Does the Hubble constant tension call for new physics? Edvard Mörtsell and Suhail Dhawan 1801.07260
The Hubble constant ( H 0 ) Size of Universe compared to today Billion years from today
Local CMB Freedman, Nature Astronomy 1
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Planck
Planck 2015 results. XIV. Dark energy and modified gravity
Conclusions The CMB inferred Hubble constant is low assuming Λ CDM, but the value is very model dependent 1. Decrease the expansion rate faster up to z = 1100 Impossible to realize fully given other distance data 2. Change the physical size of the CMB fluctuations by changing the expansion speed at z > 1100 Works better, indicating additional semi-relativistic energy in the early Universe
Does the Hubble constant tension call for new physics? Edvard Mörtsell and Suhail Dhawan 1801.07260 • If you believe the local measurements, it is a hint • If the tension persists with 1 % local H 0 , it would constitute strong evidence
Local measurements (S H O ES) NGC 4258 maser Open University "Galaxies and Cosmology”
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