
Disclaimer completeness of information which is contained in this - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

This presentation has been prepared by Nucleus Wealth and is for general information only. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate, however it is not intended to be a complete description of the matters described. The

  1. This presentation has been prepared by Nucleus Wealth and is for general information only. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate, however it is not intended to be a complete description of the matters described. The presentation has been prepared without taking into account any personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It does not contain and is not to be taken as containing any securities advice or securities recommendation. Furthermore, it is not intended that it be relied on by recipients for the purpose of making investment decisions and is not a replacement of the requirement for individual research or professional tax advice. Nucleus Wealth does not give any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or Disclaimer completeness of information which is contained in this presentation. Except insofar as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, Nucleus Wealth and its directors, employees and consultants do not accept any liability for any error or omission in this presentation or for any resulting loss or damage suffered by the recipient or any other person. Unless otherwise noted, Nucleus Wealth is the source of all charts; and all performance figures are calculated using exit to exit prices and assume reinvestment of income, take into account all fees and charges but exclude the entry fee. It is important to note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. This document was accompanied by an oral presentation, and is not a complete record of the discussion held. No part of this presentation should be used elsewhere without prior consent from the author.

  2. • Some highlights from the Australian SMSF Landscape • 2 major mistakes SMSF trustees make in asset allocation • Some key ways to avoid making these mistakes Agenda • Key considerations before taking the plunge into an SMSF Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  3. The Australian SMSF Landscape Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  4. The number of SMSFs increased to 584,802 The The number of SMSF members is 1,129,542 Australian The estimated value of SMSF assets is $749 billion SMSF The top five asset types held by SMSFs by value are Landscape • cash and term deposits 37% (up from 23% in 2017) • listed shares 26% (down from 30% in 2017) • real property 9% (Flat) • Trusts 11% (Flat) • other managed investments 5%. Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  5. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  6. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  7. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  8. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  9. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  10. The Australian SMSF Landscape Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  11. 1 st Mistake – Doing Nothing! Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  12. 2 nd Mistake Only sticking with what you know Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  13. A concerning trend with lower balance SMSFs Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  14. 2 nd Mistake Only sticking with what you know Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  15. 2 nd Mistake Only sticking with what you know Source ATO SMSF Statistical Report – March 2019 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  16. A Conservative Trend Source – Cuffelinks / Graham Hand Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  17. Invest in what you know Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  18. 1. This is stock picking advice not asset Invest in what allocation advice 2. These are books about how to find you know stocks that you are going to take big bets on 3. Asset Allocation is about diversifying Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  19. 1. Confirmation Bias Fighting your 2. Optimism Bias own biases 3. Loss Aversion 4. Self-Serving Bias 5. Planning Fallacy Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  20. 6. Choice Paralysis Fighting your 7. Herding own biases 8. Stories vs Analysis 9. Recency Bias 10.Bias Blind Spot Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  21. 1. Average Retail investor underperforms by around 2% p.a. 2. Most of the gap is due to bad timing – Bad Timing selling low, buying high 3. It’s a natural tendency that you need to fight against – have a plan and stick to it Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  22. Reducing the opportunity set Bad Timing Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  23. Typical Australian Portfolio 1. Residential Home 2. Investment property Diversification 3. Bank Shares 4. Hybrids 5. Corporate Bond ETF Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  24. Typical Australian SMSF 5 different exposures to the Australian Housing Market Diversification Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  25. Australian Banks Diversification Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  26. Hybrids • Not an institutional asset • All the upside of debt, most of the downside of equity Diversification • Largest exposures in sector to banks Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  27. Russell Investments Australian Select Corporate Bond ETF Diversification Source: Russell Investments Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  28. Diversification Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  29. Name Ticker VB VNQ VEU VWO SHY TLT TIP DBC GLD Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF VTI 0.91 0.43 0.75 0.58 -0.24 -0.24 0.06 0.29 -0.1 Vanguard Small-Cap ETF VB 0.4 0.63 0.47 -0.25 -0.28 0.02 0.29 -0.08 Vanguard REIT ETF VNQ 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.57 0.55 -0.15 0.13 Diversification Vanguard FTSE All-Wld ex-US ETF VEU 0.87 0 -0.09 0.35 0.4 0.05 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF VWO 0.14 0.03 0.44 0.42 0.17 iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF SHY 0.68 0.66 -0.05 0.5 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF TLT 0.72 -0.37 0.44 iShares TIPS Bond ETF TIP 0.05 0.55 PowerShares DB Commodity ETF DBC 0.28 Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  30. SMSFs are a great solution if you want full control. • Ability to combine assets with spouse and family • Much broader investment palette available Final Notes • Real property with limited borrowing • Higher levels of control • More flexibility in retirement • Can be cheaper than Master Trusts with higher balances Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  31. SMSFs are a great solution if you want full control. • You need to ensure that you have the time to spend on the management of the fund, for your own sake! • Complex tax affairs can combine well with Final Notes SMSF’s providing you have a good accountant / adviser. • With complete control, comes complete responsibility! Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  32. Final Notes Tim Fuller Damien Klassen

  33. Nucleus Wealth is now on Spotify, iTunes and podcasts! Bit.ly/NucleusInsights Give us a like, 5 stars and write a review!


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