disabilities during periods of

Disabilities during Periods of Remote or Blended Learning Technical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Serving Students with Disabilities during Periods of Remote or Blended Learning Technical Assistance Session 2: Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Summer 2020 | Jennifer Carpenter and Kelley Scholl Series Overview Serving Students with

  1. Serving Students with Disabilities during Periods of Remote or Blended Learning Technical Assistance Session 2: Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Summer 2020 | Jennifer Carpenter and Kelley Scholl

  2. Series Overview Serving Students with Disabilities during Periods of Remote or Blended Learning Ensuring Balancing LEA Developing Data- Transparency and Discretion and driven Supports Deep Collaboration Deep Flexibility Deep Dive Dive Dive Wednesday, July 29, Wednesday, Aug. 5, Wednesday, Aug. 12, 1:30-3 p.m. 1:30-3 p.m. 1:30-3 p.m. 8/4/2020 2

  3. Technical Assistance Session Objective In the second session, Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration, we will discuss: • Ways LEAs can document meaningful parent engagement in the decision- making process; • A variety of examples of how the LEA can communicate to the parent, in writing, what services the student will and will not receive during this time and the rationale for each determination; • Examples of customer service oriented communication to families; and • Ways to document efforts to be flexible in service delivery scheduling. 8/4/2020 3

  4. Key Principles of Special Education Service Provision

  5. Key Principles of Special Education Service Provision IDEA = flexibility LEA Discretion and Flexibility Partner with parents Identify solutions for barriers to service delivery Transparent Communication with Students and Families Document TEAM decisions and provide to families Data-driven = Student-specific Data-driven Efforts to Address Students’ Needs for Support Consider receipt of educational benefit

  6. Our Focus Today: Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration

  7. Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration • LEAs should clearly communicate Consideration of alternative means barriers to service delivery and of providing supports is a task for work with families to identify the IEP team that can be solutions. accomplished through the IEP Amendment process (OSSE FAQ 3/25/2020, Q7; (OSSE IEP Amendment Policy); (OSSE FAQ (4/15/2020),Q2). 8/4/2020 7

  8. Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration To support effective collaboration, LEAs should consider practices that increase parent engagement by communicating that partnering with parents is a priority: • Ensure parents receive contact information their special education point-of-contact for scheduling and other questions. Consider making a back-up contact available. • Seek to identify mutually agreed upon appointment times. • Provide options for parents to choose from when scheduling. 8/4/2020 8

  9. Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration • As always, LEAs should use Prior Written Notice to document IEP Team decisions about extensions, including the flexibilities considered and determined unavailable at this time, and any mutually agreed to extensions of time. (OSSE FAQ (4/15/2020) Q6). • Likewise, LEAs should document student related service refusal . (OSSE FAQ (3/25/2020)) Q4). 8/4/2020 9

  10. An IEP is an Instrument of Continuous Improvement The tools we’ll discuss today are designed to collect student-level data and family input, so that continuous individualization and improvement of instruction, services and supports are possible. 8/4/2020 10

  11. Determining and Addressing Each Family’s Need for Support Gather Input from Adapt Universal Use the Sample Students, Families, Family Engagement Student Data Tool to Teachers, and Other Strategies for the Develop Tiered Providers Remote Context Supports for Families 8/4/2020 11

  12. How We’ll Share Our Specific Solutions Today • Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Solutions Tracker 8/4/2020 12

  13. Solution 1: Gather Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers

  14. Solution 1: Gathering Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers • The Sample Student Data Tool and User Guide allows you to collect and analyze data regarding student engagement and progress, service delivery, and communication with families all in one place. 8/4/2020 14

  15. The tool is designed to combine multiple perspectives and data points into one view. Input Forms Student Dashboard Summary Dashboard • Student • Combine data from • Populated by data Communication and input forms with data from input forms and Input Form that is manually input student list • Parent on assessments, IEP • Displays information goals and progress, Communication and for all students on: and due dates Input Form • Immediate student • Displays information • Educator Input Form needs on: • Service Tracker • Communication with • Student needs students, families, • Progress towards and educators goals • Student • Student engagement engagement • Timeliness if IEPs • Service provision log and Evaluations • Communication logs with families, students, educator 8/4/2020 15

  16. Solution 1: Gathering Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers • How can you use the data collected using the Sample Student Data Tool to enhance the quality of your communication with families? 8/4/2020 16

  17. Solution 1: Gathering Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers How can you use the data collected using the Sample Student Data Tool to enhance the way your LEA shares information with parents? 8/4/2020 17

  18. Solution 1: Gathering Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers How can you use the data collected using the Sample Student Data Tool to enhance the way your LEA collects and uses information from parents? 8/4/2020 18

  19. Solution 1: Gathering Input from Students, Families, Teachers, and Other Providers How can you use the data collected using the Sample Student Data Tool to enhance the way your LEA builds collaboration with families into everything you do? 8/4/2020 19

  20. Questions 8/4/2020 20

  21. Let’s See What Solutions We’ve Generated So Far Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Solutions Tracker 8/4/2020 21

  22. Solution 2: Adapt Universal Family Engagement Strategies for the Remote Context

  23. Solution 2: Adapting Universal Family Engagement Strategies for the Remote Context Top Challenges for Parents by Ward How can you use the Sample Student Data Tool to identify families needs for universal, targeted, and individualized support to access? 8/4/2020 23 PAVE Coronavirus Parent Impact Survey Results, 5/6/2020

  24. Solution 2: Adapting Universal Family Engagement Strategies for the Remote Context How can you use the Sample Student Data Tool to identify families needs for universal, targeted, and individualized support to effectively partner for remote instruction and/or service delivery? 8/4/2020 24 PAVE Coronavirus Parent Impact Survey Results, 5/6/2020

  25. Solution 2: Adapting Universal Family Engagement Strategies for the Remote Context School-wide Sharing IEP Team Events and Student Communication How can you use the Initiatives Progress with and Processes Sample Remote Family All Families Engagement Brainstorming Receiving Barrier: Barrier: Barrier: Tool to reconsider your Information family engagement efforts Solution: Solution: Solution: and events through the lens of remote Being Heard Barrier: Barrier: Barrier: engagement? Solution: Solution: Solution: Staying Barrier: Barrier: Barrier: Engaged Solution: Solution: Solution: 25

  26. Questions 8/4/2020 26

  27. Let’s See What Solutions We’ve Generated So Far Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Solutions Tracker 8/4/2020 27

  28. Solution 3: Use the Sample Student Data Tool to Develop Tiered Supports for Families

  29. Solution 3: Using the Sample Student Data Tool to Develop Tiered Supports for Families Individualized Supports How can you use the data collected using the Sample Student Data Tool to develop a tiered Targeted approach to addressing Supports gaps in access or readiness to partner for service delivery? Universal Supports 8/4/2020 29

  30. Solution 3: Using the Sample Student Data Tool to Develop Tiered Supports for Families • Working with families, use the Accommodation Adaptation Matrix to identify potential ways that students’ accommodations can be modified for the remote learning context. 8/4/2020 30

  31. Solution 3: Using the Sample Student Data Tool to Develop Tiered Supports for Families Working with families, use the Promising Practice Resource Matrix to find promising solutions shared by experts in the field. 8/4/2020 31

  32. Solution 3: Using the Sample Student Data Tool to Develop Tiered Supports for Families How can you use the Accommodation Adaptation Matrix and the Promising Practice Resource Matrix to guide IEP team solution-generation and decision making? How can these resources help you How can you use parent How can using these inform parents of their students’ input to expand or resources WITH families accommodations and services and improve these tools? lead to more authentic and build their knowledge of productive collaboration? alternatives for remote settings? 8/4/2020 32

  33. How Will You Use These Tools with Families? 8/4/2020 33

  34. Questions 8/4/2020 34

  35. Let’s See What We’ve Come Up With Ensuring Transparency and Collaboration Solutions Tracker 8/4/2020 35


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