district advisory committee meeting

District Advisory Committee Meeting District Office, Galleria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

District Advisory Committee Meeting District Office, Galleria October 1, 2014 6:00 P.M. Agenda I. Welcome II. DAC Schedule 2014-15 III. Summary of LCAP Evaluation letter from San Mateo County Office Of Education IV. JUHSD Budget-State

  1. District Advisory Committee Meeting District Office, Galleria October 1, 2014 6:00 P.M.

  2. Agenda I. Welcome II. DAC Schedule 2014-15 III. Summary of LCAP Evaluation letter from San Mateo County Office Of Education IV. JUHSD Budget-State and Federal Allocations V. Proposed English Learner Reclassification Criteria (14- 15) VI. Needs Assessment Tool VII. Breakout Session-Creation of DAC Survey

  3. 2014 – 2015 DAC Schedule Date DAC Agenda Board Agenda October 1 Overview of DAC meetings Overview of budget Interim reclassification criteria Needs assessment survey Study session November LCAP overview process/ templates/ needs assessment data

  4. 2014 – 2015 DAC Schedule Date DAC Agenda Board Agenda Needs assessment December 3 data review - what is the data telling us? January February 4 Analysis of needs assessment Re-evaluate goals, actions, and services Present CARS budget

  5. 2014 – 2015 DAC Schedule Date DAC Agenda Board Agenda Study Session to review LCAP Draft March April 1 Present LCAP draft Create feedback link May 6 Final LCAP draft LCAP Public Hearing June Adjust LCAP to Approval of LCAP reflect input and budget

  6. LCAP Evaluation Criteria Education Code Section 52070(d) provides that the County Superintendent of Schools shall approve a Local Control and Accountability Plan if the following criteria for approval are met: 1) Adherence to SBE Adopted Template 2) Sufficient Expenditures in Budget to Implement LCAP 3) Adherence to SBE Expenditure Regulations

  7. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 1 – Engagement EC 52052, 52063, and T5 CCR 15497 (SBE adopted template) require that the District provide for a meaningful process to engage parents, students, community, and other stakeholders in the development of the LCAP. The District-submitted LCAP describes an engagement process in Section 1 which specifies the impact of input gathered at meetings and the changes introduced to the LCAP from various stakeholder engagements. SMCOE offers no technical assistance recommendations on this section at this time.

  8. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 2 – Goals The District-submitted LCAP includes three (3) broad LCAP goals which are aligned to the District Strategic Plan, the current Title III Plan, Technology Plan, and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Implementation/Spending Plan. For each LCAP goal, the District identified metrics to measure progress over time for each LCAP year. While the current LCAP minimally addresses all of the required metrics SMCOE recommends adjustment and full alignment of all of the metrics identified in EC 52060 in the District’s annual LCAP revision.

  9. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 3A – Actions, Services, and Expenditures for All Students Section 3A of the District LCAP details the actions, services, and expenditures associated with the implementation of the LCAP identified goals. SMCOE offers no technical assistance recommendations on this section at this time.

  10. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 3B – Actions, Services, and Expenditures for Target Students For each LCAP goal, the District LCAP specifically identified the actions, services, and expenditures to serve fluent English proficient students, English learners, Foster Youth, and low-income students each LCAP year. SMCOE offers no technical assistance recommendations on this section at this time.

  11. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 3C – Spending Plan for Supplemental & Concentration Grant In Section 3C, the District reported a calculated supplemental and concentration grant in the amount of $1,052,181 attributable to the District’s 1861 unduplicated students. While this calculated amount is correct, in Section 3C the District does not clearly describe the expenditures that the District is currently already supporting for its unduplicated students and the increased and improved services for the 2014-15 school year. SMCOE recommends greater alignment of the narrative in 3C to the actions and services described in 3A and 3B.

  12. LCAP Evaluation Summary LCAP Section 3D – Minimum Proportionality Requirement (MPP) The District identified a calculated MPP of 3.09% in Section 3D of the LCAP. As indicated in Section 3C, it is recommended that there be greater alignment of the narrative in 3D to the actions and services described in 3A and 3B.

  13. 2013 – 2014 Title I Expenditures Allocation $272,004 Adjusted Allocation (Indirect/Admin) $231,204 Required Reservations (SES, Homeless, PD) $76,803 Allocation to JHS (Budget) $154,401 Intensive Intervention (Gr 9) 2 Sections $17,533 Strategic Intervention (Gr 9) 3 Sections $48,000 Strategic Intervention (Gr 10) 1 Section $12,000 English 9/10 Sheltered 1 Section $18,339 Expository Reading & Writing (Gr 11) $11,243 1 Section Algebra Sheltered Support 1 Section $16,000 TOTAL $272,004

  14. 2013 - 2014 Title III-LEP Expenditures Allocation $44,047 Carryover $0 Indirect ($864) Budget: $43,183 Object Cost (estimate) Teacher Salaries & Benefits WHS EL Coordination $40,118 • ELD 2 & 3 Summer School Teachers • Translation $795 Tech Equipment/Supplies $2,270 TOTAL $43,183

  15. 2013 – 2014 Title III Immigrant Ed Expenditures Allocation $27,343 Carryover $30,655 Indirect ($547) Budget: $57,451 Object Cost (estimate) Teacher Salaries & Benefits JHS Language Lab $29,826 • Beginning ELD Summer School • Technology Equipment $24,434 Edmentum - Reading for ESL Software $1,085 (WHS) – Summer School TOTAL $55, 345

  16. Title III – Immigrant Counts 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 - 2010 2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 Series1 202 299 294 288 277

  17. State Allocations The State of California before the 2014-15 school • year used to allocate monies to support low income and English Learners via Categorical monies Economic Impact Aid-State Compensatory • Education monies (EIA-SCE) for low income students Economic Impact Aid Limited English Proficient • monies (EIA-LEP) for English Learners As of the 2014-15 school year under Local Control • Funding Formula (LCFF) these monies need to be allocated from LCFF

  18. State Allocations (2011-2014) SCE 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- EDY School LEP Count LEP Allocation Student Count Allocation 2012 2013 2014 2015 JHS 196 36,848 685 65,000 212,971 154,880 111,880 101,848 OHS 36 6,768 209 20,000 0 12,320 20,000 26,768 WHS 205 38,540 694 35,000 0 15,400 50,000 73,000 TNHS 40 7,520 214 0 0 2,632 2,632 7,520 THS 32 6,016 63 6,000 0 10,780 15,000 12,016 509 95,692 126,000 212,971 196,012 199,512 221,1552

  19. Reclassification as Fluent Reclassification as Fluent English (RFEP) Criteria English (RFEP) Criteria Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills [CST – ELA] • Score of Basic (300) or above Assessment of English Proficiency [CELDT] • Overall proficiency level of 4 (Early Advanced) or 5 (Advanced), with sub-scores of 3 (Intermediate) or higher Teacher Evaluation • 2.0 GPA (cumulative or current) • C in English/ELD class Parent Consultation • Parent/Guardian has been consulted/notified (Signed Parent Consent Letter)

  20. Interim Reclassification Criteria Demonstration of Basic Skills 1 Parent Grade Proficiency on CELDT Teacher Evaluation Required Notification Assessment Score Report card grade of C or better in English Language Arts or English Language Development and Grade Point Average of 2.0 or above Overall CELDT proficiency (cumulative or current) level of 4 (Early Advanced) or 5 EDGE 960 and OR 9 (Advanced) with a score Placement � above of 3 (Intermediate) in all Test If grade/GPA is lower domains (listening, than above, teacher reading, writing, speaking) may submit a letter attesting that student’s grade/GPA is not due to language acquisition issues in order to satisfy this requirement EDGE 1065 and 10 Same as above Placement Same as above � above Test 365 and 11 Same as above CAHSEE Same as above � above 365 and 12 Same as above Same as above CAHSEE � above

  21. Needs Assessment Tool

  22. End of the Year Survey Survey purpose: How to improve student services to increase student achievement Form 4 groups • Brainstorm and write possible end-of-the year survey • questions to measure: a) Effectiveness of current programs and services (pink) b) School climate (green) c) Parent engagement (white) d) Student engagement (yellow) e) Communication (orange) f) Possible programs and services(blue) Write one question per card. •


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