
Education Didactic Principles Dresden, September 2017 Term - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fakultt Erziehungswissenschaften Institut fr Berufspdagogik und Berufliche Didaktiken Didactics of Engineering Education Didactic Principles Dresden, September 2017 Term Didactic Principle Theory ry describes, explains and

  1. Fakultät Erziehungswissenschaften Institut für Berufspädagogik und Berufliche Didaktiken Didactics of Engineering Education Didactic Principles Dresden, September 2017

  2. Term „Didactic Principle“ Theory ry • describes, explains and prognoses System of assured statements laws Meth thod od • directs and regulates human thought and action System of rules, principles, advices „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  3. Term „Didactic Principle“ PRINCIPLE latin leading basic idea • Principles for lesson design, beads on laws or coherences almost like laws or systematised experiences • Presents/opens up spac ace e for thought ughts and action on for the teacher her • is valid for all forms/types of vocational lessons/learning/ instruction • depicts coherence of arguments in the design of vocational lessons/learning/ instruction (descriptive function) • have an effect on orientation, performing of tasks and evaluation of results/outcomes without determining them (regulative function) „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  4. Functions of Didactic Principles Descriptive Funktion  Theoretical Didactic functions describe explanatory contexts in Design of professional instruction. Regulative Funktion  Methodological Didactic functions act regulative on orientation, execution and control of teacher acts „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  5. Term „ Didactic Rule“ Didactic Rules - special regulative indications, which go into detail on the implementation and correct application of the didactic principles - refer to concrete situations „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  6. Influ luence ence factors tors of of enginee gineering ing education ucation econ onomy omy science ience soc ocie iety ty le learn rner er matter ers of resear earch structur tures es in produc uction tion social ial needs ds individuals ividuals with needs ds and resear arch h methods ods and service ice and social ial in engi gineeri neering ng sciences iences values ues professional essional work development elopment of cogniti nitions ons of psychology hology idea a of man techniques hniques and in society iety technology hnology demands ands on labour our demands on engineering education relating to objectives and organization Folie ie 6

  7. Ausgewählte didaktische Prinzipien Work process reference Academic approach Methodology and systematology Education effectiveness Comprehensibility Clearness/Illustration Activity and autonomy Vorlesung „Didaktische Prinzipien“ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  8. Theory of long waves in the economy according to Kondratieff

  9. Didactic Principle of Education effectiveness nonage is the inability to use of the own understanding without direction from another person. (I. Kant) From the convenience to be nonage „ Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred nonage ...“ Immanuel Kant 1784 „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  10. Didactic Principle of Academic Approach Academic approach of teaching is, to teach objectively truth in his system for the acquisition of the vocation. Academic approach of teaching requires to develop methods and techniques of his professional field and of learning „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  11. Didactic Principle of Methodology and Systematology Methodology of teaching means to teach purposefully on the basis of curricula and other instructions as well as orders. . Systematology of teaching means to arrange the particular academically proven considering methodology in an entirety. „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  12. Didactic Principle of Comprehensibility Teaching in a comprehensible way means to design learning conditions for the students, that they can acquire the learning objects with reasonable effort. Deve velopm lopmen ental al Psyc ycho hologic logical al Justif stifica ication ion Motiva ivation ion Psyc ycho hologic logical al Jus ustific ificat ation ion Did idac actic ic cons onsequence quences „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  13. Developmental Psychological Justification Theory of intellectual development according to PIAGET Mental development takes place in a balanced ratio of assimilation and accommodation. In the process of assimilation external instructions be brought in accordance with the internal structures The mental accomodation is the opposite movement towards assimilation. It consists in the variation of the individual and its inner structure by reality. (vgl. Furth, H.G.: Piaget für Lehrer.- Düsseldorf 1973, S.29) „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  14. Developmental Psychological Justification Assimilation Accomodation Admission of new experiences Admission of new experiences If necessary, modification of the Changing the internal structure, new experience, for consistency for consistency with the new experiences with its own knowledge structure Contradiction-free integration of Contradiction-free integration of new experiences in the own new experiences in the own knowledge structure knowledge structure (Act schemes) (Act schemes) „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  15. Motivation Psychological Justification Theory of achievement motivation by ATKINSON (Risk choice model) Achievement motivation Claim, appeal of the task probability of success task difficulty moderate tasks „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  16. Didactic Consequences Didactic rules of the principle of comprehensibility Move from Known to Unknown from Simple to more Complicated from Near to more Remote from Easy to more Difficult „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  17. Didactic Consequences Didactic Simplification Disciplinary scientific knowledge structures e.g. Engineering, Vocation-related Medicine, etc. knowledge structures Transformation „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  18. Didactic Consequences Which h subject ject-mat matter ters of engineer ineering ing scienc ences are usef eful ul as appropr opriate iate matter ers of acquis uisition tion for the respec ective ive profes essions? ons?  relation tion to subject ject-matt atters ers of engineer ineering ing sciences iences subject ubject-mat atter ers of didac dactic ical simpli plific ication ion matter ers of acquisit quisitio ion engin gineer eering ing science iences prof ofes ession ional al aktivit ivities ies System tem of scientif entific ic statements ements of engine neer ering ing sciences iences with profes essiona onal relation ion (Theor ories, ies, laws, hypothes otheses es ...) System tem of profes essional ional scientif entific ic act regul ulatives atives (Princ ncipl iples es, , methods hods, rules, , procedures edures) System tem of profes essional ional scientif entific ic act standar ndards ds (Directives tives, , standar ndards ds) Folie ie 18 18

  19. Didactic Consequences Didactic Simplification according to HERING Didactic simplification of a scientific statement is the transition of a differentiated term or statement (including special characteristics of the object) into a universal term or statement (including validity to the same extent about the same object seen from the same aspect) (Hering, D.: Zur Faßlichkeit naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Aussagen. Berlin 1959, S.92) Criterion for the legitimacy of didactic simplification - Academic approach must be preserved - Transition must be possible without contradictions (no unlearning/relearning – recently learned matters must be compatible with matters learned a longer time ago) „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  20. Didactic Simplification Ways of didactic simplification Redemption (elimination) of secondary statements – Example 1 In the stomach, proteins are denatured by the hydrochloric acid (Denaturation means complete loss of structure), and the inactive Pepsinogen is activated to pepsin. The latter splits about 10% of the proteins in smaller polypeptide chains that are now resorbable. Simplification: In the stomach, part of the proteins by chemical processes into smaller Particles decomposed, which can now be absorbed into the blood.  Generic Term „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  21. Didactic Simplification Ways of didactic simplification Redemption (elimination) of secondary statements – Example 2 In psychology, the observation, the experiment, the test and the survey are scientific procedures to to win data about an object of research. Simplification: In psychology there are different scientific methods of data collection.  Generic Term „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

  22. Didactic Simplification Ways of didactic simplification Redemption (elimination) of secondary statements – Example 3 Electrical conductivity is possible through electrons, ions, or p-holes. Simplification: Electrical conductivity is possible through moving charge carriers.  Generic Term „ Didactic Principles “ / Dr. phil. Steffen Kersten

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