my work in the district. - Instructional Assistant This is such an important conversation for all of us, especially those of us who are not always naturally comfortable tackling these topics. I am encouraged by this emphasis from our district! - Administrator

  6. District 58 Next Steps... ● Scheduling Implicit Bias training for all staff ● Development/coordination of ongoing training for all staff ● Preparation for creation of District 58 equity team (targeted for 2021-22) ● Review of District curricula during 2020-21 school year with an equity/bias lens, focusing specifically on: ○ Social Studies ○ SEL (middle school in particular) ● Providing district staff with developmentally appropriate lessons/materials to discuss current events in the coming months

  7. Thank you for your time. Questions?


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