E XCHANGE V ISITS & R ESEARCH C OLLABORATION “Enabling Energy Transition towards Low - Carbon Pathways: TERI’s Activities” 27 th July, 2018 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) Creating Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Future Exchange Visits (to US Labs) Supported By: Dr. Shashank Vyas, Associate Fellow & Er. Alekhya Datta, Fellow Electricity & Fuels Division (EFD), TERI
E LECTRICITY D EMAND IN I NDIA BY 2030 Sector-wise demand of Electricity (in TWh) 2500 2000 1500 Commercial Agriculture Industrial 1000 Residential 500 0 2018 2022 2027 2030 Source: TERI Analysis Creating Innovative 2 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
I NDIA ’ S S OLAR T RANSITION / E LECTRICITY T RANSITION Price/ Tariff Trends 1200 12 1000 10 800 8 INR/ kWh $/kWh 600 6 400 4 200 2 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Solar in INR/kWh Coal in INR/kWh Cost of LiB in $/kWh Source-wise Power Generation in India (By 2030) Power Generation in India (By 2030) 3000 3000 Bio-Mass 2500 2500 Small Hydro Solar 2000 2000 in TWh in TWh Wind Renewable Energy 1500 1500 Gas Conventional Energy Nuclear 1000 1000 Hydro 500 500 Diesel 0 Coal 0 2018 2022 2027 2030 Source: TERI Analysis 2018 2022 2027 2030 Creating Innovative 3 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
C ASE FOR T RANSPORT E LECTRIFICATION AC Electric Bus total cost bid without Subsidy INR/ km Cost of e-Bus discovered in competitive bidding lower than of Diesel Bus today: under OP Model 12 9.9 9.9 Running costs of E-Buses (AC) through competetive bidding INR million per Bus 10 8.5 8.5 7.7 GCC Model* 80 OP Model* 8 70 70 6 57 4 60 48 48 2 50 INR/ km 41 0 37 36 36 40 35 33 Kolkata Indore Lucknow Jammu Guwahati 29 30 2-W Running Cost (INR/km) of TVS 20 Scooty Pep vs. Hero Maxi Electric 1.67 10 0 0.83 0.74 0.66 0.66 Diesel Bus = INR 60-80/ km; Electric Bus (AC) = INR 30-55/ km (without Subsidy) Note: Daily distance travelled = 170-200 kms. Li-ion with Li-ion without Lead Acid with Lead Acid Petrol variant Cost includes capita repayment at 10% interest, electricity, O&M costs & Subsidy subsidy Subsidy without battery replacement for purchased buses in year 8. FAME subsidy is Subsidy excluded in these estimates. Note: Daily distance travelled = 40 kms; Battery replacement *Gross Cost Contract (GCC) & Outright Purchase (OP) costs are included. Source: TERI Analysis Creating Innovative 4 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
E LECTRIFICATION OF THE I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS Switch from thermal heating to Case study of a typical forging furnace: electricity in industrial processes: Switch over from furnace oil (FO) firing to Induction billet heater, Fuel switching can be explored in Capacity of FO furnace 400 kg. per shift a number of other sectors e.g. foundries, forging, secondary Capacity of induction 45 kW steel, chemicals, textiles, food billet heater processing, etc. Investment INR 22 lacs. Switch over would depend upon availability of suitable Avoided FO 93 kl/ Year technologies (including detailed consumption design & engineering solutions), Electricity 1,78,000 kWh per comparative prices of fuels, consumption with Year finance etc. induction heater GHG reduction 270 t CO 2 / Year Source: TERI Analysis potential Creating Innovative 5 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
N EED FOR T RANSITIONING TO L OW C ARBON I NDUSTRIES Many large industry sub-sectors undertaking steps to reduce their energy intensity: Few are already equivalent to global standards e.g., cement, fertilizer Opportunities to further reduce Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) levels exist in several units in both large industries and MSMEs; A major challenge is to transit from fossil fuels to low carbon energy sources for thermal (process) energy requirements in ‘Hard -to- abate’ sectors such as iron & steel, cement, etc. No commercially available zero carbon technologies globally; few are under development Need for long-term collaborative R&D with global players Huge capital investment and long gestation periods Creating Innovative 6 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
P OSSIBLE STEPS TOWARDS L OW / Z ERO C ARBON E MISSIONS – C EMENT I NDUSTRY 1. Improve efficiency through modernisation and adoption of EE measures – Reaching global best levels Reduce SEC-Thermal : From 725 kcal/ kg clinker to 660 kcal/ kg clinker Reduce SEC-Electrical : From 80 kWh/ t cement to 65 kWh/ t cement 2. Meet all electrical energy needs through RE sources 3. Meet thermal energy requirements for combustion through electric route (fully/ partially) – to be explored 4. Remaining CO 2 emissions only from calcination Alternate routes : 1. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 2. Explore/ Research and switch over to alternate materials that avoid CO 2 generation (e.g., Timber for housing, new chemistry, other options ??) Creating Innovative 7 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
P OSSIBLE STEPS TOWARDS L OW / Z ERO C ARBON E MISSIONS – I RON & S TEEL I NDUSTRY 1. Improve efficiency through modernisation and adoption of EE measures – reaching global best levels Blast Furnace (BF)/ Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Route - Reaching to SEC level of 5.5 Gcal/ tcs (giga calories per tonne of crude steel) Electric Arc Furnace (EAF)/ Induction Furnace (IF) route through RE sources – Increase production to the extent possible; increase circularity 2. Use of hydrogen for iron ore reduction as a substitute for coke/coal Hydrogen through biomass route or electrolysis of water • 3. Meet thermal energy requirement through RE based electricity and/or, off-gases generated in the process Creating Innovative 8 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
F REIGHT T RANSPORT Technological choices are not yet clear: Creating Innovative 9 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
P ROMOTING E NERGY E FFICIENCY Innovative business models need to promote: Energy efficient appliances at Household-level, mainly Air Conditioners; Industrial energy efficiency; Energy efficient Electric Vehicles (including Charging Infrastructure) Energy efficient Pump-sets (including Solar pumps) for Agricultural applications, and Building energy efficiency (promoting ECBC & GRIHA) Creating Innovative 10 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
C ONCLUSION & W AY F ORWARD Decarbonization of Indian electricity sector is now inevitable; Promoting energy efficiency through innovative Business Models for large scale adoption of energy efficient technologies & practices; Electrification of Buses & Two-Wheelers: Challenges – Charging Infrastructure; The techno-economic viability of electric heating vis-à-vis fossil fuel based heating should be explored in selected energy intensive industry processes, and Decarbonizing ‘hard -to- abate’ sectors such as Steel / Iron & Cement – Research on technologies is needed. Creating Innovative 11 Solutions for a Sustainable Future
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