Documenting and preserving programming languages and software in Wikidata John Samuel, Katherine Thornton, Kenneth Seals-Nutt CPE Lyon, EaaSI SWIB 2018, Bonn, 27 th November, 2018 Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 1 | >
Programming Languages English Wikipedia Infoboxes of Programming Languages Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 2 < | >
Programming Languages Programming Languages with the most multilingual labels Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 3 < | >
Programming Languages Programming Language Paradigms Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 4 < | >
Programming Languages Programming Languages with the most number of different paradigms Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 5 < | >
Programming Languages Programming languages with most number of multilingual Wikpedia articles Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 6 < | >
Programming Languages Wikipedia languages with the most number of articles on programming languages Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 7 < | >
Programming Languages Languages with the most number of labels of programming languages Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 8 < | >
Software English Wikipedia Infoboxes of Software Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 9 < | >
Software Software with the most number of labels on Wikidata Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 10 < | >
Software Software with the most number of articles on Wikipedia Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 11 < | >
Software Languages with the most number of articles on Wikipedia Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 12 < | >
Software Languages with the most number of Software labels on Wikidata Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 13 < | >
Operating Systems English Wikipedia Infoboxes of Operating Systems Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 14 < | >
Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 15 < | >
Digital Preservation Digital Preservation OPF Software Heritage EaaSI Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 16 < | >
Wikidata Wikidata Started in 2012 is free, open, linked, structured, collaborative and multilingual knowledge base From multi-(sub)domain multilingual Wikipedia sites to a single-domain multilingual website Collaborative Multilingual Multi-domain Ontology development Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 17 < | >
Wikipedia to Wikdiata EN ML FR HI DE ES IT NL Importing structured data from Wikipedia Infoboxes to Wikidata Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 18 < | >
Wikdiata to Wikipedia EN ML FR HI DE ES IT NL Exporting data from Wikidata to multiple multilingual Wikipedia articles Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 19 < | >
Wikipedia Infobox Properties Existing English Wikipedia Infobox Properties of Programming Languages Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 20 < | >
Wikidata Wikidata entry of Python Programming Language (labels) Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 21 < | >
Wikidata Properties Wikidata entry of Python Programming Language (property values) Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 22 < | >
Wikidata Properties Example of Wikidata Property Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 23 < | >
Wikidata Properties Proposition (with possible translations) Discussion Deletion Voting Proposition Creation to Delete Translation Usage Property Creation on Wikidata Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 24 < | >
Wikidata Projects Example Wikidata WikiProject Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 25 < | >
Wikidata Projects Example Wikidata WikiProject and Property Suggestions Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 26 < | >
Tools: Histropedia Timeline of Programming Languages Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 27 < | >
Status of software data Wikidata 85,000 destop applications research software FLOSS Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 28 < | >
Licenses approved by the Free Software Foundation Licenses approved by the Free Software Foundation by count of software titles available under each Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 29 < | >
UNIX utilities Some unix utilities have their own identifiers in the LoC Name Authority File or in the GND Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 30 < | >
Deutsches Forschungsnetz Software developed by members of Deutsches Forschungsnetz Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 31 < | >
File format items File format items that have a LoC FDD identifier, along with all other identifiers Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 32 < | >
Wikidata for Digital Preservation Wikidata Inspired by WikiGenomes Streamlined interface Property checklists tailored to digital preservation Specialty searches (PUID, mimetype) Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 33 < | >
Wikidata for Digital Preservation Development Team Kenneth Seals-Nutt: software engineer Katherine Thornton: Data curation, data models, SPARQL queries Carl Wilson: technical mentor Euan Cochrane: digital preservation program of work Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 34 < | >
WikiGenomes Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 35 < | >
Role of Portals About 5,000 properties in Wikidata Data models are not pre-defined Portal has a domain-specific property checklist Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 36 < | >
Technologies Python Flask SPARQL Wikidata Integrator MediaWiki API Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 37 < | > Screenshot of search results in the WikiDP portal Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 38 < | >
WDProp 1. WDProp: Collaborative Multilingual Multi-domain Ontology development: is it possible to achieve a truly multilingual experience? 2. Goals: Understanding Wikidata property proposal, creation and translation Available templates and their usage Providing real-time statistics to (multilingual) contributors Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 39 < | >
WDProp Information on Wikidata Properties Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 40 < | >
WDProp WDProp Get real-time translation statistics Navigate supported languages, properties, datatypes, classes Compare translation statistics Find available properties for an entity Uses Wikidata SPARQL endpoints and Mediawiki API URL Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 41 < | >
Conclusion Digital Heritage Wikidata: Multilingual, Structured Knowledge Base Need for Digital Preservation Digital Preservation on Wikidata Community participation: Property proposition, translation and item description Tools using SPARQL endpoints and/or MediaWiki API Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 42 < | >
Tools and Projects Tools Wikidata SPARQL query endpoint MediaWiki API Wikidata Integrator Histropedia wdtaxonomy WDProp WikiDP WikiDP Portal (Github) Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 43 < | >
Tools and Projects WikiProjects WikiProjects WikiProject Informatics WikiProject Informatics/Programming Language WikiProject Informatics/Software/Properties WikiProject Informatics/Operating System Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 44 < | >
References 1. Kaffee, L. A., Piscopo, A., Vougiouklis, P., Simperl, E., Carr, L., & Pintscher, L. (2017, August). A glimpse into Babel: an analysis of multilinguality in Wikidata. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 14). ACM. 2. Müller-Birn, C., Karran, B., Lehmann, J., & Luczak-Rösch, M. (2015, August). Peer-production system or collaborative ontology engineering effort: What is Wikidata?. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 20). ACM. 3. Samuel, J. (2017) Collaborative Approach to Developing a Multilingual Ontology: A Case Study of Wikidata. In : Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 167-172. 4. Samuel, J. (2018). Towards Understanding and Improving Multilingual Collaborative Ontology Development in Wikidata. In: WikiWorkshop 2018 5. Thornton, K., Cochrane E., Ledoux T. (2017). Modeling the Domain of Digital Preservation in Wikidata . In: iPRES 2017 Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 45 < | >
Thank you Digital Preservation | John Samuel, Katherine Thornton 46 < | >
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