distributed computing distributed objects services

Distributed Computing: Distributed Objects/Services Manish Parashar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ECE 451/566- Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming Distributed Computing: Distributed Objects/Services Manish Parashar parashar@ece.rutgers.edu Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Rutgers University

  1. ECE 451/566- Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming Distributed Computing: Distributed Objects/Services Manish Parashar parashar@ece.rutgers.edu Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Rutgers University

  2. Distributed Object Computing � Enable any “agent” in the local system to directly interact with an object that resides on a remote host. – CORBA – RMI (Java) � Distributed Objects versus Message Passing – Simplicity – Robustness – Manageability – Extensibility 2

  3. Distributed Objects: Goals � Let any object reside anywhere in the network, and allow an application to interact with these objects exactly in the same way as they do with a local objects � Provide the ability to construct an object on one host and transmit it to another host � Enable an agent on one host to create a new object on another host. 3

  4. Remote and local method invocations local C remote E local invocation invocation remote invocation invocation F B A local invocation D 4

  5. A remote object and its remote interface remote object Data remote interface m4 m1 implementation { m5 m2 m6 of methods m3 5

  6. Distributed Objects: Issues � Creating remote objects � Remote method calls – get class reference – call constructor with arguments – get reference to new object – get method reference – call method with arguments 6

  7. Distributed Objects: Issues � Data marshalling � Arguments by value/by reference � Consistency across multiple clients/servers � Balancing work-load 7

  8. Middleware layers Applications RMI, RPC and events Middleware Request reply protocol layers External data representation Operating System 8

  9. Middleware: Transparency � Location � Communication protocol � Computer hardware � Operating system � Programming language � … 9

  10. Object Interface Specification � Platform/language independent means for specifying object interfaces � Compiled to server skeletons and client stubs – Interface definition language (IDL) – Inter-language Unification (LU) – Component Object Model Language (COM) 10

  11. Example – Interface Definition // In file Person.idl struct Person { string name; string place; long year; } ; interface PersonList { readonly attribute string listname; void addPerson(in Person p) ; void getPerson(in string name, out Person p); long number(); }; 11

  12. Object Manager � Heart of the distributed object system – manage object skeletons and object references on the object server » CORBA ORB, RMI Registry – on remote object creation request » locate skeleton, create new object, store new object, return reference – on remote method call » route request to object, return result – on remote object destruction request » remove object from store 12

  13. Object Manager � Special services – dynamic object activation » invoke active/deactivate methods provided by the object based on remote request – object persistence » store and restore object state � Object manager may reside on server, both client and server, or on a separate host 13

  14. Registration/Naming Service � Acts as an intermediary between object client and manager – object interface is registered with the service – client queries service by name/type/… – naming service routes request to the appropriate object server – service can also be used for routing method invocations 14

  15. 15 � Object Communication Protocol � Development Tools Other Issues � Security

  16. The role of proxy and skeleton in remote method invocation server client remote skeleton object A proxy for B object B & dispatcher Request for B’s class Reply Remote reference Communication Communication Remote module reference module module module 16

  17. Role of client and server stub procedures in RPC client process server process Request Reply client stub server stub procedure procedure service client Communication Communication program procedure dispatcher module module 17

  18. CORBA � Common Object Request Broker Architecture – Developed by OMG (Object Management Group) (1989, 1991) – Generic framework for developing distributed object systems – Platform independent/language independent 18

  19. CORBA � Object Request Broker (ORB) – enable clients and server objects to interact – provide servers » naming services, security services, … � Interface Definition Language (IDL) � Dynamic Invocation Interface � Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) 19

  20. 20 CORBA overall architecture CORBA Architecture

  21. CORBA components � Client Idl stubs � Interface definition language � Dynamic invocation interface � Static Idl skeletons � dynamic skeletons � Interface repository � Object request broker 21

  22. Some CORBA services(i) � Life-cycle service � Persistence service � Event service � Naming service � Concurrency control service � Relationship service 22

  23. Some CORBA services(ii) � Externalisation service � Query service � Licensing service � Properties service � Time service � Security service � Trader service 23

  24. An example of the CORBA Idl module Tester{ interface Single{ attribute string exname; readonly attribute string location; string returnsVals(in string point); } } 24

  25. 25 Skeleton code Server code Transport mechanism A CORBA application ORB Stub code Client code

  26. Developing a CORBA application � Write the IDL descriptions � Process IDL � Develop the remote object classes � Develop server code � Develop client code � Deploy 26

  27. The main components of the CORBA architecture server client implementation interface repository repository skeleton object adapter Request ORB client proxy Servant ORB program for A core A core Reply or dynamic invocation or dynamic skeleton 27

  28. Java RMI � Remote Object Interfaces � Server Implementations � RMI Registry � Client Stubs and Server Skeleton � Serializing Objects 28

  29. RMI V/s CORBA � Language barrier � Virtual Machine � Efficiency � Elegance � Ease-of-use � Communication model � Support 29


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