edge preserving filtering median filter bilateral filter

Edge Preserving Filtering Median Filter Bilateral Filter Shai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Edge Preserving Filtering Median Filter Bilateral Filter Shai Avidan Tel-Aviv University Slide Credits (partial list) Rick Szeliski Steve Seitz Alyosha Efros Yacov Hel-Or Marc Levoy Bill Freeman Fredo

  1. Edge Preserving Filtering Median Filter Bilateral Filter Shai Avidan Tel-Aviv University

  2. Slide Credits � (partial list) • Rick Szeliski • Steve Seitz • Alyosha Efros • Yacov Hel-Or • Marc Levoy • Bill Freeman • Fredo Durand • Sylvain Paris

  3. A Gentle Introduction to Bilateral Filtering and its Applications “Fixing the Gaussian Blur”: the Bilateral Filter Sylvain Paris – MIT CSAIL

  4. Box Average square neighborhood output input average

  5. Equation of Box Average � � � BA [ I ] B ( p q ) I � p q � q S intensity at result at pixel q pixel p sum over all pixels q normalized box function 0

  6. Square Box Generates Defects • Axis-aligned streaks • Blocky results output input

  7. Box Profile pixel weight pixel position unrelated related unrelated pixels pixels pixels

  8. Strategy to Solve these Problems • Use an isotropic ( i.e. circular) window. • Use a window with a smooth falloff. box window Gaussian window

  9. Gaussian Blur per-pixel multiplication * output input average

  10. input

  11. box average

  12. Gaussian blur

  13. Equation of Gaussian Blur Same idea: weighted average of pixels . � � � � � GB [ I ] G || p q || I � p q � q S normalized Gaussian function 1 0

  14. Gaussian Profile �� � 2 1 x � � � G ( x ) exp � � pixel � � 2 � � 2 2 � � weight pixel position unrelated uncertain related uncertain unrelated pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels

  15. Spatial Parameter � � � � � GB [ I ] G || p q || I input � p q � q S size of the window small � large � limited smoothing strong smoothing

  16. Blur Comes from Averaging across Edges * output input * * Same Gaussian kernel everywhere.

  17. Bilateral Filter No Averaging across Edges [Aurich 95, Smith 97, Tomasi 98] * output input * * The kernel shape depends on the image content.

  18. Bilateral Filter Definition: an Additional Edge Term Same idea: weighted average of pixels . new not new new � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p q q W s r � q S p normalization space weight range weight factor I

  19. Illustration a 1D Image • 1D image = line of pixels • Better visualized as a plot pixel intensity pixel position

  20. Gaussian Blur and Bilateral Filter Gaussian blur p � � � � � GB [ I ] G || p q || I q � p q � q S space space Bilateral filter [Aurich 95, Smith 97, Tomasi 98] p � � 1 � � range � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p q q W q s r � q S p space range normalization space

  21. Space and Range Parameters � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p q q W s r � q S p • space � s : spatial extent of the kernel, size of the considered neighborhood. • range � r : “minimum” amplitude of an edge

  22. How to Set the Parameters Depends on the application. For instance: • space parameter: proportional to image size – e.g., 2% of image diagonal • range parameter: proportional to edge amplitude – e.g., mean or median of image gradients • independent of resolution and exposure

  23. A Few More Advanced Remarks

  24. Bilateral Filter Crosses Thin Lines • Bilateral filter averages across features thinner than ~2 � s • Desirable for smoothing: more pixels = more robust • Different from diffusion that stops at thin lines close-up kernel

  25. Iterating the Bilateral Filter � I BF [ I ] � ( n 1 ) ( n ) • Generate more piecewise-flat images • Often not needed in computational photo.

  26. input

  27. 1 iteration

  28. 2 iterations

  29. 4 iterations

  30. Bilateral Filtering Color Images input For gray-level images intensity difference � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p q q W s r � q S p scalar output For color images color difference � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G || C C || C � � p p q q W s r � q S p 3D vector (RGB, Lab) The bilateral filter is The bilateral filter is extremely easy to adapt to your need. extremely easy to adapt to your need.

  31. Applications • Image denoising • HDR Compression – Key idea: – Break image into base and detail layers – Compress base – Recompose image

  32. Fast Implementation: 3D Kernel [Paris and Durand 06] • Idea: represent image data such that the weights depend only on the distance between points close in space 1D image Plot I = f ( x ) pixel far in range intensity pixel position

  33. 1 st Step: Re-arranging Symbols � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p q q W s r � q S p � � � � � � � � W G || p q || G | I I | � � p p q s r � q S Multiply first equation by W p � � � � � � � � W BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p p q q s r � q S � � 1 � � � � � � W G || p q || G | I I | � � p p q s r � q S

  34. 1 st Step: Summary � � � � � � � � W BF [ I ] G || p q || G | I I | I � � p p p q q s r � q S � � 1 � � � � � � W G || p q || G | I I | � � p p q s r � q S • Similar equations • No normalization factor anymore • Don’t forget to divide at the end

  35. 2 nd Step: Higher-dimensional Space • “Product of two Gaussians” = higher dim. Gaussian space range p p

  36. 2 nd Step: Higher-dimensional Space • 0 almost everywhere, I at “plot location” space range p p

  37. 2 nd Step: Higher-dimensional Space • 0 almost everywhere, I at “plot location” • Weighted average at each point = Gaussian blur p p

  38. 2 nd Step: Higher-dimensional Space • 0 almost everywhere, I at “plot location” • Weighted average at each point = Gaussian blur • Result is at “plot location” p p

  39. New num. scheme: • simple operations • complex space ���������������������������� ������������� ������ ������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ��������� �������� �������

  40. Strategy: downsampled convolution ���������������������������� ������������������� �������������������� ������� ������� ����������� ����������� ��������������� �������� Conceptual view, ������� not exactly the actual algorithm

  41. The Algorithm

  42. NEW IDEA : ‘Joint’ or ‘Cross’ Bilateral’ Petschnigg(2004) and Eisemann(2004) Bilateral � two kinds of weights NEW : get them from two kinds of images. • Smooth image A pixels locally, but • Limit to ‘similar regions’ of image B Why do this? To get ‘best of both images’

  43. Ordinary Bilateral Filter Bilateral � two kinds of weights, one image A : � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ A ] G || p q || G | A A | A � � p p q q W s r � q S p Image A: c c ����� ����� s s f(x) f(x) x x ������ ������

  44. ‘Joint’ or ‘Cross’ Bilateral Filter NEW: two kinds of weights, two images � � 1 � � � � � � BF [ A ] G || p q || G | B B | A � � p p q q W s r � q S p B: Clean,strong A: Noisy, dim (Flash image) (ambient image) c c c c s s s s

  45. Image A: Warm, shadows, but too Noisy (too dim for a good quick photo) (too dim for a good quick photo) No-flash

  46. Image B: Cold, Shadow-free, Clean (flash: simple light, ALMOST no shadows) (flash: simple light, ALMOST no shadows)

  47. MERGE BEST OF BOTH: apply ‘Cross Bilateral’ or ‘Joint Bilateral’

  48. (it really is much better!)

  49. Video Enhancement Using Per Pixel Exposures (Bennett, 06) From this video: ASTA: A daptive S patio- S T emporal T A ccumulation Filter

  50. ASTA Replace pixel difference with a general dissimilarity measure D(x,x)=0, D(x,y)=D(y,x)

  51. Shot noise

  52. A new dissimilarity measure Instead of comparing pixel intensities, look at their local spatial neighborhood

  53. The Process for One Frame • Raw Video Frame: (from FIFO center) • Histogram stretching; (estimate gain for each pixel) • ‘Mostly Temporal’ Bilateral Filter: – Average recent similar values, – Reject outliers (avoids ‘ghosting’), spatial avg as needed – Tone Mapping


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