describe Statement do it "uses the customer name in the header" do customer = stub("customer") customer.stub(:name).and_return('Joe Customer') statement = statement.header.should == "Statement for Joe Customer" end end message expectation class Statement def header "Statement for #{}" end end
describe Statement do it "uses the customer name in the header" do customer = stub("customer") customer.stub(:name).and_return('Joe Customer') statement = statement.header.should == "Statement for Joe Customer" end end bound to implementation class Statement def header "Statement for #{}" end end
stubs are often used like mocks
mocks are often used like stubs
we verify stubs by checking state after an action
we tell mocks to verify interactions
sometimes stubs just make the system run
when are method stubs helpful?
isolation from non-determinism
random values
random values class BoardTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def test_allows_move_to_last_square board = :squares => 50, :die =>'roll', 2) ) piece =, 48) board.move(piece) assert board.squares[48].contains?(piece) end end
time describe Event do it "is not happening before the start time" do now = start = now + 1 Time.stub(:now).and_return now event = => start) event.should_not be_happening end end
isolation from external dependencies
network access Database Interface Database Subject Network Internets Interface
network access def test_successful_purchase_sends_shipping_message ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test gateway = :login => 'TestMerchant', :password => 'password' ) item = stub() messenger = mock() messenger.expects(:ship).with(item) purchase =, item, credit_card, messenger) purchase.finalize end
network access Stub Database Code Subject Example Stub Network
network access def test_successful_purchase_sends_shipping_message gateway = stub() gateway.stubs(:authorize).returns(, "ignore") ) item = stub() messenger = mock() messenger.expects(:ship).with(item) purchase =, item, credit_card, messenger) purchase.finalize end
polymorphic collaborators
strategies describe Employee do it "delegates pay() to payment strategy" do payment_strategy = mock() employee = payment_strategy.expects(:pay) end end
mixins/plugins describe AgeIdentifiable do describe "#can_vote?" do it "raises if including does not respond to birthdate" do object = object.extend AgeIdentifiable expect { object.can_vote? }.to raise_error( /must supply a birthdate/ ) end it "returns true if birthdate == 18 years ago" do object = stub(object).birthdate {18.years.ago.to_date} object.extend AgeIdentifiable object.can_vote?.should be(true) end end end
when are message expectations helpful?
side effects describe Statement do it "logs a message when printed" do customer = stub("customer") customer.stub(:name).and_return('Joe Customer') logger = mock("logger") statement =, logger) logger.should_receive(:log).with(/Joe Customer/) statement.print end end
caching describe ZipCode do it "should only validate once" do validator = mock() zipcode ="02134", validator) validator.should_receive(:valid?).with("02134").once. and_return(true) zipcode.valid? zipcode.valid? end end
interface discovery describe "thing I'm working on" do it "does something with some assistance" do thing_i_need = mock() thing_i_am_working_on = thing_i_need.should_receive(:help_me).and_return('what I need') thing_i_am_working_on.do_something_complicated end end
isolation testing
specifying/testing individual objects in isolation
good fit with lots of little objects
all of these concepts apply to the non-rails specific parts of our rails apps
isolation testing the rails-specific parts of our applicationss
View Controller Model
Browser Router View Controller Model Database
rails testing ๏ unit tests ๏ functional tests ๏ integration tests
rails unit tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database
rails functional tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database ๏ views ๏ controllers
rails functional tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database ๏ views ๏ controllers
rails functional tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database !DRY ๏ views ๏ controllers
rails integration tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database ๏ views ๏ controllers ๏ routing/sessions
rails integration tests ๏ model classes (repositories) ๏ model objects ๏ database !DRY ๏ views ๏ controllers ๏ routing/sessions
the BDD approach
inherited from XP
customer specs developer specs
rails integration tests + webrat shoulda, context, micronaut, etc
customer specs are implemented as end to end tests
developer specs are implemented as isolation tests
mocking and stubbing with rails
partials in view specs describe "/registrations/new.html.erb" do before(:each) do template.stub(:render).with(:partial => anything) end it "renders the registration navigation" do template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => 'nav') render end it "renders the registration form " do template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => 'form') render end end
conditional branches in controller specs describe "POST create" do describe "with valid attributes" do it "redirects to list of registrations" do registration = stub_model(Registration) Registration.stub(:new).and_return(registration) registration.stub(:save!).and_return(true) post 'create' response.should redirect_to(registrations_path) end end end
conditional branches in controller specs describe "POST create" do describe "with invalid attributes" do it "re-renders the new form" do registration = stub_model(Registration) Registration.stub(:new).and_return(registration) registration.stub(:save!).and_raise( post 'create' response.should render_template('new') end end end
conditional branches in controller specs describe "POST create" do describe "with invalid attributes" do it "assigns the registration" do registration = stub_model(Registration) Registration.stub(:new).and_return(registration) registration.stub(:save!).and_raise( post 'create' assigns[:registration].should equal(registration) end end end
shave a few lines but leave a little stubble
stubble describe "POST create" do describe "with valid attributes" do it "redirects to list of registrations" do stubbing(Registration) do post 'create' response.should redirect_to(registrations_path) end end end end
stubble describe "POST create" do describe "with invalid attributes" do it "re-renders the new form" do stubbing(Registration, :as => :invalid) do post 'create' response.should render_template('new') end end it "assigns the registration" do stubbing(Registration, :as => :invalid) do |registration| post 'create' assigns[:registration].should equal(registration) end end end end
chains describe UsersController do it "GET 'best_friend'" do member = stub_model(User) friends = stub() friend = stub_model(User) User.stub(:find).and_return(member) member.stub(:friends).and_return(friends) friends.stub(:favorite).and_return(friend) get :best_friend, :id => '37' assigns[:friend].should equal(friend) end end
chains describe UsersController do it "GET 'best_friend'" do friend = stub_model(User) User.stub_chain(:find, :friends, :favorite). and_return(friend) get :best_friend, :id => '37' assigns[:friend].should equal(friend) end end
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