direction for fy 2021 30 capital improvement plan

Direction for FY 202130 Capital Improvement Plan School Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Direction for FY 202130 Capital Improvement Plan School Board Information November 19, 2019 Connection to School Board Priorities The FY 202130 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will support the School Boards top priorities, in

  1. Direction for FY 2021‐30 Capital Improvement Plan School Board Information November 19, 2019

  2. Connection to School Board Priorities The FY 2021‐30 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will support the School Board’s top priorities, in particular: • Increased achievement for all reporting groups that shows progress toward eliminating the opportunity gap. 2

  3. Connection to Strategic Plan The FY 2021‐30 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be aligned with the APS 2018‐24 Strategic Plan, in particular: • Core Value Stewardship: Manage our resources to honor the community’s investment in our schools; create safe, healthy, and environmentally sustainable learning environments; support civic and community engagement, and serve current and future generations. • Performance Objective 20: APS Departments (Finance& Management, Facilities and Operations, Teaching and Learning and Planning and Evaluation) will collaborate to plan innovatively, cost effectively, and within budget to meet 100% of student seat needs through permanent and temporary facilities, based on 10‐year projections. • Strategy: Manage available resources and assets efficiently, cost effectively and equitably. • Strategy: Provide high performance learning and working environments that support Universal Design for Learning standards. 3

  4. School Board Direction The School Board directs the Interim Superintendent to prepare the Fiscal Year 2021‐30 CIP to balance: • The need for increased student capacity; • The locations where the capacity is most needed; and • The School Years by which the increased capacity is most needed; With available debt capacity such that debt service will not exceed 9.8% of the annual operating budget in any fiscal year. 4

  5. School Board Direction The School Board further directs the Interim Superintendent to base the FY 2021‐30 CIP upon the 2019 Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan (AFSAP), to include: • Capacity‐generating capital projects that are already under construction and for which the design process has already commenced which comprise the Education Center Renewal Project, the Transportation Services Expansion Project, and the Arlington Career Center Expansion Project including increased space for the Arlington Tech Program; • Capacity‐generating capital projects for new facilities and expanded and/or renovated existing facilities; • Essential capital infrastructure projects needed to support APS operations; • Adequate funding to maintain existing facilities; and • Funding required to support APS collaboration with ACG on conversion of natural grass fields to synthetic turf. 5

  6. School Board Direction The School Board directs the Interim Superintendent to propose new capacity‐ generating capital projects in the FY 2021‐30 CIP to address seating capacity needs identified in the 2019 AFSAP: • Elementary Schools: Increase capacity as soon as fiscally feasible, preferably by SY 2024‐25 to address enrollment growth particularly in the urban corridors, prioritizing first the Rosslyn‐Ballston Corridor, second the Columbia Pike Corridor, and third the Richmond Highway Corridor; • Middle Schools: Increase capacity as soon as fiscally feasible, preferably by SY 2024‐25; • High Schools: Increase capacity, preferably by SY 2024‐25, by focusing on additional capacity already included in the FY 2019‐28 CIP at the Education and Career Centers; and • Coordinate with the current Elementary School Planning Process to inform the Interim Superintendent’s Proposed CIP. 6

  7. Design Studies The School Board directs the Interim Superintendent to conduct the following design studies to support development of the FY 2021‐30 CIP. 7

  8. Rosslyn‐Ballston Corridor: Urgent Need for Elementary Capacity Properties/ Owner Approx. Recommendation Recent School CIP Projects Estimated Cost of Sites Seats Nearby Design Study Added 1. Arlington APS ES Study expansion and/or Ashlawn – renovation and $62,000 Traditional 260‐285 redevelopment for additional addition (ATS) elementary capacity McKinley – renovation and addition Reed – new building 2.The APS HS Study options to complete the Heights –new building $16,000 Heights No project after the removal of added the temporary fire station by seats developing  field space OR  field space over a below‐ grade garage 3.Quincy St. ACG ES Study repurposing of buildings Hamm – renovation and $57,000 (formerly TBD 2 & 4, developing the site for addition  Buck) additional elementary Washington‐Liberty – Ed. capacity OR Center repurposing of office  Facilities and Operations building shops from Trades Center 8

  9. Columbia Pike Corridor: Urgent Need for Elementary Capacity Properties/ Owner Approx. Recommendation Recent School CIP Projects Estimated Cost Sites Seats Nearby of Design Study Added 4. Barcroft APS ES Study expansion and/or redevelopment Abingdon – renovation and $62,000 265‐290 for additional elementary capacity addition A.W. Fleet ‐ new building 5. Campbell APS ES Study expansion and/or redevelopment Abingdon– renovation and $72,000 290‐315 for additional elementary capacity addition 6. Career APS HS March 2020 – Adopt concept design for A.W. Fleet ‐ new building N/A Center 800+ expansion including:  Additional 250 Arlington Tech seats for a total of 600 seats by Sept. 2021  Creation of 800 new high school seats by Sept. 2025  Parking garage with field on top June – adopt FY2021‐30 CIP, include funds for expansion projects 9

  10. Columbia Pike Corridor: Urgent Need for Elementary Capacity Properties/ Owner Approx. Recommendation Recent School CIP Projects Estimated Cost Sites Seats Nearby of Design Study Added 7. Kenmore/ APS Study parking for 65 to 80 Ashlawn – renovation and $11,500 Carlin school buses with an addition Springs emergency exit road to Manchester St. or 5th Rd. S. 8. Randolph APS ES Study expansion and/or Abingdon– renovation and $57,000 240‐265 redevelopment for additional addition A.W. Fleet ‐ new elementary capacity building $27,500 9. Virginia ACG ES Study provision of temporary Hospital 500‐600 swing space using relocatable Center classrooms for 500+ seats to Property facilitate redevelopment or (VHC) expansion of smaller elementary schools 10

  11. Additional Capital Investments Properties/ Sites Owner Approx. Recommendation Recent School Estimated Cost of Seats CIP Projects Design Study Nearby Added 10. Fields APS/ ACG N/A Study conversion of existing field $4,000 space to synthetic turf 11. Minor APS N/A Adopt a CIP that includes funds for N/A Construction/ the upkeep and maintenance of all Major facilities Maintenance (MC/MM) 12. Trades Center APS N/A Study partial demolition, regrading $27,500 & repaving for bus fleet 11

  12. Funding for Design Studies • Total funding available for design studies: $614,000 • Estimated total cost of design studies proposed: $396,500 • Total funding remaining for future design studies: $217,500 12

  13. Follow FY 2021‐30 CIP Development Process Information about the 2019 AFSAP and CIP process:‐for‐the‐2021‐30‐capital‐ improvement‐plan‐cip/ Information available on the APS Engage site: • The AFSAP report, appendices, supplemental information, and presentation(s) • Up‐to‐date information will be posted throughout the CIP process: • School Board Work Session/Meetings related to CIP • Presentation materials • Timeline • Engagement opportunities All Arlington Public Schools (APS) budget and operations decisions are based on the best information available at the time. Staff and community members are reminded that funding forecasts from Arlington County and the state may change, based on many external factors. Similarly, student enrollment and projections are based on the best available information, but are also subject to change due to employment, housing and other economic factors. For these reasons, APS and the Arlington School Board may adjust future budget allocations, staffing and other operations decisions to reflect the existing community and operating landscape. 13

  14. School Board’s FY 2021‐30 CIP Timeline Sept. 24 Work Session – Review 2019 AFSAP Oct. 23 Joint JFAC and FAC meeting ‐ provide input on draft CIP direction 2 Nov. 6 Work Session – Discuss CIP direction 0 Nov. 19 School Board Meeting – Information, CIP Direction 1 Dec. 3 Joint School and County Board Work Session 9 Dec. 5 School Board Meeting – Action, CIP Direction Mid Dec. APS publishes 2019 10‐Year Projections for 2020‐21 through 2028‐29 • School Board Meeting – Information, Supt.’s Proposed FY 2021‐30 CIP May • Work Sessions 1, 2 and 3 – Refining the CIP 2 • June 5 – Joint School and County Board Work Session – FY 2021‐30 CIP 0 • School Board Public Hearing ‐ Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2021‐30 CIP June 2 • Work Sessions 4 and 5 – Refining the CIP • June 25 ‐ School Board Meeting – Action, School Board adopts the FY 2021‐30 CIP 0 Nov. 3 Election Day – Bond question on ballot from School Board’s Adopted FY 2021‐30 CIP 14

  15. Direction for FY 2021‐30 Capital Improvement Plan School Board Information November 19, 2019


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