draft samtrans service plan board update

Draft SamTrans Service Plan: Board Update August 2012 Context - PDF document

8/8/2012 Draft SamTrans Service Plan: Board Update August 2012 Context Board Update on the SSP - Context - Draft Service Plan recommendations - Public Outreach - Next Steps 2 1 8/8/2012 Context The Transit District is facing an

  1. 8/8/2012 Draft SamTrans Service Plan: Board Update August 2012 Context • Board Update on the SSP - Context - Draft Service Plan recommendations - Public Outreach - Next Steps 2 1

  2. 8/8/2012 Context • The Transit District is facing an uncertain future: - Debt obligations - Contributions to Caltrain - SamTrans ridership declining - Paratransit expenses increasing - Unresolved structural deficit 3 Context • SSP does not resolve the structural deficit • The SSP will : - Improve service efficiencies - Increase ridership - Increase revenues - Hold costs at current levels 4 2

  3. 8/8/2012 SamTrans Service Plan • Vision Grounded in the Strategic Plan - • Service Plan - Near-term service improvements and efficiencies • Actions for performance improvement - Next steps for achieving vision 5 Vision • Build ridership and increase revenue • Expand service • Evaluate new service types and other creative ways of delivering service • Establish a framework for continuous expansion and improvement • Provide some of the steps towards financial sustainability 6 3

  4. 8/8/2012 Vision • Grounded in the goals and initiatives of the SamTrans Strategic Plan – Comprehensively addresses mobility management • Reflects the District’s family of services, programs and ongoing planning initiatives • Meets the needs of transit dependent communities • Improves quality of life, transportation mobility • Begins to address east-west connectivity • Actively engages cities and local and regional stakeholders 7 Service Plan • Service route recommendations • Balance reinvesting existing resources with proposed service improvements • Aim to increase ridership and revenues • Anticipates no increase in operating cost • Does not address fare policy 8 4

  5. 8/8/2012 Actions for Performance Improvement • Create a Performance Monitoring and Action Plan - Service and Financial Metric Goals - Ridership - Passenger per Revenue Hour - Cost per Passenger - Cost per Passenger Mile - Cost per Service Hour - Farebox recovery ratio - Subsidy per Passenger Boarding - Incorporate into updated SamTrans Strategic Plan • Reflect SamTrans commitment to regional efforts 9 Actions for Performance Improvement • Continue and strengthen coordination with cities, regional, and state agencies • Implement findings from El Camino Real studies - Bus Rapid Transit study - Grand Boulevard Initiative efforts • Implement Shuttle Best Practices program • Explore new service delivery options - Demand response services 10 5

  6. 8/8/2012 Draft Service Recommendations 11 Core Markets • Areas where transit is a competitive travel option • Higher concentrations of population and/or employment • Walkable communities with mixed uses • Located near major activity/ employment centers 12 6

  7. 8/8/2012 Weekday Ridership Weekday Boardings 8,000 El Camino Local Express Community 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 390 391 397 120 292 122 121 296 130 250 260 110 295 140 281 133 274 112 132 271 123 251 294 280 262 118 270 141 359 297 KX 14 83 17 53 85 36 54 46 16 73 24 58 35 55 72 38 43 Route Performance 55% Legend 50% El Camino Real Local 45% Express Financial Effectiveness Community 40% 35% 30% 120 390 25% 391 20% 292 15% 65% of SamTrans routes 10% below the system average for both financial effectiveness and productivity 5% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Productivity 14 7

  8. 8/8/2012 Recommendation Strategies • Service Improvements El Camino Real improvements - - Enhance Core Market Network • Modify Services - Service reductions Schedule changes - - Route changes • Discontinue Services • New Routes - Alternative Service Pilot Program 15 El Camino Real Improvements • Build upon weekend route consolidation pilot program • Consolidate weekday Routes 390 & 391 service - Simplified, more reliable service on corridor - Serves most transit stations • 15-minute frequency between Palo Alto and Daly City - Increase frequency between Route Palo Alto and Redwood City 390/391 Combined • Discontinue Route 391 SF Service service along El Camino Real 16 8

  9. 8/8/2012 Enhanced Bus Network Daly City – Route 120 Daly City/SSF – Route 130 • Build upon core market area transit potential • Weekday service at least every 15 minutes El Camino Real – Route ECR in core market areas • Enhance east-west connectivity to El Camino Real Redwood City – Route 296 Enhanced Bus Network Enhanced Bus 120, 130, 281, 296 Network New El Camino Real East Palo Alto – Route ECR Routes 296, 281 17 Modify Service Modify routes to improve service performance and better match service with markets • Ways that routes are modified: – Service reductions – Schedule changes – Route changes 18 9

  10. 8/8/2012 Modify Service How riders may be affected by modified service: + New or added frequency + Shortened travel time + Increased service reliability - Reduced service coverage - Increased bus transfers Candidates for Modification KX, 14, 122, 133, 140, 141, 250, 251, 260, 262, 270, 271, 292, 294, 295 19 Modify San Francisco Service • Current SamTrans service into SF: - Slow due to roadway traffic conditions - Long trip times - Duplicates other transit services - Costly service to provide Route KX $5 One-way Trip Baby Bullet* Boardings per Subsidy per 84 minutes Hour Boarding KX 17.5 $10.95 Route 391 292 21.8 $7.92 $4 One-way Trip 150+ minutes 391 12.9 $13.54 SamTrans Average 31.3 $5.23 20 10

  11. 8/8/2012 Modify San Francisco Service • Service recommendation: - Modify Route KX & Route 292 SF service to peak periods* only - Discontinue Route 391 SF service - No change to Route 397 late night service Route KX $5 One-way Trip Baby Bullet* Available Transit 84 minutes Route Connection Point Options $6.75 One-way Trip SFO (off ‐ peak and ~50 minutes KX BART weekends) Route 391 *Includes Muni fare & additional travel time $4 One-way Trip San Bruno/Arleta Avenue Muni 8X, 8AX/BX, 9, 9L, 292 (off ‐ peak) T Line, Caltrain 150+ minutes 391 Daly City BART BART, Muni 14, 14L, 14X *AM Peak: 6am – 9am PM Peak: 3pm – 6pm 21 Discontinue Service • Discontinue routes due to: - Low ridership and low productivity - Duplication with other SamTrans routes • Other transit options available Candidates for Discontinuation 118, 123, 132, 280, 359 22 11

  12. 8/8/2012 Proposed New Routes Route 275 30-min. Frequency • Two new routes Connecting El Camino Real Route 252 better connect 60-min. Frequency origins and Connecting El Camino Real destinations • Provide more direct east-west connections to El Camino Real • Provide more efficient service on productive segments Proposed New Routes 252, 275 23 Alternative Service Pilot • Two pilot demand response projects : - San Carlos - Pacifica • Mitigation for reduced fixed route service • Monitor pilot program performance • Expand to other areas based on lessons learned Recommended Service 24 12

  13. 8/8/2012 Key Outcomes • Improve service productivity and efficiencies • Increase ridership - Anticipate approximately 1,000 additional riders per weekday and 310,000 annually Increase revenues • Hold costs at current levels • SSP a living process to continually • monitor and make adjustments 25 Public Outreach 26 13

  14. 8/8/2012 Next Steps • Begin public input/outreach effort for fall 2012: - Rider Forums - Public Meetings - Presentations to City/Town Councils - Stakeholder Forums - Community Colleges - Engage Employees & Union Leadership - Public Hearing 27 Next Steps • Continue to refine Service Plan - Incorporate public response • Present a final draft to Board for adoption in late 2012/early 2013 • Anticipate phased implementation beginning summer 2013 28 14

  15. 8/8/2012 29 15

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