Ancient DNA Workshop Oct 2017 International Ocean Discovery Program BIOSPHERE FRONTIERS A. A/Prof. Leanne Armand. B. ANZIC Program Scientist C. The Australian National University
IODP SCIENCE PLAN 2013-2023 Themes Platforms Program Offices - ANZIC Biosphere Frontiers theme Three Challenges Examples of outcomes Expedition 370, Current Tracking of Challenges Overview International Strategies: Biosphere Frontiers Theme ECORD IODP Forum ANZIC Activities in Biosphere Frontiers Theme Australasian IODP Regional Workshop Pre-proposal development awareness Signing up for scheduled missions Future ANZIC Activities. Initiate a pre-proposal?
The Science Plan is intended to guide multidisciplinary international collaboration on scientific ocean drilling during the period 2013-2023. Crafted on behalf of earth, ocean, atmospheric, and life IODP Science scientists at the request of Plan 2013-2023 science funding agencies from 24 nations , representing approximately 75% of the world's economy. IODP also builds intellectual capacity through the promotion of international collaboration, education, and training. PDF versions @
Climate and Ocean Change Reading the past, informing the future Biosphere Frontiers IODP Science Deep life and environmental forcing of Plan 2013-2023 evolution Earth Connections Research Deep Processes and their impact on Earth’s Themes surface environment Earth in Motion Processes and Hazards on Human time scales
IODP Science Plan 2013-2023 JOIDES Mission-specific Chikyu Resolution platforms Platforms
USA: US Science Support Program (USSSP) Program Member Europe, Canada & Israel; ECORD Science Offices (PMOs) manage and fund the Support and Advisory Committee participation (ESSAC) of researchers working in a member country IODP Science Japan: Japan Drilling Earth Science or consortium in IODP Consortium (J-DESC) activities. Plan 2013-2023 China : IODP -China Program Republic of Korea: K-IODP Member PMOs nominate scientists for IODP Offices Australia & New Zealand: Aust. & expeditions and to serve N.Z. IODP Consortium (ANZIC) on IODP boards and panels and are responsible for broadening national India: IODP-India interest and participation in IODP research opportunities withintheir countries. Brazil: IODP-CAPES-Brazil
Science ANZIC ANZIC Governing ANZIC NZ Committee Council Chair Program Scientist Chair Coordinator Ian Poiner Leanne Armand Stuart Henrys Rob McKay ANZIC Personnel ARC GRANT CI ANZIC Secretariat Outgoing Program Scientist Richard Arculus Catherine Beasley Neville Exon
Biosphere Deep life and environmental forcing Frontiers of evolution.
Images CDEX-IODP Exp 370 Biosphere THREE CHALENGES Frontiers 5 What are the origins, composition and global significance of 3 Challenges seafloor communities? 6 What are the limits of life in the sub-seafloor? 7 How sensitive are ecosystems and biodiversity to environmental change? See Pg 4
Tackled the question: What is the vertical extent of the habitable zone on Earth, and by inference, the factors that limit life’s Expedition 370 maximum depth? T-Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto High heat flow regimes in this area result in temperatures of ~130°C at the sediment /basement interface (1210 mbsf) encompassing the biotic/abiotic transition zone.
IODP/ICDP Exp 364 Drilling the Cretaceous - What caused the environmental Paleogene changes that led to a mass extinction and what insights arise from biologic Chicxulub impact recovery in the Paleogene? crater What effect does a large impact have on the deep subsurface biosphere and can impacts generate habitats for chemosynthetic life?
Completed and Scheduled Expeditions Earth in Motion (12) Climate and Earth Ocean Connections (24) (15) Biosphere Frontiers Current (10) Tracking of the Challenge Completed / Scheduled Expeditions Challenges 5. What are the origins, composition and (347 Baltic Sea - submitted) global significance of seafloor 357 Atlantis Massif communities? 366 Mariana Convergent Margin 374 Ross Sea WAIS History (751) - 2018 376 Brothers Arc Flux (818) - 2018 385 Guaymas Basin (833) - 2019 6. What are the limits of life in the sub- 370 Nankai Temp. Limit seafloor? 374 Ross Sea WAIS History (751) - 2018 376 Brothers Arc Flux (818) - 2018 7. How sensitive are ecosystems and 364 Chicxulub Impact Crater biodiversity to environmental change? As of July 2017 – Source IODP Science Support Office.
Active proposals in the system Earth in Motion (19) Climate and Earth Ocean Connections (43) (20) Biosphere Frontiers Current (7) Tracking of the Challenge Facility Board/ SEP Expeditions Challenges 5. What are the origins, composition and 633 Costa Rica Mud Mounds global significance of seafloor 830-APL Scott Plateau communities? 853 South Atlantic Transect* 6. What are the limits of life in the sub- - seafloor? 7. How sensitive are ecosystems and {724 Gulf of Aden} biodiversity to environmental change? 819-APL2 Arabian Sea OMZ* 853 South Atlantic Transect* 859 Amazon Margin As of July 2017 – Source IODP Science Support Office.
IODP Emerging International Opportunities in the Biosphere Frontier Theme Strategies
Forum Consensus Item 17-02 ECORD Council Consensus Item 17- International 06-04 The Forum, … acknowledges the continuing need to foster The role of geomicrobiology in Strategies the “Biosphere Frontiers” ECORD. The ECORD Council theme of the decadal Science endorses the finding of the limited Plan. number of focused expeditions with a strong focus on biosphere The Forum supports a Emerging frontiers topics but emphasizes that workshop-based approach to: the submission of drilling proposals 1.) identify new/broader follows a bottom-up approach. components of the Opportunities international scientific However, the ECORD Council community to develop recommends that ECORD informs “Biosphere Frontier” drilling the scientific community that the proposals, and ECORD Evaluation has identified that the deep biosphere theme is 2.) build that biosphere theme not covered as well as the other more strongly into the current IODP themes and, therefore flow of IODP proposals. encourages the community to develop more deep biosphere related activities to fill this gap.
ANZIC Activities in Biosphere Frontiers Theme Australasian IODP Regional • Workshop Pre-proposal development • awareness Signing up for scheduled • missions
ANZIC - Biosphere Frontiers Theme Australasian IODP Regional Workshop (June 2017) 97 participants
#5.1 Investigating unusual fluids and their influence in the Cenozoic continental margin of the Great ANZIC - Australian Bight Brief Summary Biosphere Here we propose to revisit the outer shelf Science Lead: Ulrich Wortmann and upper slope of the Great Australian Bight (GAB), which was previously Frontiers Data Lead: Mads Huuse investigated by ODP Leg 182. Hydrology Lead: Alica Wilson Theme We choose this location so that we can build Microbiology Lead: Maija Raudsepp on the already existing geochemical data from Leg 182, and because the GAB is Other proponents: considered a modern analogue of Mesozoic carbonate systems, not only in V. Post, S. George, G. Southam, G. Tyson, Australasian IODP Regional geometry but also in its microbial T.Santini, J. Whiteside, P. Swart. F. Inagaki, ecology . Workshop S. Gallagher, Y. Morono, P. Evans, B. Loose, G. Tyson. The tantalizing possibility is that we will gain an unprecedented glimpse into the Pre-proposal microbial and organic geochemical Site survey mature processes that are responsible for the formation of a large portion of the world’s hydrocarbon resources , as well as determine the role of saline groundwater flow in carbonate diagenesis in continental margin environments.
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