dm865 10 ects heuristikker og approximationsalgoritmer

DM865 (10 ECTS) Heuristikker og Approximationsalgoritmer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DM865 (10 ECTS) Heuristikker og Approximationsalgoritmer [Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms] Spring semester Lene Monrad Favrholdt Marco Chiarandini lektorer, IMADA Approximation Algorithms A 2 -approximation

  1. DM865 (10 ECTS) Heuristikker og Approximationsalgoritmer [Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms] Spring semester Lene Monrad Favrholdt • Marco Chiarandini lektorer, IMADA

  2. Approximation Algorithms A 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) Double tree algorithm: 1. T ← MST 2. Double all edges in T 3. E tour ← Eurler tour 4. H ← vertices in order of appearance in E tour

  3. Approximation Algorithms A 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP )

  4. Approximation Algorithms A 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP ) c ( H ) ≤ 2 · c ( MST ) ≤ 2 · c ( TSP )

  5. Approximation Algorithms A 3 / 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) Christofide’s algorithm: 1. T ← MST 2. M ← minimum perfect matching of odd degree vertices in T 3. E tour ← Euler tour in the subgraph ( V , E ( T ) ∪ M ) 4. H ← vertices in order of appearance in the E tour

  6. Approximation Algorithms A 3 / 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP )

  7. Approximation Algorithms A 3 / 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP ) c ( H ) ≤ c ( MST ) + c ( M )

  8. Approximation Algorithms A 3 / 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP ) c ( H ) ≤ c ( MST ) + c ( M ) ≤ c ( TSP ) + 1 2 c ( TSP )

  9. Approximation Algorithms A 3 / 2 -approximation algorithm for TSP c ( TSP ) c ( MST ) c ( MST ) ≤ c ( TSP ) c ( H ) ≤ c ( MST ) + c ( M ) ≤ c ( TSP ) + 1 2 c ( TSP ) = 3 2 · c ( TSP )

  10. Approximation Algorithms Theorem (2015) For α < 185 184 , there does not exist an α -approximation algorithm for the TSP.

  11. Local Search

  12. Local Search

  13. Local Search

  14. Local Search

  15. Local Search

  16. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes

  17. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes

  18. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes

  19. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes

  20. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes

  21. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  22. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  23. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  24. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  25. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  26. Metaheuristics Accepting worsening changes Trying different changes

  27. Contents Apporx Algorithms Local Search + Metaheuristics Set Cover Satisfiability Traveling Salesman Scheduling Knapsack Bin packing

  28. Course Formalities Prerequisites: ✧ Programming (DM502, DM503, DM550) ✧ Algorithms and Datastructures (DM507) ✦ Complexity and Computability (DM508, DM553) ✦ Linear and Integer Programming (DM559, DM545, DM554) Credits: 10 ECTS Language: English or Danish Classes: intro: 2 h × 24; training: 2 h × 24 Material: slides + text book + articles + starting code

  29. Assessment (10 ECTS) • Two practical project assignments passed/failed with internal censor by the teacher (include programming in Python) • Oral exam based on: • the theoretical part • two practical assignments Grading by the Danish 7-mark scale with external examiner. Exam aids allowed.

  30. DM865 (10 ECTS) Heuristikker og Approximationsalgoritmer [Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms] Spring semester Lene Monrad Favrholdt • Marco Chiarandini lektorer, IMADA


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