Potential Projects Recognition and classification Early Work by D’Arcy Thompson Face recognition: under age variation Image-based disease diagnosis Shoe image classification Scene understanding Matching & registration TPS-RPM registration for medical structures (shapes) Image stitching Video analysis Visual tracking Action recognition Detection Landmark point detection License plate detection Blurred object detection D’Arcy Thompson, 1917 Others … CIS 5543 – Computer Vision Key Points Shape Analysis Math is helpful for morphology. Homologous structures necessary: correspondence. Given these, compute transformations of plane. Haibin Ling Uses: Nature of transformation gives clues to forces of growth. Shapes related by simple transformation -> species are related. Many compelling examples. Morph between species, predict intermediate species. Can predict missing parts of skeleton. Many slides revised from D. Jacobs Shape Analysis Topics Homologies Shape similarity Had a long tradition Example: known point correspondences, Aristotle: Save only for a difference in the way of excess or defect, the parts are identical in determine similarity the case of such animals as are of one and the same genus. Shape morphing (warping) Example: known point correspondences, In biology, study of homologous structures in determine warping function species preceded provided background for Darwin. Homologous structures explained by God creating Shape matching different species according to a common plan. Example: determine point correspondences Ontogeny provided clues to homology. Combined tasks 1
Transformations Given matching points in two images, we find a transformation of plane. Homeomorphism (continuous, one-to-one) This is underconstrained problem Implicitly, seeks simple transformation. Not well defined here, will be subject of much future research. Intuitively pretty clear in examples considered. Logarithmically varying: eg., tapir’s toes Cannon-bone of ox, sheep, giraffe Simplest, subset of affine Smooth: amphipods (a kind of crustacean). Descriptions of shape: Clues to Growth Somewhat different topic, shape descriptions relevant even without comparison. Fourier descriptors Shape context Equal growth in all directions leads to circle (or sphere). Piecewise affine 2
Invention of Morphing? Given transformation between species, linearly interpolate intermediate transformations. Intermediate morphs predict intermediate species. No growth in one direction (as in a leaf on a stem), growth increases in directions away from this so r = sin( . Pages 1070-71 Asymmetric amounts of growth on two sides. Related Species Figure 537 3
Conclusions Assumptions Stress on homologies. Two sets of 2D points. Shape comparison through non-trivial Mostly we assume there exists a correct transformations. one-to-one correspondence Simplicity of transformation -> similarity of shape. And this correspondence is given. What is the simplest transformation? This is very natural in morphometrics, where How do we find it? points are measured and labeled. In vision we must solve for correspondence. Transformation may leave some deviations, how are these handled? Shape Space What is shape? Shape Spaces – Procrustes Analysis “all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale and rotational effects are filtered out from an object.” – D. G. Kendall (1984) So describe points independent of similarity transformation. Remove translation Simplest way: translate so point 1 is at origin, then remove it. More elegant, translate center of mass to origin, remove a point. Remove scale Scale so that sum| | X i | | ^ 2 = 1. Resulting set of points is called pre-shape. Pre because we haven’t removed rotation yet. Matching Sets of Point Features Pre-shape Find best transformation. Notation: U and X denote sets of normalized 1. points. Points called X i and U i , with coordinates Similarity transformation, thin-plate splines. • (x i ,y i ), (u i , v i ). Measure how good it is. 2. If we started with n points, we now have n-1 so Chamfer distance, Haussdorf distance, that: Euclidean distance, procrustean distance, sum i= 1..n-1 x i ^ 2 + y i ^ 2 = 1. deformation energy. So we can think of these coordinates as lying on a unit hypersphere in 2(n-1)-dimensional space. 4
Linear Pose: 2D rotation, translation & scale Shape If we consider all possible rotations of a set of x x . . . x . . . cos sin 1 2 u u u t n normalized points, these trace out a closed, 1D 1 2 n s x y y y curve in pre-shape space. v v v sin cos t 1 2 n 1 2 y 1 1 1 n Manifold x x . . . x a b t 1 2 n x Distances between shapes can be thought of as y y y b a t 1 2 n distances between these curves. y 1 1 1 Note: to compute distance, without loss of generality, with cos , sin a s b s we can assume that one set of points (U) does not • Notice a and b can take on any values. rotate, since rotating both point sets by the same amount doesn’t change distances. • Equations linear in a, b , translation. a s a 2 b 2 cos s • Solve exactly with 2 points, or overconstrained system with more. Procrustes Distances Similarity Matching Full Procrustes Distance. D F Given point sets X and U, compare by min (s, ) U – sXR finding similarity transformation A that Find a scaling and rotation of X that minimizes the minimizes | | AX-U| | . Euclidean distance to U. R( ) means rotate by . X = points X 1 , … , X n U = points U 1 , … , U n . Partial Procrustes Distance. D P Find A to minimize sum | | AX i – U i | | ^ 2 min U – XR A straightforward, linear problem. Rotate X to minimize the Euclidean distance to U. Taking derivatives with respect to four unknowns of A Procrustes Distance. gives four linear equations in four unknowns. Rotate X to minimize the geodesic distance on the sphere from X to U. Linear Pose Solving We can linearly find optimal similarity Note that we now also know how to calculate the transformation that matches X to U. (ie., Full Procrustes Distance. This is just a least- minimize sum | | AX i -U i | | ^ 2, where A is a squares solution to the over-constrained problem: similarity transformation. This is asymmetric between X and U. . . . cos sin x x . . . x u u u 1 2 In same way we can linearly compute Full 1 2 n n s sin cos v v v y y y Procrustes Distance. 1 2 1 2 n n a b x x . . . x This is symmetric. 1 2 n b a y y y Leads immediately to other procrustes distances. 1 2 n 5
Given two points on the hypersphere, we can draw the plane containing these points and the origin. Warping Procrustes Distances is D P = 2 sin ( / 2) D P D F = sin • These are all monotonic in . So D F the same choice of rotation minimizes all three. • D F is easy to compute, others are easy to compute from D F . Why Procrustes Distance? Thin-Plate Splines Procrustes distance is most natural. A function, f , R 2 -> R 2 is a thin-plate spline if: Intuition: given two objects, we can produce a • Constraint: Given corresponding points: X1… Xn and U1… Un, f(Xi)= Ui. sequence of intermediate objects on a ‘straight line’ between them, so the distance between the • Energy: f minimizes the following bending energy: two objects is the sum of the distances between intermediate objects. 2 2 2 2 2 2 f f f dxdy This requires a geodesic. 2 2 x x y y 2 R If we think of this as the amount of bending produced by f. Allows arbitrary affine transformation. Tangent Space Thin-Plate Splines Can compute a hyperplane tangent to the Solution: The function f can be computed hypersphere at a point in preshape space. using straightforward linear algebra. Project all points onto that plane. See Principal Warps: Thin-Plate Splines and the Decomposition of Deformations, Bookstein All distances Euclidean. Average shape Statistical Shape Analysis, Dryden and Mardia easy to find. This is reasonable when all shapes similar. Extension: Can penalize mismatch of points In this case, all distances are similar too. (using function of | | Ui – f (Xi)| | ). Note that when is small, , 2sin( / 2), sin( ) Results: Much like D’Arcy Thompson. are all similar. 6
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