drs angood and cacchione and ms jaskie moderators dr

Drs. Angood and Cacchione; and Ms. Jaskie Moderators: Dr. Chazal and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

St Strat rategic gic Pl Plan anning ning Boo oot t Cam amp p Bui uilding lding a Str a Strat ategic gic Pl Plan an for or th the e Val alue ue Tra ransf nsformat ormation ion Drs. Angood and Cacchione; and Ms. Jaskie

  1. St Strat rategic gic Pl Plan anning ning Boo oot t Cam amp p – Bui uilding lding a Str a Strat ategic gic Pl Plan an for or th the e Val alue ue Tra ransf nsformat ormation ion Drs. Angood and Cacchione; and Ms. Jaskie Moderators: Dr. Chazal and Mr. Jacobovitz

  2. Disclosures Pet eter er Angood, good, MD MD Nothing to disclose Joseph seph G. Cac acch chione ione, , MD MD, FACC CC Consultant Fees/Honoraria: Aim Speciality Health; United Healthcare Scientific Advisory Board Richar chard d A. Chaz azal, al, MD MD, FACC CC Nothing to disclose

  3. Disclosures Shalom alom Jac acobo obovitz vitz Officer, Director, Trustee or Other Fiduciary Role: Clene Nano Medicine Suz uzett ette e Jas askie ie, MBA Consultant Fees/Honoraria: Boston Scientific Corporation

  4. Disclosures Howar ard d T. Wal alpole pole Jr., , MD MD, MB MBA, FACC CC Salary: Zoll Medical (Spouse)

  5. Agenda 1 Strategy and the healthcare environment 2 What does an effective strategy process look like 3 Break 4 Physician compensation is a strategic issue 5 Programs must address these strategic issues 6 Discussion – Q&A

  6. Strategy and the Healthcare Environment - Trends Peter Angood, M.D. February 18, 2016

  7. 8 8

  8. A Brave New World! 9

  9. Changing Definition of “ Hospital ospital ”  More re Integr gration ation Opportuni tuniti ties es  M&A Ac Activit ivity  Ph Physici ician an Integr grati ation on  Communi unity Coord rdin inati ation on  More re Ri Risk Man anag agem ement ent  Incre reased ased Ac Account countabi abili lity R. Umbdenstock-Healthcare Executive Mar/Apr 2014 (pp.78-79) 1 0

  10. 53 Global Health Care CEO’s Chal alle leng nges es for F r Future re: Lead adership ship Char aract acterist ristics: ics:  Man anag agin ing g Ch Chan ange  Inno novativ ative  Fundin ding g Car are  Insi sigh ghtfu ful l on Pat atie ients  Defin fine/M e/Measure easure Qual alit ity  Insi sight ghtful ful on Pro Provid ider ers  Man anag agin ing g Regula lation tion  Coll llab abora rativ tive  Dat ata a Anal alytics tics  Humil ilit ity R. Herzlinger & GENIE 1 1

  11. FS FSMB MB Up Updat dated ed St Stat ats  Nearly y 900,00 ,000 li license sed d physicians s in in the US (280 physi sicians/1 ans/100,00 ,000 popul opulati ation) on)  Avg vg. . age = 51yr yrs and ~79% are certif tified ed by by an Ameri rican Board rd  2/3 of physicians are Male but…Female physicians increased by 8% in past 2 years  comp mpare ared d wit ith only ly 2% of male le physicians  34% % of fe female e physi sician ians s are < 39 years  comp mpare ared d wit ith only ly 18% of male le physi sician ians. s.  Activ tivel ely li license sed d physician popul opulati ation grew faster er in in older lder popu pulati ation on  11% % in increa rease se those se > 60 years vs. 1% in incre reas ase those se < 49 years s  26% % of physicians are now ow over over age 60 years, ,  a d demon monst strabl rable actu tuari rial al need for for an in increa rease sed d suppl pply y of physicians s JMR 2013;99 ;99(2):11-24 24 . . 1 2

  12. Su Surge rge Wit ith Physici ysician an Em Emplo loyment yment  ~75% in incre rease ase in in numbe ber r of active e physici cians ns employed ed by hospi pita tals s sin ince e 2000  ~75% of hospital pital le leader ers s pla lan to in incre rease ase physici cian n emplo loyme yment nt with ithin n next 12 to 36 month ths. s. (MGMA Survey)  Share re of physician cian searches hes for for positi ition ons s with ith hospita tals s hit it ~75% in in 2014 14 (Merri ritt tt Haw awki kins)  Trend d is is accel eler erat ating g => 3 in in 10 10 physici sicians ans are now ow hospi pita tal emplo ployee ees s  2001 1 to 2011 11, , # phys ysic icians ians & dentist sts s empl ployed d by by US hospi pitals ls grew w by by >40% 0%  60% % FP & Peds; 50% Surgeons; eons; 25% % Surg Spec are emplo ployed ed – not ot indep epende dent ( AHA & AMA) 1 3

  13. Me Medscape: scape: Em Emplo loyed ed Do Doct ctor ors s Repo eport (~4600 00 Physicians cians in in 2014 14) 1 4

  14. Em Emplo ployed ed or or Cons Considering idering It It 1 5

  15. American erican Association ociation for r Phys ysician ician Le Leader dership ship By y the e Num umber ers: s:  The old ldest st and la large gest st educati ationa onal organi nizati zation n sole lely y dedic icat ated to physici ician an le leader dersh ship  250K K educat ated d & current ntly y wit ith 11,00 000 physici cian an membe mbers s represe senti nting ng 45 countries  75 expert t faculty y across dozens ns of di discipline nes  Approxima mately 10 100 0 physici cian an le leader dersh ship ip course ses and several al certifi ificat cate program ams  4 Master’s degree programs with more than 1,200 graduates (PhD in development)  More than n 21,00 000 0 physici ician ans s have completed the popula lar Physici cian an in in Manag agement serie ies  More than n 2,200 00 physici ician ans s wit ith board certifi ificat cation on (Certified Physici cian an Executive)  >220 0 in in-hou house se le leader dersh ship ip course ses taugh ght each h year at hospitals als and healt alth h systems  More than n 3,200 00 onli line ne courses s deliv livered annu nual ally  4 major li live educat ationa nal l conference nces s per year 1 6

  16. So What Are We Hearing Out There?? 1 7

  17. 1 8

  18. DiS DiSC Pre refer eren ence ce In Inst stru rument ment Total otal respon pondents: dents: 2,6 ,663 63 phys ysicians icians Forced rced cho hoic ice in inst strument ument – 28 sets ts of 4 w words ds:  “most like me”  “least like me” Stat St atis istical ically ly val valid idat ated ed; ; some e sim imil ilar arit ity to My Myers Bri riggs 1 9

  19. Conscientious nscientious Do Domi minat nator ors Influence Dominance 50% 50% 14% 14% • Considers • Quick to act people first • Likes challenges • Is talkative • Forceful • Likes to meet new people Conscientiousness Steadiness • Performs • Gathers data before acting consistently • Ponders all angles • Is precise • Likes to be perfect of any problem • Likes stability 7% 7% 29% 29% 2 0

  20. How physicians identify with predetermined personalities and links to perceived performance and wellness outcomes: a cross-sectional study JB Lemaire, JE Wallace BMC Health Serv Res. 2014; 14: 616. 2 1

  21. 2 2

  22. MD MDs vs. . No Non-MDs MDs as as Le Leader aders 2 3

  23. Transformational Leaders: Measurement of Personality Attributes and Work Group Performance High scores on transformational leadership were associated with a distinct personality pattern characterized by higher levels of pragmatism, nurturance, and feminine attributes and lower levels of criticalness and aggression. This enabling pattern formed the core of transformational leadership. SM Ross, LR Offermann Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 10/1997; 23(10):1078-1086. 2 4

  24. 2 5

  25. Physic ysicians ians as as Ho Hosp spital ital Lea eader ers How ow are hospitals als and healt alth h systems dif ifferent when n run by p physicians ns?  Better underst stan anding ng on nature of challenges ges & common mon know owledge ge base  Improved underst stan anding ng of patie ient nt care operationa tional is issues  Unw nwilling ling to c compromi omise se quality/ ity/sa safety/ y/labor for profit it  Fin inan ance ce as a mean ans s not ot an end  Ali ligni gning ng dif iffering ng values lues (RNs, s, PHAs, , DOC OCs, etc.) .) & im improved in interact actions ons  Great ater value on physici ician an le leader dersh ship, , compens nsat ate appropriat ately  Antici icipat pate chan ange ge wit ithin n healt alth h care in industry and sele lect ctively y emb mbrace ace new techn hnologi ogies/ s/met metho hods ds, , e.g., ., new trends, s, governm nmenta ntal regulat ation on  Better coordin inati ation n wit ith referral al sources s (privat ate offic ices/ s/clini nics) cs)  Less dupli licati ation n of s sim imila ilar services ces wit ithin n region, n, more coll llabo aborat ation n among ong lo local hospital tals  Great ater in insigh ght in into cli linical cal/pat patient care activity y on lo local and regi giona onal lev level (Kearn rns et al - Physician an Exe xecut utive Journal, , Jan/F /Feb 200 009) 2 6

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