dynamic storage allocation

Dynamic Storage Allocation C s data structures, including arrays, - PDF document

3/27/14 Dynamic Storage Allocation C s data structures, including arrays, are normally fixed in size, i.e., static. Memory Management o Static data structures must have their sizes decided at time of compilation Fortunately, C

  1. 3/27/14 ¡ Dynamic Storage Allocation • C ’ s data structures, including arrays, are normally fixed in size, i.e., static. Memory Management o Static data structures must have their sizes decided at time of compilation • Fortunately, C supports dynamic storage allocation: the ability to allocate storage during program Based on slides from K. N. King and Dianna Xu execution. o used most often for strings, arrays, and structures. Bryn Mawr College o can be linked together to form lists, trees, and other CS246 Programming Paradigm data structures. o done by calling a memory allocation function. The Heap Memory • The pool of memory from which dynamic memory • What is stored in memory? is allocated is separate, and is known as the heap. o Code 0 o Constants • There are library routines to allocate and free o Global and static variables memory from the heap. o Local variables • Heap memory is only accessible through pointers. virtual o Dynamic memory (malloc) address • Mixing statically and dynamically allocated space global int SIZE; memory is not allowed. char* f(void) { local char *c; const SIZE = 10; c = malloc(SIZE); dynamic return c; } 0xffffffff Memory Layout Function Call Mechanism • How is memory organized? • Activation record (of a function call), also known as a stack frame o Code – Text 0 o Constants – Data Text • A block of memory that contains: o Global and static variables – BSS Data o Parameters passed to the function o Dynamic memory (malloc) – Heap BSS o Local variables declared in the function o Local variables – Stack Heap o Return address – pointer to the instruction to be global int SIZE; executed after the function call char* f(void) { local char *c; const SIZE = 10; c = malloc(SIZE); dynamic Stack return c; } 0xffffffff 1 ¡

  2. 3/27/14 ¡ Call Stack A Typical Stack Frame • A call stack is a region of memory that manages • int foo(int arg1, int arg2); activation records • Two local vars • The call stack is initialized with the activation • Stack grows upwards ESP--> record of main Callee saved registers (as needed) • ESP and EBP : temporary storage • Activation record of a function is registers used to local var1 EBP-8 local var2 o Pushed onto the stack at the function call point to the top EBP-4 Caller ’ s EBP Return address o Popped off the stack on return from the call of the stack arg1 EBP+8 and the base arg2 • The reason why local variables are only present EBP+12 Caller saved registers (as needed) during the function call Stack Memory Allocation Functions Null Pointers • The <stdlib.h> header declares three memory • If a memory allocation function can ’ t locate a memory allocation functions: block of the requested size, it returns a null pointer. malloc —Allocates a block of memory but doesn ’ t initialize it. p = malloc(10000); o void *malloc (size_t size); if (p == NULL) { //same as: if (!p) o Allocates a block of size bytes from the heap /* allocation failed; take appropriate action */ } o Returns a pointer to the block allocated o size_t is an unsigned integer type used for very large integers. • A null pointer is a special value that can be o type void * is a “ generic ” pointer. distinguished from all valid pointers. • After we ’ ve stored the function ’ s return value in a calloc —Allocates a block of memory and clears it. pointer variable, we must test to see if it ’ s a null realloc —Resizes a previously allocated block of memory. pointer. • void free (void *ptr); Dynamic Memory Layout Dynamic Memory Layout char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p3 = malloc(1); char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 0 Text 0 Text free(p2); free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); char *p4 = malloc(6); Data Data free(p3); free(p3); char *p5 = malloc(2); char *p5 = malloc(2); BSS BSS free(p1); free(p1); free(p4); free(p4); free(p5); Heap free(p5); Heap Stack Stack 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 2 ¡

  3. 3/27/14 ¡ Dynamic Memory Layout Dynamic Memory Layout char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p3 = malloc(1); char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 p1 0 Text 0 Text free(p2); free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); char *p4 = malloc(6); p2 p2 Data Data free(p3); free(p3); char *p5 = malloc(2); char *p5 = malloc(2); BSS p3 BSS free(p1); free(p1); free(p4); free(p4); Heap Heap free(p5); free(p5); Stack Stack 0xffffffff 0xffffffff Dynamic Memory Layout Dynamic Memory Layout char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p3 = malloc(1); char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 p1 0 Text 0 Text free(p2); free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); char *p4 = malloc(6); p2 p2 Data Data free(p3); free(p3); char *p5 = malloc(2); char *p5 = malloc(2); BSS BSS p3 p3 free(p1); free(p1); p4 free(p4); free(p4); free(p5); Heap free(p5); Heap Stack Stack 0xffffffff 0xffffffff Dynamic Memory Layout Dynamic Memory Layout char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p3 = malloc(1); char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 p1 0 Text 0 Text free(p2); free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); p2 char *p4 = malloc(6); p2,p5 Data Data free(p3); free(p3); char *p5 = malloc(2); char *p5 = malloc(2); BSS BSS p3 p3 free(p1); free(p1); p4 p4 free(p4); free(p4); free(p5); Heap free(p5); Heap Stack Stack 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 3 ¡

  4. 3/27/14 ¡ Dynamic Memory Layout Dynamic Memory Layout char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p1 = malloc(3); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p2 = malloc(4); char *p3 = malloc(1); char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 p1 0 Text 0 Text free(p2); free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); char *p4 = malloc(6); p2,p5 p2,p5 Data Data free(p3); free(p3); char *p5 = malloc(2); char *p5 = malloc(2); p3 BSS p3 BSS free(p1); free(p1); p4 p4 free(p4); free(p4); Heap Heap free(p5); free(p5); Stack Stack 0xffffffff 0xffffffff Dynamic Memory Layout Example: String Allocation • Allocate memory for a string of n characters: char *p1 = malloc(3); char * p; char *p2 = malloc(4); p = malloc(n + 1);//adding 1 for ‘\0’ char *p3 = malloc(1); p1 0 Text By default void* will be casted to char* . free(p2); char *p4 = malloc(6); p2,p5 Data free(p3); char *concat(const char *s1, const char *s2){ char *p5 = malloc(2); BSS p3 char *result; free(p1); p4 free(p4); result = malloc(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1); free(p5); Heap if (result == NULL) { printf("Error: malloc failed in concat\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(result, s1); strcat(result, s2); Stack return result; 0xffffffff } Example: int Array Allocation The calloc Function • Suppose a program needs an array of n integers, • The calloc function is an alternative to malloc . where n is computed during program execution. void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); o Allocates space for an array with nmemb elements, each of which is size bytes long. int *a; a = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*n); o Returns a null pointer if the requested space isn ’ t for (i = 0; i < n; i++) available. a[i] = 0; o Initializes allocated memory by setting all bits to 0. …… free(a); • a = calloc(n, sizeof(int)); //array of n integers. • struct point { int x, y; } *p; p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct point)); 4 ¡

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