drawn fr from neuroscie ience

drawn fr from neuroscie ience, , psychology, and economics: Im - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards a m model of f trust drawn fr from neuroscie ience, , psychology, and economics: Im Impli licatio ions for th the New and Next xt Gen eneratio ion Computin ing Envir ironments Frank Krueger, Ph.D. Associate Professor of

  1. Towards a m model of f trust drawn fr from neuroscie ience, , psychology, and economics: Im Impli licatio ions for th the New and Next xt Gen eneratio ion Computin ing Envir ironments Frank Krueger, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Systems Social Neuroscience School of Systems Biology George Mason University, VA, USA Chief, Social Cognition and Interaction: Functional Imaging (SCI:FI) Lab Director, Transdisciplinary Research Union CROSSING Conference 2019 for the Study of Trust (T-R-U-S-T) Darmstadt 9|10|19

  2. To Trust or Not to Trust: That is the Question How much money would you lend this person? $0 $2 $6 $8 $10

  3. Why Should We Care About Trust ? http://www.handicappeddoctor.com/?p=744 http://bahaiteachings.org/free-society-depends-trust-trustworthiness Trust Blockchain Architecture https://medium.com/nhct-nanohealth-care-token/decentralized- vs-centralized-systems-cb31b95928c5 http://www.cristanchohr.com/page/2/

  4. Parable: The Blind Men and the Elephant Seppanen et al. (2007) ~70 definitions https://equilibregaia.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/conte-sufc3ad0001-copiaeng.jpg?w=1075

  5. NeuroPsychoEconomic Approach Framework Definition Model

  6. Definition & Paradigm https://www.theodysseyonline.com/trust-underestimated-fear one‘s Interpersonal trust encompasses willingness to accept vulnerability based on the expectation regarding the behavior of another party that will produce some positive outcome in the future.

  7. Working Definition of Trust Trust in reciprocity entails a psychological state in which a trustor is willing to be vulnerable to the risk of treachery ( affect ) based on the expectation ( cognition ) regarding the action of a trustee that will produce some anticipated reward ( motivation ) due to reciprocation in the future. Social Dilemma (uncertainty) Trustor Trustee Reciprocity Trust Motivation Affect Cognition Behavior T-R-U-S-T T reachery T rustworthiness

  8. NeuroPsychoEconomic Framework =

  9. $ Behavior: Trust Game Social Dilemma (uncertainty) ? Trust A Game 3*A vs. Risk B(A) Theory: Reciprocity Trustee Computer Trustor Bounded Rationality Berg et al., 1995 A A B(A) Stages: (ii) Reciprocity (iii) Feedback (i) Trust multi-shot one-shot A A B(A) B(A) Types: Trust Propensity Trust Dynamics

  10. NeuroPsychoEconomic Framework =

  11. Psyche: T-R-U-S-T Components Formation Resolution T-R-U-S-T – > U < – S – T – R T Model Social Dilemma Social Dilemma Resolution Resolution (uncertainty) Evolution Trustor Trustee IBT R eward Reciprocity intrinsic extrinsic Trust KBT T rust- S trategy Uncertainty worthiness Motivation Affect Cognition social Behavior economic Bounded Rationality CBT T reachery CBT, calculus-based trust Economic KBT, knowledge-based trust Social Bounded Rationality IBT, identification-based trust Krueger & Meyer-Lindenberg (TINS, 2019) Lewicki & Bunker (1995)

  12. NeuroPsychoEconomic Framework =

  13. Functional Neuroimaging Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) Signal T1,T2 $ glucose oxygen 1) Control Condition 2) Lesion Evidence  neural activity ➔  blood flow ➔  de-/ oxygenated Hgb ➔  T2* ➔  MR signal

  14. Task-Based Functional MRI Computer I Trust Wait Feedback Wait + + M1 M2 (0,25) (10,15) (5,5) (0,25) (10,15) (5,5) Computer Reciprocity Feedback Wait Wait II + + DM1 M1 M2 (0,25) (10,15) (5,5) (0,25) (10,15) (5,5) Time (s) 2s 6s 6s 4s 2-6s Introduction Game Outcome Jitter Krueger et al., 2007

  15. Inside the Scanners Scanner I Scanner II

  16. Brain: Large-Scale Networks Trustee Trustor Domain-General Reciprocity T – R – U – S – T Large-Sale Networks Trust dlPFC dSTR dACC TPJ dmPFC vmPFC vSTR Amygdala VTA AI vlPFC SN Reward Network Salience Network mesolimbic pathway Default-Mode Network mesocortical pathway nigrostriatal pathway Central-Executive Network CBT , calculus-based trust; KBT , knowledge-based trust; IBT , identification-based trust; VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoparietal junction; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC

  17. Social Dilemma: Formation T – R – U – S – T Formation Resolution VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; CBT , KBT , calculus-based trust; knowledge-based trust; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC IBT , identification-based trust;

  18. Reward Network = Reward Anticipation of Reward ➢ Subjective Reward Value (Utility) ▪ Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) ➢ Reinforcement Learning ▪ Striatum (STR) VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; CBT , calculus-based trust; KBT , knowledge-based trust; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC IBT , identification-based trust;

  19. Salience Network = Treachery Risk of Treachery ➢ Threat of Treachery (Emotional Response) ▪ Amygdala ➢ Treachery Aversion (Subjective Feeling) ▪ Anterior Insula (AI) ➢ Treachery vs. Reward (Monitoring) ▪ Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex (dACC) VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior CBT , KBT , insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; calculus-based trust; knowledge-based trust; IBT , identification-based trust; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC

  20. Social Dilemma: Resolution T – R – U – S – T Formation Resolution Internally Externally directed directed action action Dynamic Switching VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC Uddin (2014)

  21. Default-Mode Network = Trustworthiness Evaluation of Trustworthiness ➢ Inferring and Attributing of Traits ▪ Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) ➢ Inferring and Attributing of Intentions ▪ Temporoparietal junction (TPJ) ! VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; CBT , KBT , calculus-based trust; knowledge-based trust; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC IBT , identification-based trust;

  22. Central-Executive Network = Strategy Context-Based Adaption of Strategy ➢ Accounting Conflicting Evidence ▪ Dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC) ➢ Disaccounting Conflicting Evidence ▪ Ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) ! VTA , vental tegmentum area; SN ; substantia nigra; dSTR , dorsal striatum; vSTR , ventral striatum; vmPFC , ventromedial prefrontal cortex; AI , anterior insula; dACC , dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; TPJ , temporoarietal junction; CBT , KBT , calculus-based trust; knowledge-based trust; dmPFC ; dorsomedial PFC; dlPFC , dorsolateral PFC; vlPFC , ventrolateral PFC IBT , identification-based trust;

  23. Types of Trust ALE: 30 papers, 10,000 permutations, cluster forming threshold of P < 0.001, k>90 R 0 4 y = 18 AI Trust (one-shot) > Trust (multi-shot) z = -6 vSTR Rumsfeld (2012) CBT, calculus-based trust [The unknown unknowns] KBT, knowledge-based trust [The known unknowns] Trust (mulit-shot) > Trust (one-shot) IBT, identification-based trust [The known knowns] Bellucci et al., 2016

  24. NeuroPsychoEconomic Framework =

  25. Neuropeptide: Oxytocin Oxytocin (quick birth) The Love The Birth Hormone Hormone The Bonding The Cuddle Hormone Hormone Hormone & Neurotransmitter Lee et al., 2009

  26. Neuropeptide: Oxytocin extracellular space peripheral circulation Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2011 anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), nucleus accumbens (NA), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST)

  27. Neuropeptide: Oxytocin Interactionist Model ▪ Task difficulty ▪ Stimuli valence ▪ Group status ▪ Attachment style ▪ Mental Disorder ▪ OXTR Gene Bartz et al., 2011

  28. Neuropeptide: Oxytocin $ Placebo Oxytocin Kosfeld et al., 2005 Baumgartner et al., 2008

  29. NeuroPsychoEconomic Framework =

  30. Gene Codon: 3 nucleotides (word) = 64 possibilities Gen: Part of DNA molecule (many codons) DNA: ~1.100 genes, chain of nucleotides 4 types: A, G, C, and TI DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA Double Helix Chromosomes: Protein + DNA (1.100 genes) p-Arm base pairs Adenin Thymin Nucleus: 23 chromosome pairs (30.000 genes) Guanine Cytocin twin studies (10-20 %) q-Arm Sugar phosphate backbone Cesarinie et al., 2008 mutation polymorphism Birbaumer & Schmitt 2010


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