ecological services

Ecological Services Ecological Services & Biodiversity - PDF document

Slide 1 / 131 Slide 2 / 131 6th Grade Biodiversity and Humans 2015-08-27 Slide 3 / 131 Slide 4 / 131 Biodiversity and Humans Click on the topic to go to that section Ecological Services Ecological Services Ecological

  1. Slide 1 / 131 Slide 2 / 131 6th Grade Biodiversity and Humans 2015-08-27 Slide 3 / 131 Slide 4 / 131 Biodiversity and Humans Click on the topic to go to that section Ecological Services · Ecological Services Ecological Services & Biodiversity · Threats to Biodiversity · Conservation and Preservation · Restoration Ecology · Return to Table Works Cited · of Contents Slide 5 / 131 Slide 6 / 131 Raise Your Hand If... Ecosystem Services You are wearing clothes made out of cotton. Humans benefit from both natural and managed ecosystems. · These benefits are known as ecosystem services. You drank juice or milk with your breakfast. · You used water for any purpose in the last 24 hours. · You drove to school in a car that used fuel. Some of these services have direct economic value such as · providing food and medicine. If you raised your hand for any of the above statements, then you have benefited from the ecosystem. Look at the list again. How does each statement describe something that requires elements of the Earth's ecosystems? Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Illustratedjc.

  2. Slide 7 / 131 Slide 8 / 131 Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Services We rely on ecosystem services in many facets of our lives. Consider The types of ecosystem services can be broken up into 4 categories: this: of the 150 top prescription drugs used in the US, 74% are derived from plants 18% are derived from fungi Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Payne. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Petts. Provisioning Services Regulating Services 5% are derived from bacteria and 3% are derived from vertebrates Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Alexchris. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Turelio. Supporting Services Cultural Services Slide 9 / 131 Slide 10 / 131 Provisioning Services Provisioning Services What are provisions? Click below to check your answer. Provisioning services include all products that are obtained from an ecosystem. Provisions are items that are provided. Provisioning services include: food · What kinds of provisions can the ecosystem supply to us? Write your medicine · ideas below. water · wood · fuel · fiber/fabric (made from plants) · What are different uses for all of the provisioning services listed above? Slide 11 / 131 Slide 12 / 131 Regulating Services Regulating Services To regulate means to control something so that it operates properly. Regulating services are benefits that we receive from the regulation of ecosystem processes. What do you think regulating services are? Write your thoughts and examples below. Each slide that follows shows an example of a regulating service. Read about that service and then answer this question: How does this service benefit humans?

  3. Slide 13 / 131 Slide 14 / 131 Vegetation and Erosion Pollination The roots from vegetation hold soil particles in place while the A variety of animals act as pollinators for different plants. leaves and branches shelter the soil from the wind. This reduces Pollination is necessary for plant reproduction. the amount of soil erosion. How is effective pollination beneficial to humans? How does reduced erosion benefit humans? Click on the bees for an example. Click on the tree roots for an example. Since pollination Reduced erosion is essential for reproduction, it is increases the health of critical for food the soil. This creates production. healthier plants, which are used for food, wood, clothing etc. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Eastland. Source: Wikipedia. Author: Escobar. Slide 15 / 131 Slide 16 / 131 Water Purification Water Purification A watershed is an area of land in which all water from Wetland plants remove high levels of phosphorus, nitrogen and · streams, rivers and precipitation flow into one body of water. toxic heavy metals helping to make the water safer to use. Plants and animals affect how much water is collected in a As water flows into a watershed, bacteria and animals help to · watershed as well as the quality of water. break down harmful waste in the water. Tree roots absorb runoff pollution. · How is water purification beneficial Humans need clean Click here to watch a video describing watersheds. to humans? water for drinking, growing crops and Click the wetlands for recreation. an example. Source: Hawaii Association of Watershed Partnerships Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Hillebrand. Slide 17 / 131 Slide 18 / 131 Air Purification 1 Ecosystem services are products that humans provide for the ecosystem. Forests play an important role in air purification. Trees in forests absorb air pollutants, reduce carbon dioxide levels and provide oxygen. True False How is air purification beneficial to humans? All animals (including humans) need clean air to Click on the forest for survive. an example.

  4. Slide 19 / 131 Slide 20 / 131 2 Your uncle is a contractor who specializes in building 3 Trees help to control the extent of global warming by log cabins. What type of ecosystem service does he absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. What use most directly? type of ecosystem service is this? A Provisioning A Provisioning B Regulating B Regulating C Cultural C Cultural D Supporting D Supporting Slide 21 / 131 Slide 22 / 131 5 The role of wetland plants in making water safe for 4 Deforestation occurs when large expanses of forest humans is to __. area are removed. A possible consequence of deforestation may include __. A break down wastes A a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide B remove toxic metals B more air pollution C remove oxygen C less atmospheric oxygen D release nitrogen D B and C Slide 23 / 131 Slide 24 / 131 6 Animals and bacteria help to break down waste in 7 Which of the following is not a possible consequence of removing trees from watersheds and other areas? water. True A increase in soil cohesion False B more runoff pollution C higher likelihood of erosion D increase in air pollutants

  5. Slide 25 / 131 Slide 26 / 131 Case Study: Genetic Materials Case Study: Genetic Materials The biodiversity present on Earth contains a large amount of genetic The European corn borer is a caterpillar that material. destroys corn plants by boring into the stems. These insects cause over a billion dollars This genetic material is an ecosystem service. worth of damage to corn crops every year. For example, genetic materials from plants can be used to modify crops to improve their: Source: Wikipedia. Author: Weller. disease resistance · insect and pest resistance · Using genetic material from overall yield · a bacteria, scientists have nutritional value · inserted a protein into corn plants to enable them to make a substance that is poisonous to corn borers. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Tooony. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Author: Geller-Grimm. Slide 27 / 131 Slide 28 / 131 Case Study: Genetic Materials Case Study: Genetic Materials How would a loss of biodiversity affect the use of genetic materials Think about the European corn borer and corn plants. as ecosystem services? Write your thoughts below. The use of genetic materials from bacteria to create genetically modified corn plants is an ecosystem service. In what category would you place this service: provisioning or regulating? Discuss as a class. Slide 29 / 131 Slide 30 / 131 Cultural Services 8 An ecosystem service can provide more than one type of benefit. Cultural services from an ecosystem are nonmaterial services that enhance the spiritual, intellectual and social development of humans. True Can you think of any examples of when you used nature in a nonmaterial manner? Click to the next slide to see some examples. False

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