educat catio ional al reso esource ces f for chi children

Educat catio ional al Reso esource ces f for Chi Children en, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Educat catio ional al Reso esource ces f for Chi Children en, I Inc. c. 50 Post Office Road, Enfield, CT 06082 Phone: 860-253-9935 ~ Fax: 860-253-9995 Email: 1 Ed Educ ucationa nal R Res esour urces es f for

  1. Educat catio ional al Reso esource ces f for Chi Children en, I Inc. c. 50 Post Office Road, Enfield, CT 06082 Phone: 860-253-9935 ~ Fax: 860-253-9995 Email: 1

  2. Ed Educ ucationa nal R Res esour urces es f for Children, en, Inc nc. Serving E g Enfie ield f d familie milies a and childr ildren sin ince 1 1994 Our Mission ERfC teams with kids, communities, schools, and families to grow resilient kids. Through innovative community collaborations, we help kids learn, reach their goals, and contribute to their communities. 2

  3. ER ERfC B Before & After Sc School hool C Care Un Uniq ique benefit its f for r Enfie ield ld f familie ilies a and child ildren • 17 years of experience working with Enfield families and children • Partnership with Enfield Public Schools that includes aligning after-school academic support with school day curriculum – best practice evidence-based programs tied to state and national initiatives for school-age children • Certified teacher-tutors who work in our current after-school learning centers 3

  4. ER ERfC B Before & After Sc School hool C Care Un Uniqu que be benefits f for r Enfiel eld f families es and c children en • Family programs, including family literacy in our current centers • Strong funding partners who bring $ to Enfield • Financial support for families including sliding fee scale and support from funders 4

  5. Prove ven f fundrai aisi sing s succes cess fo for E Enfi field s schools & & fa families 2002 – 2010 Over $2,834,312 state & federal grants Over $850,000 foundations & community support 5

  6. O ur Funding Partners - State Department of Education - Hartford Foundation for Public Giving - United Way of North Central CT - MassMutual Foundation - Cox Charities - Bishop’s Fund for Children These funds are provided to us because of the unique services we provide and the high quality of our services; services that we can offer to many more families and children. 6

  7. We are re Enfi Enfield! d! 70 c communi ommunity vol olunt unteers provide 1,200 hours of service to Enfield families, children, and schools through ERfC 7

  8. ERfC & Enfield Families In collaboration with school PTO’s and community groups, ERfC will continue to provide family night events at each before- & after-school site Family Game Nights CMT Prep Activities Parent Workshops Literacy Programs Internet Safety Activities Health & Fitness Fairs Guys & Girls Nights Out 8

  9. ER ERfC i improv oves s stud tudent outcom t outcomes by p part rtnering w g wit ith s schools a and familie milies • To provide a safe, fun place for students to continue learning • To align school day curriculum with after- school activities • To work with families to support their children’s social, emotional, and academic growth 9

  10. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Proven Academic Results • Student grades improve in core subjects • Teachers report that students complete homework on time and that the homework is correct • Students report that they better understand their assignments • As students practice what they learn after school, fewer students require remedial help. 1 0

  11. ERfC a and Enfie ield t d teachers wor ork tog togeth ether to to meas easure outcom outcomes Teacher surveys related to homework 2009 – 2010 • Alcorn & Enfield Street Schools—123 students 62% showed improvement • Barnard & Crandall Schools—91 students 59% showed improvement • JFK After School—156 students 76% showed improvement 1 1

  12. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re New f for r 2011-2012 2012 • Operate in four or seven new schools! • Provide a before-school breakfast program • Open on teacher in-service days & half days • Open during winter and spring school vacation days/week • Open on non-federal holidays • Extend Summer Escape to 6 weeks • Each school site will be licensed NOTE: Minimum enrollment of 15 children 1 2

  13. ERf ERfC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re All Enfield children will now have an opportunity to attend before- and after-school care Enfield’s redistricting plan will allow ERfC to continue working with 200 students from four elementary schools and provide opportunities to serve even more Enfield students. 1 3

  14. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Enfield Street Seven (7) & Edgar Parkman Before School Before & After Breakfast Programs School Care Hazardville Memorial Nathan Hale & Eli Whitney Before & After Before & After School Care School Care Henry Barnard & Prudence Crandall Before & After School Care 1 4

  15. ER ERfC B Bef efor ore & & After ter School School Car Care Admin inis istr tratio ion & & Staff Over 50 years of combined professional after school care experience • Provides 1-10 ratio • Certified in first aid & CPR • Mandated child reporters • Staff trained to work one-to-one with children when required 1 5

  16. ER ERfC B Befor ore & & After Sc School hool Care Ongoing p professi ssional al d devel velopmen ent f for s staf aff • CT After School Network • CREC—Capitol Region Education Council • State Department of Education • The After School Alliance • NIOST – National Institute Out-of-School-Time • Regional after-school care conferences • Charter Oak College – before- and after- school education credentialing 1 6

  17. ER ERfC fC Sports Sports A Afte fter Sc School hool for for all Enfi Enfield K d Kids ds! Kid idZ Sport rts w will ill continue to opera rate d durin ring th the e sch chool yea ear a at a t all a after ter-school c care e site tes for stu tuden ents wh who wa want to t to parti tici cipa pate in sports ts but ut d do o not not e enr nrol oll in n after-scho hool ol c care Barnard 1 7

  18. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re A Safe P Pla lace t to be wit ith F Frie riends ds 1 8

  19. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Small Group Homework Tutoring 1 9

  20. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Homework Linked to the School Day 2 0

  21. ER ERfC fC B Before & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care Reading Incentive Programs and spelling challenges engage students 2 1

  22. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Explori loring ng Science ence O Outdoo oors rs 2 2

  23. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Enjo joying A g Art rts & & Cra rafts 2 3

  24. ERfC Bef efore & & After ter School Car l Care e Kids on Ki on the the Move! e! Provide opportunities for students to experience a variety of physical activities that contribute to active lifestyles. 2 4

  25. ER ERfC fC B Before & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care Sports ts & & G Games es 2 5

  26. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Discov covering ring Elect ctroni ronics cs 2 6

  27. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool Care re Chall lleng enging ing O Oppor ortuni tunities ties 2 7

  28. ERfC ER fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re The he M Making ng of of a M Mus usic Vide deo 2 8

  29. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re We We Just K Keep o on Learn rnin ing! Designing parachutes building & launching rockets Tallying and measuring shots in basketball Learning about diversity and tolerance in cultural enrichment activities 2 9

  30. Summer Escape All-Day Camp for Grades K-8 3 0

  31. Community Support of ERfC Before & After School Care Annual Soap Box Race Fundraiser at the 4 th of July Celebra ration 3 1

  32. Sup Support of of Bef efor ore & & After ter School School Car Care ERfC Staff at the Capitol with Enfield Legislators 3 2

  33. ER ERfC fC Befor fore & & Afte fter Sc School hool C Care re Kids with a place to go after school . . . go places! 3 3


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