Dr Jeffrey Chow Research Consultant Civic Exchange
Distances to public open spaces
Distances to public open spaces
Distances to public open spaces Built‐up areas within 400m Built‐up areas within 400m of public open space of public open space District council constituency areas, 2016 population census data
Distances to public open spaces
Distances to public open spaces Respondent location
Results: Population with easy access 100% 95% Percentage of population 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% within 400m 60% within 800m 55% 50% District
Results Self-reported well-being People living closer to parks and small POS (<1ha) are more likely to report less anxiety than people living farther away. This relationship is not detectable for very small POS (<0.1ha) or other types. Usage People living farther from official POS tend to use them less often and instead use alternatives such as plazas, podium gardens, waterfront promenades and private and unofficial open spaces. Proximity appears to be the more important factor for usage rather than the local amount . Satisfaction People living closer to official POS are more likely to express lower satisfaction with their local community spaces. There are several possible explanations, but more research is needed.
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