CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) Anemia Cardiovascular disease 2 a a 3 t times imes a w week 4 h hours s each quea easi sines ess Strict treatment dizzines zziness
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE WORLDWIDE 10 - 14% R$ 1.4 billion or US$ 570 million
WHY!? Where these expenses come from?! 1 Equipment & Infrastructure 2 No easily handled devices 3 Sensitivity
1 Equipment & Infrastructure 2 No easily handled devices 3 Sensitivity
3 1 2
Detection Module Quorum rum sen ensin ing g system Identifies Cys C
Detection Module The Cys C Biomarker More sensiti sitive e to small changes in the Glomerular Filtration Rate - Concent centrat ation ion less s sucept eptib ible e to factor such as:
Detection Module How it works ? 1 . Cleavage of the Linker 1 . 2 . AIP (Auto inducer peptide) is released and binds to the ComD receptor 3 . ComE phosphorilation 4 . LasR expression lasR 2 . [ CysC ][ CatS ] Ki 0 . 008 nM CysC CatS [ : ] 3 . 4 . lasR
Diagnosis Module Increase creased Prognosi gnosis levels Cys C for CKD We already have the means to... production How do we discriminate between increased and normal Cys C concentrations?
qteE (BBa_K1521000) RBS qteE SpoVG Pseudomonas aeruginosa Imunoblots. Espressing qteE from the beggining of the culture reduces LasR accumulation. Responsible for creating expres ressi sion on thres resholds holds Hamp mpers LasR ability to promote downstream gene expression Const stitu tuti tive expression SIEHNEL R, A unique regulator controls the activation threshold if quorum-regulated genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Proc ocee eedin ings s of the Nati tion onal Academy y of Sciences ces USA, 2010, 107(17):7916-7921.
Diagnosis Module Plac c promo moter er + qteE Manipulate the expression rate through IPTG G induction Set the appropria priate e thresh shol old d for Cys discrimination
Response Module Indu duced ced by by , practical mesurement reasons Example from Interlab Study Control Device 1
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E High Levels High Levels of of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S S :
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E High Levels High Levels of of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S S :
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E High Levels High Levels of of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin SICK D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S S :
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E Normal Levels of Normal Levels of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S S :
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E Normal Levels of Normal Levels of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S S :
I N P U T R E E S S P P O N N S S E E Normal Levels of Normal Levels of LasR LasR GFP GFP Cystatin C Cystatin S : HEALTHY D I I A A G G N O O S S I I S
Important One crucial step for the feasibility of our project is the proper barrier er set et up After construction IPTG Biodetector calibrat bration ion Standardized Cathepsin S solution Cys C concentration mimiking O.D. normal blood levels
Assembly Map
Mathematical Modelling
Chemical Kinectics Ordinary differential equation d A A dt Evolution of the concentration in time Initial conditions Other parameter for dynamic strength Our chemical reactions are those that regulate: Inducer/repressor binding/unbinding on promoter Enzyme activity and its interaction with inhibitor Reporter gene production (GFP)
The CAOS !!!
ComE limit concentration experiments (Imperial College Team 2010) Tokyo team Plac IPTG induction equation
Considering the formation of a LasR-QteE complex
Creation of the Expression Barrier P Veg P lasR gfp lasR Control Result
Creation of the Expression Barrier P Veg P Veg P lasR qteE gfp lasR Control Result
Next steps Complementary experiments with extra circuits: Objective: Characterize the LasR:QteE interaction (ratio and induced response) P veg P lac lasR qteE P lasR gfp P veg P lac lasR qteE
In a near Future After better characterization of the qteE threshold property, it can be used for: Creation of mul ultiple iple st standar ndardi dize zed d thres eshold olds for more qua uantit itati tive biological system on of cellular pathways; conc Coor ordina dinati tion ncentrat entration ion trigge gers
1. Easy sy to Use 2. Low 5. Chea eaper per Sample devices Usage Microfluidics 4 . . Less ss 3. More dependent accurat rate on costly stly and detection reproducibl ducible instruments
Transform complex biodetection system into user-friendly devices
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber
1. 1. Spores 2. Activation medium + IPTG 3. Standardized 4. Sanitation solution Cathepsin S Solution Reaction Chamber How to use it 1) Press buttons 1 and 2 (spores activation) 2) Add blood sample in the reaction chamber 3) Seal reaction chamber with extra membrane 4) Press 3 5) Repeatedly press the membrane to mix the reaction chamber content 6) Wait for diagnosis 7) Interpretate result 8) Press 4 9) Ready to discard
The brazilian Jamboree Brasil-SP team
Policy and Practices
Policy and Practices Social al Developmen opment Scient ntif ific ic Development elopment
It’s Time !
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