Education as a computational science Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
EPFL MOOCS: 1’908’876
Hype is over but MOOCs continue to grow …. 1’815’471 Registrations 77 Courses Online 97‘510 Passed 35 Courses In Preparation
● N=1728 0.4 ● N=938 EPFL Freshmen ● N=5295 0.2 EPFL Grade Baccalaureat Level ● HI LO N=1334 0.0 N=951 − 0.2 N=5666 NONE VIEW ACT MOOC Usage Patrick Jermann, Francisco Pinto (EPFL CEDE)
Education Technologies Learning Analytics Teaching CS CS ED
e-learning ????????? Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
Swarm Cellulo (Ayberk Ozgur, Wafa Johal, P. DIllenbourg)
Swarm Interactions ED CS Education Technologies
Johal, Lemaignan, Asselborn, Jacq, Billard, Paiva, Dillenbourg
Swarm Interactions Teachable Agents ED CS Education Technologies
Education Technologies Learning Analytics Teaching CS CS ED
learning Analytics predict, classify, decide, ‘explain’ SVM, KMC, DNN, RNN, 2AM, POMDP Computational Education Models Research Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
K t B t Observable State Hidden State K t+1 B t+1 p(K t+1 | B t+1 , K t ) Bayesian Knowledge Tracing p(K t = ‘skill-x’ | B t = ‘correct answer’)= 1 - Guess p(K t = ‘skill-X’ | B t = ‘incorrect answer’)= 0 + Slip
Improve the management of education systems Computational Education Models Research Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
What about modeling learning outsider technology-based environments ?
pre-requisites p(Succeed ( CS243 ) | Failed ( CS201 )) carreer p(Salary > T | { INF201, MA203,INF233,.. }) recommender 78% of those who select CS243 also selected CS411 ……. Campus Analytics Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
how deep ?
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions (Features) Education needs explainable AI Computational Education Models Research Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions (Features) gaze(a)=ƒ(gaze(b))
Gaze Recurrence
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions gaze(listener)=ƒ(gaze(speaker)) Feature: Gaze recurrence Context: Collaborative learning
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions gaze (learner) = ƒ (reference (teacher)) Feature: Withmeness Context: Lecturing
Sarah d’Angelo, Kshitij Sharma, Darren Gergle, Pierre Dillenbourg (2016)
Do finger-based or gaze-based deictics enhance learning ? Sarah d’Angelo, Kshitij Sharma, Darren Gergle, Pierre Dillenbourg (2016)
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions gaze (learner) = ƒ (gaze (teacher)) Feature: ‘Withmeness’ Context: Lecturing
K t B t Modeling in the wild ? Raca, Tormey & Dillenbourg
Relevant Behavioral Abstractions gaze (learner) = ƒ (location (teacher)) Feature: Head rotations Context: Lecturing
activity (teacher) = ƒ (gaze (teacher)) L. Prieto, K. Sharma, L. Kidzinsky, P. Dillenbourg
Education brings nice challenges (1) Explainability Computational Education Models Research Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
Education brings nice challenges (2) Cold Start Integrate expert’s knowledge Use simulation with synthetic students
Education brings nice challenges (3) Exploration Exploitation Tradeoff Learner 1 A B Learner 2 Learner 3 A Learner 4 A Learner 5 Learner 6 A Learner 7 A Learner 8 ? Learner 9
Education Context Exploration/ Explainable AI Cold Start Exploitation Trade-OFF Cohorte Simulations
Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) for Exploration-Exploitation ➢ Selecting learning activities ➢ LFA model ➢ Tested with simulated students ➢ Will present and discuss this work at ECTEL in Septembre 59 Louis Faucon, Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
Education is a computational science EPFL Center for Learning Sciences
GRAASP Happy Numbers SpeakUP
Co Compu. u. Th Thinkin ing MO MOOCs Center La Lake of NC NCCR Piaget Pi Learning Co Collider Sciences EPFL Digital Education Ecosystem
Social Sciences Humanities Education Modern Languages Psychology Old Language Sociology Littérature Ethnology Philosophy Anthropology Religion Economics Art Political Sciences Musicology Linguistics Museology History History This is not one science !!! Demography …. Management …..
Education Docimology Didactics Instructional Psychology Instructional Design And…. Learning Technologies History of Education Sociology of Education Economy of Education Special Education Psychology Cognitive psychology Social psychology Psychometry Clinical psychology Differential Psychology Developmental Psychology Sociology
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