Director General’s Information meeting for Permanent Delegations on Priority Africa Implementation of the Operational strategy for Africa Mr Loïteohin Félix Ye, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office in Yaounde Wednesday 28 May 2014, UNESCO, Paris
Socio-economic dynamic Context in Central African Sub region In the heart of Africa, the sub region is characterized by a mosaic of peoples and biotopes, by a gigantic hydro potentials and with immense agro-forestry and a reservoir of mineral resources and which harbors an intact hope of development for the continent.
Socio-economic dynamic Context in Central African Sub region With a GDP growth rate of 6% in 2012 - 2013, macroeconomic performance of Central African sub region has significantly improved the living conditions of the populations particularly through creation of jobs and a sufficient level of youth education. Serious violations of peace and security of civilian population in CAR, in the East of Democratic Republic of Congo and also on persons and property in the Far North of Cameroon constitute serious obstacles to socio-economic development. The rich biodiversity of Central African sub-region remains threatened by deforestation, forest degradation and the legal and clandestine exploration and mining activities in protected areas.
FLAGSHIP 1 – Promote a Culture of Peace and Non-violence Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Equatorial, Sao Tome & Principe Education for citizenship and promotion of culture of peace for peaceful coexistence in countries of the ECCAS region. Support countries of ECCAS to render effective, through curricula development and educational tools (manuals, guides), citizenship education (human rights, peace, intercultural dialogue) at the level of primary, secondary and high schools. This activity includes the strengthening of the capacities of youth peer educators in citizenship education in formal and informal environments in the Central African region.
FLAGSHIP 2 – Strengthening Education Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance Mobilization of partnerships and contribution to the amelioration of policies, strategies and the reinforcement of capacities of Educational Systems Education Sector strategy and Global Education Partnership process: UNESCO and UNICEF are the Chair or Co-Chair Executive Lead of the Technical and Financial Partnership in the development of Education Sector Strategy in the Global Education Partnership in countries of the sub-region (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Chad, RCA, DRC)
FLAGSHIP 2 – Strengthening Education Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Equatorial, , Sao Tome & Principe Support to Higher Education: Technical and financial support to member states of the sub region since July 2010, for the creation of University Poles of Technological Excellence (PETU) in the ECCAS zone. The funding request is under consideration by the African Development Bank (ADB). An assessment by the ADB for funding for the project is underway in the 10 countries of ECCAS. Harmonization of the SIGE in the ECCAS sub-region: In collaboration with the AfDB, ADEA and the ECCAS Secretariat, UNESCO with the strong involvement of the UIS, technically and financially assists in a process of harmonization and strengthening of Educational systems through the regular production of Quality Educational Statistics. The funding request is under consideration by the African Bank of development (ADB) Beyond the national directories, a consolidated regional directory will also be produced. An important contribution for the production of a continental directory of Educational Statistics will be provided by the African Union.
FLAGSHIP 2 – Strengthening Education Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Equatorial, , Sao Tome & Principe Reproductive Health / HIV and AIDS Harmonization of policies, strategies for the integration of reproductive health aspects including HIV and AIDS in the curricula of primary, secondary and high schools in the countries of the CEMAC (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Chad) region. All six countries of CEMAC have developed pedagogical training tools (step by step tutorials, radio programs training manuals and guides). The various trainings are ongoing in the six countries. This project is funded by the Japanese Government, UNAIDS, UNESCO and OFID.
FLAGSHIP 2 – Strengthening Education Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome & Principe Curricula Development and Teacher Training With the technical and financial cooperation of IICBA, the harmonization of training programmes in Mathematics, Science and Technology for primary and secondary school teachers in the ECCAS countries is underway. Citizenship Education and Promotion of Culture of Peace for peaceful coexistence in ECCAS countries Support ECCAS countries to render effective citizenship education through the development of curricula and educational tools (manuals, guides) on human rights, peace, intercultural dialogue at the level of primary, secondary schools.
FLAGSHIP 2 – Strengthening Education Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome & Principe Climate change and Education for Sustainable Development in the countries of the ECCAS: (Emergency Fund) Support countries of ECCAS to render effective, through curricula and educational tools (manuals, guides) education for sustainable development at the level of primary and secondary schools Education of Girls and women In the context of the Global Partnership on Education (GPE) favoring the emancipation of girls and women and the promotion of sex equality, UNESCO in collaboration with ECCAS and CEMAC, has technically and financially supported the development of a harmonized strategy including an action plan to accelerate the enrolment of girls in schools in the ten countries of the ECCAS.
FLAGSHIP 3 – Harnessing STI and Knowledge for the Sustainable Socio- economic development of Africa Regional Programmes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome & Principe Development of partnership for the improvement of access of young people to ICT in the context of socio-economic integration Establishment of National Youth Councils (NYC) in the ECCAS countries. Needs assessment for strengthening the capacities of these structures in charge of the integration of young people and the NYC; and the implementation of national and regional action plans. Development of educational training tools using ICTs for socioeconomic integration and employment opportunities of young people, Accompany National Youth Councils (NYC) in the creation of a Regional Youth Council (adopted by the General meeting held for that purpose, in Yaoundé in October 2013) Establishment of a UNESCO Chair on the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people and women through ICTs, Monitoring and evaluation of the National Youth Councils (NYC) in the sub region.
FLAGSHIP 4 – Fostering Science for Sustainable management of Africa’s Natural resources and disaster risk reduction I. Sustainable management of natural resources Forests - Project for sustainable management of the Dja Reserve: classified Biosphere Reserve (BR) and World Heritage (WH) site with strong anthropogenic pressure (mining, forestry and agricultural operations), the upsurge in poaching and a weakness in institutional management. Joint UNESCO- IUCN activities to support the reform of the management structure, establishment of a consultative framework, creation of income-generating and anti-poaching activities; - Ecosystem services (ES) BR: identify and assess the Ecosystem services, mechanisms to promote green economy through support to women and youth associations; - Project TRIDOM: UNESCO’s support for obtaining an international status, that of trans-boundary Biosphere Reserve. (UNESCO-UNDP-UNOPS) Water - Lake Chad: contribute to the reversal of degradation and obtaining an international status (Biosphere Reserve and the World Heritage (WH) site) - Program RHESYST: contribute to the redefinition of the hydro-meteorological standards taking into account climate change to reduce disasters, floods and other extreme catastrophes; Finalize the studies and the mapping of trans-boundary aquifers in Africa in order to promote management and trans-boundary cooperation on shared groundwater for the benefit of peace.
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