e ff ective written communication

E ff ective Written Communication Instructor: Heather Plett www . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E ff ective Written Communication Instructor: Heather Plett www . heatherplett . com Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12 Check - in A time when we go around the circle and

  1. E ff ective Written Communication Instructor: Heather Plett www . heatherplett . com Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  2. Check - in • A time when we go around the circle and share something about how our week or day has gone . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  3. E ff ective writing? • What examples have you seen of e ff ective or ine ff ective writing this week? In advertising , newspapers , online , etc . ? Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

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  7. Sunday, 9 December, 12

  8. Stretching Exercise • Writing exercise - Six word stories . Examples: • Hemingway: For sale: baby shoes , never worn . • Margaret Atwood: Longed for him . Got him . Shit . • Margaret Atwood: Corpse parts missing . Doctor buys yacht . • H - bombs dropped; we all died . • Best friends . Some beers . New lovers . • Restraining order li f ed . Chucky Cheese anyone? • Shots fi red . Bastard ’ s dead . Divorce fi nal . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  9. Six Word Memoirs • Expected more contentment in my middle - age . • Proud to be your recurring problem . • Grasping at last shreds of pretty . • We are strangers in this marriage . • Plumber: Fix a toilet , get paid crap • Dominatrix: Woman seeks men - high pain threshold . • Born in California . Then nothing happened . • Divorced , broke , spinal tumor . Otherwise fi ne . • Got away with more than expected . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  10. E ff ective emails • Pros • eliminates “ phone tag ” & allows person to respond when available • saves time & interruptions • speeds the process & permits rapid exchanges • cheap • provides a written record Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  11. Emails • Cons: • not con fi dential • absence of non - verbal clues ( voice intonation , facial expression , etc .) • doesn ’ t communicate emotions well • easy to ignore or delay Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  12. Email • Beginning the message: • make it as formal or informal as the relationship requires • identify yourself , if necessary • Organizing the content • a “ top - down ” order is most o f en appropriate • most important information fi rst • positive info . may be more direct , while negative info . more indirect Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  13. Email • Writing the message: • formality : determine the nature of the relationship - casual , informal , or formal? • conciseness : as short as complete coverage of the subject matter will permit • clarity : concreteness , vigor & precision • etiquette : courteous - keep it professional • correctness : proofread & edit carefully Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  14. Goals for e ff ective emails: • Will actually be read • Will actually be understood • Will not annoy the receiver • Does not take up too much time on the receiver ’ s end . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  15. Inappropriate use of email • message is long , complicated , or requires negotiation • questions or information need clari fi cation and discussion • information is con fi dential or sensitive , requires security or could be misinterpreted • message is emotionally charged & requires tone of voice • message is sent to avoid direct contact with a person • message contains sensitive issues , relays feelings , or attempts to resolve con fl ict Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  16. Which message opener is more e ff ective? An email inquiring about web hosting: 1. We are considering launching our own website because we feel it is the only way to keep up with our competition and make our product more visible in a crowded market . We have a lot of questions and need information about web hosting . 2. Please answer the following questions about hosting our new website , which we hope to launch to increase our product visibility in a crowded market . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  17. Which message opener is more e ff ective? An email message announcing a professional development program: 1. Employees interested in improving their writing and communication skills are invited to a training program beginning October 4. 2. For the past year we have been investigating the possibility of developing a communication skills training program for some of our employees . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  18. Sunday, 9 December, 12

  19. Stretching exercise • Rewrite one of the following opening paragraphs: • Several sta ff members came to me and announced their interest in learning more about severance plans and separation policies . As most of you know , these areas of concern are increasingly important for most Human Resources professionals . A seminar entitled “ Severance & Separation Bene fi ts ” is being conducted February 11. The following employees are attending the seminar: Dave Neufeld , Tayreez Mushani , and Gail Switzer . • Your employee association has secured discounts on auto repair , carpet purchases , travel arrangements , and many other services . These services are available to you if you have a Buying Power Card . All employees are eligible for their own private Buying Power Cards . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  20. E ff ective emails - tips • Use simple subject line with enough information & interest that the recipient wants to open it ( consider it a headline ) • Keep it short . You can always follow up with more info . if necessary . • Proofread carefully . • Use proper capitalization for anything formal / professional . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  21. Email tips ( cont ’ d ) • Provide key information with your signature ( eg . company name , website , etc .) • If you ’ re sending attachments , make sure they ’ re small & readable . • Be clear , concise , and complete . • Be as personal as you can be without o ff ending . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  22. Email tips ( cont ’ d ) • Make one point per email • Specify the response you want • Make sure all the necessary information is included . • Avoid “ dumping ” - sending too much information to too many people too o f en . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  23. Email tips ( cont ’ d ) • Don ’ t use email to avoid contact . • Never respond when you ’ re angry . • Care about correctness . • Resist humour and personal jokes . • Limit the tendency to copy to your distribution list . • Limit the tendency to reply to the entire cc list . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  24. Email tips ( cont ’ d ) • Consider using identifying labels ( eg . “ Action ” , “ Urgent ” • Use capitals letters only for emphasis or for titles • Announce attachments; consider summarizing or highlighting important aspects brie fl y in the email body • Consider asking for permission before forwarding Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  25. Consider the audience bene fi ts ( page 40) Sender focus: Audience focus: To enable us to update So that you may promptly our shareholder records , receive dividend cheques we ask that the enclosed and information related card be returned . to your shares , please return the enclosed card . Your warranty begins Our warranty becomes working for you as soon e ff ective only when we as you return your receive an owner ’ s owner ’ s registration . registration . Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

  26. Polite “ You ” View ( page 40) “ I / We ” View: I have scheduled your vacation to begin May 1. “ You ” View: You may begin your vacation May 1. “ I / We ” View: We have shipped your order by courier , and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on January 15. “ You ” View : Your order will be delivered by courier in time for your sales promotion January 15. Heather Plett sharing stories , wisdom & courage www . heatherplett . com Sunday, 9 December, 12

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