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Donna E. Reece, M.D. Princess Margaret Hospital T Toronto, ON t - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Donna E. Reece, M.D. Princess Margaret Hospital T Toronto, ON t ON 16 October 2008 16 October 2008 Multiple Myeloma in Canada p y Incidence 4/100,000 2,000/yr in Canada Prevalence 6500/yr in Canada 6500/yr in Canada

  1. Donna E. Reece, M.D. Princess Margaret Hospital T Toronto, ON t ON 16 October 2008 16 October 2008

  2. Multiple Myeloma in Canada p y � Incidence 4/100,000 � 2,000/yr in Canada � Prevalence � 6500/yr in Canada � 6500/yr in Canada � 1000 deaths per year � Median age 65 yrs g y � Incidence in younger adults appears to be i increasing i Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1860–73 Canadian Cancer Statistics; 2007. Available at

  3. Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma � Marrow plasma cells > 10% � Symptomatic myeloma =“CRAB” � Anemia (Hgb < 100) � Bone lesions � Creatinine (> 176 umol/L) Creatinine (> 176 umol/L) � Calcium > 2.8 mmol/L

  4. Interaction between Myeloma Cell and Bone M Marrow Microenvironment Mi i t

  5. Advances in Prognosis � International Staging System (ISS) Stage Stage Criteria Criteria Median Median Serum β 2 -microglobulin <3.5 mg/L I 62 mo. Serum albumin ≥ 3.5 g/dL II Not stage I or III 44 mo. Serum β 2 -microglobulin ≥ 5.5 mg/L 29 mo. III � Cytogenetic abnormalities t(4;14)=15% p53 deletion=10%

  6. Factors Affecting Myeloma Management in Canada � Drug availability D il bilit � Approval from Health Canada � Funding from provinces � Myeloma drugs approved in Canada ye o a d ugs app o ed Ca ada � Melphalan � Cyclophosphamide � Bisphosphonates (pamidronate, zolendronic acid, clodronate) � Bortezomib (2 nd line +) � Bortezomib (2 d line +) � Bortezomib + melphalan + prednisone (1 st line therapy without ASCT) � Lenalidomide for relapsed myeloma Access programs � SAP for thalidomide (but no funding) � EAP for lenalidomide is closing � Trial of bortezomib + melphalan + prednisone (limited number of centers) �

  7. Results of “Traditional” Initial Therapy py Overview Dex-based induction Melphalan + Prednisone + until plateau ASCT � Overall response rate 80% � Overall response rate 80% � Overall response rate 40-50% � Overall response rate 40 50% � CR/nCR 20%-30% � CR/nCR 5% � Median PFS 20-36 mos ed a S 0 36 os � Median PFS 12-15 mos � Median PFS 12 15 mos � Median OS 48-60 mos � Median OS 30-36 mos

  8. Efforts to Improve Initial Therapy Efforts to Improve Initial Therapy Melphalan + Prednisone ASCT � Optimize ASCT (eg. using O ti i ASCT ( i � Tandem ASCT melphalan 100 mg/m 2 ) � Maintenance therapy using � Add novel agents to M+P Add novel agents to M P novel agents novel agents � Use IMiD + dexamethasone � New induction regimens containing novel agents

  9. Novel Agents in Multiple Myeloma Novel Agents in Multiple Myeloma Thalidomide Thalidomide Bortezomib Lenalidomide Bortezomib Lenalidomide Effi Efficacy: - As single agents, with steroids, in combinations - As initial therapy or for relapsed/refractory MM As initial therapy or for relapsed/refractory MM

  10. Novel Agents in Myeloma Agent Agent Class Class Effects Effects Toxicity Toxicity Decreased adhesion, Teratogenicity, PN, Thalidomide IMiD sedation, rash, cytokines production, constipation, DVT angiogenesis angiogenesis Increased anti- myeloma immunity myeloma immunity Decreased adhesion, Fatigue, PN, GI Bortezomib Proteasome toxicity cytokine production, y p , inhibitor inhibitor Decrease in angiogenesis, NFkB, neutrophils, DNA repair platelets and lymphocytes Decreased adhesion Myelosuppression, Lenalidomid IMiD DVT Increased T cell e proliferation, NK cell ( (CC-5013) ) cytotoxicity, IFN- γ and t t i it IFN d IL-2

  11. Activity of Novel Agents in Relapsed/Refractory Myeloma Patients Myeloma Patients Agent CR/nCR PR Overall Thalidomide 1 < 5% 28% 30% Thalidomide +Dex Thalidomide +Dex 2 < 5% < 5% 40-50% 40 50% 50% 50% Bortezomib 3,4 5% / 5% 20-25% 30-40% B Bortezomib + Dex 5,6 t ib + D 5 6 5% / 5-10% 5% / 5 10% 35 55% 35-55% 40 50% 40-50% Lenalidomide 7 Lenalidomide 6% 6% 18% 18% 25 40% 25-40% Lenalidomide + 19% 51% 70% Dex 8,9 1 Glasmacher A, et al,Br J Haematol 132: 584-593,2005; 2 Palumbo A, et al. Hematol J 2004; 5:31 8-320; 3 Richardson PG, et al. N Engl J Med 352:2487-98, 2005; 4 Richardson P, et al. Blood 110:3557-60, 2007; 5 Jagannath S et al. Haematologica 91:929-32, 2006; 6 Kropff MH, et al. Leuk Res 29:587-90, 2005; 7 Richarson PG, et al. Blood 108; 3458-64, 2006; Weber DM, et al. N Engl J Med 357:2133-42, 2007; Dimopoulos M, et al. N Engl J Med 357:2123-32, 2007.

  12. The Changing Landscape of Therapy g g p py Initial Myeloma Therapy in Canada � Elderly patients ineligible for ASCT � Induction therapy before ASCT � Induction therapy before ASCT � Initial therapy in “transplant uncertain” patients � Non-melphalan containing therapy � Non melphalan containing therapy � May be of 2 broad types � Continuous “suppressive” therapy with IMiDs + steroids � Combination therapy with novel agents � High overall and CR/nCR rates

  13. IMF 99-06: Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Patients 65–75 Years N=500 3 3 2 2 2 MP-Thal Arm MEL100 x 2 Arm MP Arm VADx2; cyclophosphamide 3 Standard MP MP as Arm 1 + Thal at MTD but ≤ 400 mg/day, g/m 2 ; Melphalan, 100 mg/m 2 at 6-wk intervals x 12 stopped at end of MP Facon T et al. Lancet 2007;360:1209-1218.

  14. IFM 99 06 MP IFM 99-06:MP vs MP-Thal and MP vs Mel MP Th l d MP M l 100 Newly Diagnosed MM Aged 65–75 Years MP MP + thal Mel 100 x 2 Overall response rate (%) 35 76 65 CR rate (%) 2 18 18 Median PFS (mos) Median PFS (mos) 17 8 17.8 27 5 27.5 19 4 19.4 Overall survival (mos) 33.2 51.6 38.3 ≥ Grade 3 toxicity (%) Any non-heme 16 42 58 Neutropenia 26 48 100 VTE 4 12 8 Peripheral neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy 0 0 6 6 0 0 Facon T et al. Lancet 2007;360:1209-1218

  15. Randomized Trials in Elderly Myeloma Patients Myeloma Patients Study Regimen Overall CR/nCR rate PFS/EFS Overall Response Response (%) (%) (mos) (mos) Survival Survival rate (%) (mos) Facon 1 MPT 76 18 27.5* 51.6* MP MP 25 25 2 2 17.8 17 8 33 2 33.2 Palumbo 2 MPT 76 28 21.8* 45 MP MP 48 48 7 7 14 5 14.5 47.6 47.6 Hulin 3 MPT 61 7 24.1* 45.3* MP 31 1 19.1 27.7 San VMP 71 35 24.0* 83%* Miguel 4 MP 30 4 16.6 70% (2 (2 yrs) ) 1 Facon et al. Lancet 2006;370:1209-18; 2 Palumbo et al. Blood May 26 2008 [Epub]; 3 Hulin et al. Blood 2007;110:abstract #75; 4 San Miguel et al. Blood 2007;110:abstract # 76 . *statistically significant

  16. Randomized Trials in Elderly Myeloma Patients: Toxicity Comparisons Toxicity Comparisons Study Rx Duration Thal ≥ Gr 3 non- ≥ Gr 3 VTE ≥ Gr 3 of Rx of Rx dose dose heme toxicity heme toxicity Neutropenia Neutropenia PN PN (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Facon Facon 1 MPT MPT 72 72 400 mg 400 mg 42 42 48 48 12 12 6 6 MP 72 16 26 4 0 Palumbo 2 MPT 52 100 mg 49 16 12 10 MP 52+ 25 17 2 1 Hulin 3 MPT 72 100 mg 53 15 7 2 MP MP 72 72 15 15 4 4 2 2 San VMP 54 46 40 1 14 ‐‐ Miguel 4 MP 54 36 38 1 0 1 Facon et al. Lancet 2006;370:1209-18; 2 Palumbo et al. Lancet 2006; 367:825-31; 3 Hulin et al. Blood 2007;110:abstract #75; 4 San Miguel et al. Blood 2007;110:abstract # 76 .

  17. VMP: Effect of FISH Cytogenetics FISH: any (t4-14, t14-16, 17p Del) vs. None Best M-protein Total High Risk Std Risk Response n Response, n ( (N=165) 16 ) ( (N=26) 26) ( (N=139) 139) (%) CR (IF-) 32% 35% 32% ≥ PR ≥ PR 82% 82% 81% 81% 82% 82% TTP OS VMP standard risk VMP standard risk VMP high risk VMP high risk VMP standard risk (N=142): not reached (16 events) VMP standard risk (N=142): 23.1 months (34 events) VMP high risk (N=26): not reached (3 events) VMP high risk (N=26): 19.8 months (7 events) HR = 1.009 (95% CI: 0.278, 3.663) HR = 1.297 (95% CI: 0.55, 3.06) San Miguel et al. Blood 2007;110: abstract #76

  18. New Approaches in Elderly Myeloma Patients: Summary � Addition of novel agent to melphalan and prednisone improves outcome � Whether MP followed by novel agent at relapse produces similar or inferior results is uncertain � Toxicity is greater Toxicity is greater � Thalidomide regimens require thromboprophylaxis � Peripheral neuropathy is a concern � Data needed for risk groups � In Canada, options include: � Try to obtain funding for thalidomide T t bt i f di f th lid id � Clinical trial

  19. Management of Elderly Myeloma Patients in Canada: Clinical Trials � NCIC MY11 trial (closed) � Melphalan 5 mg/m 2 days 1-4 � Melphalan 5 mg/m days 1-4 � Lenalidomide 10 mg/days 1-21 � Ortho Biotech trial of V MP O th Bi t h t i l f V � Celgene MM020 international trial � Celgene MM020 international trial � Lenalidomide + weekly dex until progression � Lenalidomide + weekly dex for 18 months � MPT

  20. New Approaches before ASCT New Approaches before ASCT � Background: Patients in CR/nCR/VGPR after ASCT have better PFS and OS � Hypothesis: Achievement of CR/nCR/VGPR before ASCT will translate into improved outcome after ASCT


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