done innovation plan why innovate defining goals


DONE INNOVATION PLAN WHY INNOVATE? - DEFINING GOALS Innovation isnt solely represented by new devices, ideas or methods, but also by the process of uncovering new ways to do things. It can also pertain to modifying business models and


  2. WHY INNOVATE? - DEFINING GOALS “Innovation isn’t solely represented by new devices, ideas or methods, but also by the process of uncovering new ways to do things. It can also pertain to modifying business models and adapting to changes to achieve better products and services.” - Forbes Provide NEW or BETTER services ▸ Engage new communities/stakeholders or reinforce existing ▸ relationships with communities/stakeholders

  3. PROBLEM FOCUSED OPPORTUNITY DRIVEN What are the problems we’re facing? What are some areas of opportunity? Is there a better way to do something? How can we engage new stakeholders? Does something need to be reevaluated? Is there a new tool we can try out/create? INTERNAL FOCUS EXTERNAL FOCUS What can the Department do more How can we encourage stakeholders or efficiently? How can maximize our talent run/vote in elections? How can we and diversity in the work environment? educate and empower communities?

  4. EXAMPLES OF CROWDSOURCING CAMPAIGNS ON IDEASCALE ESTABLISHING TESTING, DATA CONTENT-BASED COMMUNITY AND COLLECTION, AND CROWDSOURCING SEEKING OPINIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE IRS Tax Design Challenge EA Sports Game Changers NYPD Social Engagement Idea Forum Platform Enlisted the public’s help in imagining a system that A forum to collaborate and A platform to solicit tips makes it easier for average communicate, to generate and concerns from citizens to understand and new ideas and engage new resident and rebuild trust, manage their tax customers service, and accountability responsibilities

  5. HOW TO INNOVATE? - DEFINE PARAMETERS Create and communicate the means in which we innovate: Set-up an innovation workflow and an innovation culture How do we do it? ● Why do we do it? ●

  6. CONSIDERATIONS FOR SETTING UP AN INNOVATION WORKFLOW Type of ideation Who needs to be Available resources involved? Depending on what the This doesn’t just mean the We need to consider what campaign is, the type of people who are ideating but we can achieve within the ideation will vary - meaning, also the people who need to confines of our available the outcomes, the criteria be consulted or brought on resources. Time? Money? and evaluation for within and outside the Staff members? submissions, the incentives Department for an idea to for participation, etc. move on.

  7. PREPARING FOR ENGAGEMENT Support and Openness and Creating Permission Development Communication and Resources Establish upper-level Building awareness and Allowing for time to be ● ● ● management buy-in outreach for the dedicated for innovation importance of innovation Training - not just software Allowing for creation of an ● ● but also tools/techniques Opening the innovation innovation budget (if not, ● for creative brainstorming process to all stakeholders proposing one) Partnerships Encouraging constructive Encouraging ● ● ● change and feedback cross-divisional teamwork

  8. EXAMPLE CAMPAIGN: Public Awareness of Neighborhood Councils


  10. TIMELINE OF ACTIVITY Defining the Setting up Moderation of the campaign goals Ideascale campaign 1 2 3 4 5 6 Build innovation Launch and Closing campaign + Workflow Outreach report back

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