discordant tropism determination for hiv 1 isolates of

Discordant Tropism Determination for HIV-1 Isolates of CRF01_AE from - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Discordant Tropism Determination for HIV-1 Isolates of CRF01_AE from Asia Wataru Sugiura 1 , Sverine Louvel 2 , Nico Pfeifer 3 , Masakazu Matsuda 2 , Yoshiyuki Yokomaku 2 , Rolf Kaiser 4 , Thomas Klimkait 5 rPhenotyping R5-tropic (TAK779)

  1. Discordant Tropism Determination for HIV-1 Isolates of CRF01_AE from Asia Wataru Sugiura 1 , Séverine Louvel 2 , Nico Pfeifer 3 , Masakazu Matsuda 2 , Yoshiyuki Yokomaku 2 , Rolf Kaiser 4 , Thomas Klimkait 5

  2. rPhenotyping R5-tropic (TAK779) X4-tropic (AMD3100)

  3. Tropism Testing in CRF01_AE

  4. Summary • T his study confirms a significant overcalling of CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 for AE by the current standard versions of G2P[coreceptor]. • T he new Geno2pheno-C_NGS-Sanger calls (X4-risk<36%), trained on NGS-data, provides correct R5-calls for these sequences, reaching excellent agreement with rPhenotyping • T his study focused on samples with known discordances between the Geno2pheno methods, -- could reflect an obvious bias . Therefore best-matching cut-offs for CRF01_AE and/or additional adjustments need further refinement. • W e aim at expanding the AE-data set, particularly by including specimens from other global regions with available clinical follow-up information.

  5. Joëlle Bader Martin Däumer Alex Thielen Swiss HIV Cohort Study


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