e n v i r o a t l a s a t o o l t o i n f o r m

E N V I R O A T L A S : A T O O L T O I N F O R M E N V I R O N - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E N V I R O A T L A S : A T O O L T O I N F O R M E N V I R O N M E N T A L R E S T O R A T I O N , E C O S Y S T E M S S E R V I C E S , A N D C O M M U N I T Y R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N Anne Neale EnviroAtlas Lead, US Environmental

  1. E N V I R O A T L A S : A T O O L T O I N F O R M E N V I R O N M E N T A L R E S T O R A T I O N , E C O S Y S T E M S S E R V I C E S , A N D C O M M U N I T Y R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N Anne Neale EnviroAtlas Lead, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development October 22, 2019

  2. EnviroAtlas: A tool to inform restoration, ecosystem services, and revitalization • Free and open access, online tool • Users can view, analyse, and download geospatial data and other resources • Contains unique data • Easy to use, no technical skills or software required • Stakeholder-driven 2

  3. Biodiversity Clean Conservation Air Climate Stabilization Recreation, Clean & Culture, & Food, Plentiful Aesthetics Fuel, & Water Materials Natural Hazard Mitigation Data are associated with 7 ecosystem service benefit categories

  4. Designed to Inform: 1 2 3 Decision-making Research Education Data and tools are Data are used in Education modules are being used being used widely by research projects in the classroom helping educate communities advancing the state of tomorrow ’ s decision-makers the science

  5. www.epa.gov/enviroatlas enviroatlas@epa.gov Sign up for newsletter

  6. EnviroAtlas Includes: • Interactive Mapping Application EnviroAtlas Flagship • Eco-Health Relationship Browser tools • 450+ Geospatial Datasets (maps) • Analytic and Interpretive Tools • GIS Toolboxes • Video Tutorials • Education Lesson Plans • Guides for use in multiple decision contexts

  7. Organization Category and topic Search or filter Access Interactive Map Web Services Download Geometry HUC-12 Census block groups Raster Vector

  8. Interactive Map 450+ indicators of Ecosystem Goods and Services & Demographic and other Supplemental data 8

  9. Carbon Population Density 1 Meter Landcover Intersection Density Sequestration National Data Community Data 30-meter land cover 1-meter land cover 300+ unique data layers 30 metropolitan areas Data Fact Sheets Consistent data for the 1450 cities & towns Peer-reviewed conterminous U.S. 65+ million people Standard Metadata Open access Species Impervious Park Proximity Richness Floodplains Surfaces

  10. EnviroAtlas Communities

  11. EnviroAtlas Built-in Tools Watershed Change Analysis & Compare My Follow a Rain Navigator Time series Viewer Area Drop Upstream • Calculate precipitation, • Compare watershed or Find flowpath to nearest temperature, PET census tract to county water feature difference between two or state values time periods • View demographics, Downstream • View 150 years of national air toxics, or modeled climate data landscape characteristics

  12. EnviroAtlas Use Cases

  13. Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System / EnviroAtlas Crosswalk

  14. THANK YOU Questions? Contact Info: neale.anne@epa.gov enviroatlas@epa.gov www.epa.gov/enviroatlas


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