education inspection framework inspecting

Education inspection framework: Inspecting the substance of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education inspection framework: Inspecting the substance of education Mike Sheridan HMI Regional Director, London. Education inspection framework Slide 1 Inspection experience Development 26 years of inspecting education Most

  1. Education inspection framework: Inspecting the substance of education Mike Sheridan HMI Regional Director, London. Education inspection framework Slide 1

  2. Inspection experience Development 26 years of inspecting education Most research-informed framework Research shared publicly Largest ever number of pilot inspections More than 250 pilot inspections Sharing draft inspection handbooks First time we’ve consulted on the handbooks Consultation Ofsted’s biggest ever consultation Education inspection framework Slide 2

  3. The consultation responses 16 January - 5 April 2019 ▪ More than 15,000 responses ▪ Almost 11,000 responses to online questionnaire ▪ Over 600 email responses ▪ Over 4,000 responses as a result of campaigns ▪ Over 150 face to face engagement events ▪ Over 400 people joined external webinars Education inspection framework Slide 3

  4. The EIF: the case for change ▪ Currently, the accountability system can divert schools from the real substance of education . ▪ What young people learn is too often coming second to delivering performance data . ▪ Teaching to the test and a narrow curriculum have the greatest negative effect on the most disadvantaged and the least able children . ▪ The EIF puts the curriculum at the heart of the new framework, putting the focus on the substance of education . Education inspection framework Slide 4

  5. Our focus ‘A force for improvement through intelligent, responsible and focused inspection and regulation’ Ofsted strategy 2017 – 22 The new framework ▪ The curriculum at the heart of inspection. ▪ No need to produce progress and attainment data ‘for Ofsted’, helping reduce unnecessary workload. ▪ All pupils should have access to a high-quality education – challenging gaming and ‘ off- rolling ’. Education inspection framework Slide 5

  6. Ofsted’s definition of curriculum: “the framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage” Curriculum roadshow: EIF

  7. EIF 2019 – proposed inspection judgements Overall effectiveness 75% of the public and sector agreed or strongly agreed with the approach of our ‘Quality of Behaviour and attitudes Education’ judgement in our recent consultation Personal development Quality of education Leadership and 78% of the public and sector agreed or strongly agreed we should management introduce our new ‘Behaviour and Attitudes’ and ‘Personal Development’ judgements Education inspection framework Slide 7

  8. Quality of education judgement The new quality of education judgement puts the real substance of education, the curriculum , at the heart of inspection. Inspectors will have a connected, educationally-focused conversation, incorporating: ▪ Curriculum design, coverage, appropriateness and delivery ▪ Teaching (pedagogy) ▪ Assessment (formative and summative) ▪ Attainment and progress (including national tests and assessments) ▪ Reading ▪ Readiness for the next stage of education 8 Education inspection framework

  9. Has the content of the curriculum been learned long term? ‘Learning is defined as an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learned.’ Sweller, J., Ayres, P., & Kalyuga, S. (2011). Cognitive load theory (Vol. 1). Springer Science & Business Media. 9

  10. Distinguishing curriculum from teaching and assessment Pedagogy: Teaching Curriculum: activities or HOW WHAT is taught curriculum content is taught Assessment Desired high level outcomes and measures of those outcomes Curriculum roadshow: EIF

  11. Knowledge does not sit as isolated ‘information’ in pupils’ minds. 11

  12. 12

  13. The curriculum isn’t… ▪ … just the subject or qualification offer ▪ …the same as teaching activities: the curriculum is WHAT is taught and not how it is taught ▪ …about devising extra or more elaborate or creative activities ▪ …vague – it is a specific plan of what children need to know in total, and in each subject . Curriculum roadshow: EIF

  14. Knowledge allows comprehension

  15. Knowledge allows comprehension In what areas of the curriculum could this prior knowledge have been learned?

  16. unusual team of species extinct anatomy process species scientists scientist animal recording predator reptile prey flightless natural unique freshwater wildlife feature relative world wildlife ‘newly ‘unique ‘impact on ‘birds’ ‘helping ‘a variety of scientists find discovered wildlife natural ability to unusual out more’ animals’ species’ wiped out’ world’ survive’

  17. These words covered in the KS2 science National Curriculum are taken from the ‘Dodo’ passage in the key stage 2 reading test. unusual team of species extinct anatomy process species scientists scientist animal recording predator reptile prey flightless natural unique freshwater wildlife feature relative world wildlife ‘newly ‘unique ‘impact on ‘birds’ ‘helping ‘a variety of scientists find discovered wildlife natural ability to unusual out more’ animals’ species’ wiped out’ world’ survive’

  18. Vocabulary size relates to academic success ▪ 90% of vocabulary only encountered through reading ▪ Vocabulary size is a convenient proxy for a whole range of educational attainment abilities — not just skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking but also general knowledge of science, history and the arts. ▪ If we want to reduce economic inequality, a good place to start is the classroom. 18 Curriculum workshops autumn 18

  19. Skill Progress Skills and knowledge: a false binary (capacity to perform) Progress Progress Knowledge Skills Knowledge 19

  20. Common questions (myths!) Should I get advice What if I’m in the from a consultant or Is there an ‘Ofsted process of changing my buy in specific curriculum’? school’s curriculum? products? No. We support No! There is nothing curriculum flexibility. mysterious here. The There will be a Different schools taking quality of education is transitional period . radically different about schools and We will review the approaches to the trusts thinking about position after a year. curriculum will be the curriculum carefully judged fairly. for themselves. Education inspection framework Slide 20

  21. Additional information: Changes to the way we inspect Education inspection framework Slide 21

  22. Preparing for inspection off-site ▪ We have listened to the concern about this proposal and we will not introduce on-site preparation. ▪ To keep the benefits, we will introduce a 90 minute telephone call between the lead inspector and the headteacher, or their nominated delegate, during the afternoon before inspection begins. ▪ This will enable professional dialogue to begin about the education provided by the school, and to plan the inspection together. Education inspection framework Slide 22

  23. Inspection model for quality of education Education inspection framework Slide 23

  24. What will be included in the deep dives? Scrutiny of pupils’ work Visits to a Discussions connected with senior sample of leaders lessons Discussions Discussions with with curriculum teachers leaders Discussions with pupils Education inspection framework Slide 24

  25. ‘Inspectors will not look at non-statutory internal progress and attainment data’ ▪ We will proceed with inspectors not looking at non-statutory progress and attainment data ▪ Inspectors will ask what leaders understand about progress and attainment in the school, and will then say ‘let’s see that first - hand, together’ ▪ Inspectors will consider the actions taken by schools in response to their understanding of progress and attainment, and the impact of these actions Education inspection framework Slide 25

  26. Inspectors will take into account your context when planning the inspection. ▪ Size ▪ Subject leadership ▪ Senior leaders with teaching commitment ▪ Tariff ▪ Partnership ▪ Mixed aged teaching Education inspection framework Slide 26

  27. Resources you might find useful Education inspection framework Slide 27

  28. Useful resources available online ▪ Curriculum roadshow – slides and videos live on website now: workshop-126193516 ▪ ‘ Inspecting the curriculum ’: curriculum ▪ Videos about key topics (e.g. curriculum, data) – live now: zBnUkspPXjODb3PJ4gCqNc2LvfhSh ▪ Research commentary : framework-overview-of-research Education inspection framework Slide 28

  29. Ofsted on the web and on social media Education inspection framework Slide 29

  30. Thank you Education inspection framework Slide 30


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