DOCUDRAMA PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT The purpose of this assignment is to practice the application of the docudrama rubric and the rhetoric triangle as tools to assess the success or failure of a docudrama. Pick a docudrama at least 10 years old or older. Oct 4 – Turn in a paragraph that is an analysis of the film using the rubric provided. As we have discovered, you will have to do some research to answer items 3,4 and 5. Give the film a score based on the rubric elements. Nov 8 - Turn in a paragraph on the context around the film and the intention of the filmmaker. Note the way the filmmaker used ethos, pathos and logos to tell the story. Logos Note the claims or theme and premise the filmmaker makes, the exigence (the issue, problem, or situation that caused or prompted the filmmaker to make this film). Note the data the filmmaker provides in support of the claims. Note the conclusions the filmmaker draws. Ethos Note how the filmmaker establishes a persona. Note how the filmmaker establishes credibility. Note any revelation of the filmmaker's credentials or personal history. Pathos Note the primary audience for the text (film). Note the emotional appeals the filmmaker makes. Note the filmmaker's expectations of the audience. Dec 6 - Make a 10 minute maximum Keynote or PowerPoint presentation to the class on your film. Provide a handout to class and instructor of your presentation. Present your application of the docudrama rubric and the rhetorical triangle on the film. Include whether or not in your opinion the filmmaker succeeded or failed. Include proof of writing center review of your handout.
SAMPLE HAND-OUT FOR FINAL PRESENTATION Docudrama FIL3307 Sam Student MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE HANDOUT! DOCUDRAMA SELECTED: Put title of the film you selected here WHY YOU CHOSE THIS FILM: What interested you about this docudrama? SYNOPSIS OF FILM: 100 words MAX – a brief outline of the story so we know what the context is for the clip you have chosen. 3-4 sentences are fine. CONTEXT: Please give us the context in which this film was made. Did the filmmaker have a personal agenda as a reason for making this film? What was going on in the world of the audience when the film was released? ANALYSIS: Tell us the total score your choice received by using the Docudrama Rubric. RHETORICAL TRIANGLE: Present your answers from the exercise of viewing the film through the lenses of the rhetorical triangle and rhetorical appeals. Logos/Reason/Film Note the claims or theme and premise the filmmaker makes, the exigence (the issue, problem, or situation that caused or prompted the filmmaker to make this film). Note the data the filmmaker provides in support of the claims. Note the conclusions the filmmaker draws. Ethos/Credibility/Filmmaker Note how the filmmaker establishes a persona. Note how the filmmaker establishes credibility. Note any revelation of the filmmaker's credentials or personal history. Pathos/Audience/Emotions Note the primary audience for the text (film). Note the emotional appeals the filmmaker makes. Note the filmmaker's expectations of the audience. CLOSING: Tell us if you feel the film succeeded or failed as a good docudrama based on your research. REFERENCES: Include at least 3 (three) references that you used in your research – MLA or APA styles are both accepted. Academic journals only. You can have more than three references but at least three must be academic journals. See the UCF librarian for assistance. . Include proof of writing center review of your handout.
LOGOS reason text ETHOS PATHOS credibility emotion, author values, beliefs audience
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