division of consumer industry pesticides section david

Division of Consumer & Industry Pesticides Section David - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Division of Consumer & Industry Pesticides Section David Newbill, West TN Regional Supervisor Governor Haslams # 1 Initiative for Tennessee CUSTOMER FOCUSED GOVERNMENT You are TDAs customer Your customer is TDAs customer

  1. Division of Consumer & Industry Pesticides Section David Newbill, West TN Regional Supervisor

  2. Governor Haslam’s # 1 Initiative for Tennessee

  3. CUSTOMER FOCUSED GOVERNMENT • You are TDA’s customer • Your customer is TDA’s customer

  4. Working Together to Achieve Great Customer Service 3 Important Steps to Our Success 1. Provide quality products & services 2. Documentation of products & services 3. Cooperation

  5. Certification Required for Active License • Rule 0080-09-04-.05 (3) Licenses will be suspended upon expiration of the license holder’s certification and reinstated when certification is obtained again…

  6. Certification Required for Active License If there is only one licensee attached to the charter and the license is suspended for lack of current certification, the charter can automatically be suspended. 62-21-119 (d) A charter shall automatically be suspended should the licensed pest control operator, whose name appears on the charter, cease to be in charge…

  7. Certification Required for Active License A suspended license and charter means: NO Applications of pesticides and no sales of pesticide applications by anyone within the company can be made until compliance with the laws and regulations has be achieved Note: Technicians can be violated for making applications or sales without a valid supervising licensee.

  8. Submitting Bids for Pesticide Applications Submitting a bid for grounds maintenance that includes the application of pesticides Requires the bidder to have a charter with TDA as per T.C.A. 62-21-103

  9. Submitting Bids for Pesticide Applications If you don’t have a TDA charter and wish to bid, you can sub-contract the pesticide application service by: Attaching a separate bid for the pesticide application service from a TDA chartered & licensed pest control company.

  10. READ the LABEL !!!!! • Labels are changing each year • Labels are dated – on the last page • Information on the label is needed for you to complete your application records.

  11. Parts of a Pesticide Label • Classification – GUP or RUP? • Brand Name – Roundup / Atrazine 4L • Ingredient Statement - Active / Inert • EPA Registration Number • EPA Establishment Number • Name & Address of the Manufacturer • Net Contents • Type of Pesticide – WP, EC, Granular

  12. Parts of a Pesticide Label • Signal Word – Danger, Warning, Caution • Statement of Practical Treatment – First Aid / antidote / Information for Doctors • Precautionary Statements - Hazards to Humans, animals & environment, Personal Protective Equipment required for mixing & use

  13. Parts of a Pesticide Label • Directions for Use 1. Insects, Weeds, Fungi, etc. controlled 2. Intended Target Sites 3. The correct amounts to use (rate) 4. Mixing & applying instructions 5. How often the product can be applied 6. Restricted Entry Interval 7. Storage & Disposal Instructions 8. Restrictions – Set backs, buffer zones (all “Do Nots”)

  14. Pesticide Application Records • Application date • Pesticide used • Application address • Use dilution volume • Applicator name • Application rate • Use dilution (certification pin no.#) percentage / rate • Target site • Target pest

  15. Pesticide Application Records Why are Pesticide Application Records Important ??????

  16. Pesticide Application Records Application records need to contain sufficient information to completely describe how the pesticide was mixed & applied without the need to ask you any questions.

  17. Pesticide Application Records Most common violations in recordkeeping • Applicator name (certification pin no.#) The full name of the applicator will not appear Examples: initials, first name only, last name only, failure to list Certification Pin Number

  18. Pesticide Application Records Most common violations in recordkeeping • Target site Failure to list the type of grass or ornamental treated

  19. Pesticide Application Records “ Target Site” as define in rule 0080-09-04-.09 (d) The crop, plant, house, business, or building the pesticide is applied on or to and the location thereof; including the physical address or Farm Services Agency number;

  20. Pesticide Application Records Most common violations in recordkeeping • Use dilution percentage Is the percentage of active ingredient in the amount of water used.

  21. Calculating a Use Dilution % Princep Liquid Example exercise: • Mix 32 ozs. Princep Liquid in 100 gals. Water • 4.0 lbs. AI in 1 gal. of Princep Liquid • 1 gal. water weighs 8.3 lbs.

  22. Calculating a Use Dilution % 1) 4.0 lbs .(AI) x 32 ozs. (Princep) ÷ 128 ozs. = 1.0 lb. (AI) in 32 ozs. 2) 1.0 lb. of AI ÷ 830 lbs. of water = 0.0012 ratio 3) 0.0012 x 100 = 0.12% finished use dilution A simpler accepted method to record this is:

  23. Pesticide Application Records Most HLT/ROW labels do not express a use dilution percentage TDA will except the following in your record: 64 ozs. in 80 gals. water per acre 0.2 ozs. in 5 gals. water per 1000 sq. ft.

  24. Pesticide Application Records Most common violations in recordkeeping • Total amount of pesticide used Mixed Use Dilution by volume or weight Not just the amount of concentrate

  25. Pesticide Application Records • Total amount of pesticide used Record the amount of pesticide used at each individual address. EXAMPLE: You have a retirement community under contract. The property has 50 individual homes. You must record the amount of pesticide applied to each individual yard.

  26. Pesticide Application Records Most common violations in recordkeeping • Application rate Application rates that are expressed in the pesticide label must be recorded in your pesticide application records. • Pesticides can be applied at less than label rates but never above label rates

  27. Application Rates An Application Rate is Application Volume per a specific measured unit of area

  28. Application Rates Examples: • 50 gals. per acre • To the point of run-off • 1 ounce per 1000 sq. ft. • 3 ounces per acre in 10 gals of water per acre • Crack & Crevice • Spot

  29. Make Sure to Read the Label Important information: • Apply in a minimum of 15 gals. water/acre • Do not apply after June 1 • Do not make more than 2 applications per year • Do not exceed 3 qts. per acre per year

  30. Employee Records Remember to immediately report to TDA Hires & Fires

  31. Non Certified Applicators There is no grace period for employees to obtain their certification. If non certified employees are applying pesticides they must be in the physical presence of a licensed and/or certified applicator.

  32. Personal Protective Equipment • Using and properly maintaining your PPE is extremely important. • PPE requirements are located in the “Precautionary Statements” section of the label. • Different levels of PPE maybe required for mixing & applying

  33. Your daily use of PPE is also Important when you get Home

  34. Don’t Contaminate Yourself or Your Family

  35. Remember Your PPE

  36. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellations After December 31, 2013 all uses on Residential and Commercial Lawns are Cancelled BUT……..

  37. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellations If you have existing stocks of MSMA, DSMA or CAMA products bearing the “OLD LABEL” It can be used on residential and commercial lawns until the supply of the old labeled product is exhausted Note: All old labeled product should be exhausted by now. If you claim to still have old label to use TDA will investigate to verify the validity of your claim .

  38. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellations Under Further Review • EPA is extending the continued registration of golf course, sod farm and highway right of way uses for 3 years or until further notice. • The effective date of the extension was: September 14, 2012

  39. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellation Review Period Restrictions For Golf Course Use: • Spot treatments only (100 sq. ft. per spot) cannot exceed 25% of total course acreage per year • One broadcast treatment for newly constructed courses only

  40. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellation Review Period Restrictions For Sod Farm Use: • Maximum of 2 broadcast applications per year • 25 foot buffer around permanent water bodies

  41. MSMA, DSMA, CAMA Cancellations Under Further Review For Highway Right of Way Use: • Maximum of 2 broadcast applications per year • 25 foot buffer around permanent water bodies


  43. Atrazine / Simazine Application Set Back Restrictions • Atrazine set back restrictions have been in place since 2000. • New application set back restrictions began appearing on product labels containing Simazine in 2008. • All products containing Simazine must have application set back restrictions on the label by the end of 2012. • No Drop Dead Date on product bearing old labeled uses. Use as per label until exhausted.

  44. Atrazine / Simazine Application Set Back Restrictions • The Application Set Back Restrictions appear in the ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS section of the product label.


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