direct methods for sparse linear systems

Direct methods for sparse linear systems Seminar Summer semester - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Direct methods for sparse linear systems Seminar Summer semester 2017 Andreas Potschka Heidelberg University April 19, 2017 A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems 1 Overview Organizational matters Introduction List of

  1. Direct methods for sparse linear systems Seminar Summer semester 2017 Andreas Potschka Heidelberg University April 19, 2017 A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 1

  2. Overview Organizational matters Introduction List of topics Preparation guidelines for presentations Introductory round A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 2

  3. Organizational matters ◮ Wednesdays, 14–16 Uhr ◮ Kickoff: April 19 ◮ Location: INF 205, SR1 ◮ Target group: MSc ◮ Mathematics ◮ Scientific computing ◮ Computer science ◮ Language: English ◮ One presentation per session (45–75 min plus discussion) ◮ Credit Points: 6 CP ◮ Prerequisites: Presentation, regular attendance A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 3

  4. Grading criteria ◮ Quality of contents ◮ Mathematical precision ◮ Focus on the essential aspects, adapted to audience ◮ Clear structure ◮ Presentation style ◮ Comprehensible pronounciation ◮ Adequate tempo of presentation ◮ Responsiveness to questions from the audience ◮ Presentation technique ◮ Choice: Black board, PowerPoint, L A T EXbeamer, etc. ◮ Readable, well-structured, meaningful black board and slides ◮ Focus on one message per slide ◮ Nominal style instead of full sentences ◮ Avoid clutter ◮ Handout A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 4

  5. Sparse matrices ◮ Matrices with many zero entries ◮ Simple examples: 0 matrix, identity matrix, band matrices ◮ Memory requirement for sparse n × n matrix: O ( n ) instead of O ( n 2 ) ◮ Requires special data structures ◮ Sparsity pattern connected to graphs ◮ Arise in many application problems A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 5

  6. Applications: Networks Source: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❝✐s❡✳✉❢❧✳❡❞✉✴r❡s❡❛r❝❤✴s♣❛rs❡✴♠❛tr✐❝❡s✴ A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 6

  7. Applications: Circuits Source: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❝✐s❡✳✉❢❧✳❡❞✉✴r❡s❡❛r❝❤✴s♣❛rs❡✴♠❛tr✐❝❡s✴ A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 7

  8. Applications: Linear programming Source: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❝✐s❡✳✉❢❧✳❡❞✉✴r❡s❡❛r❝❤✴s♣❛rs❡✴♠❛tr✐❝❡s✴ A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 8

  9. Applications: Nonlinear programming Source: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❝✐s❡✳✉❢❧✳❡❞✉✴r❡s❡❛r❝❤✴s♣❛rs❡✴♠❛tr✐❝❡s✴ A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 9

  10. Applications: Partial differential equations Source: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❝✐s❡✳✉❢❧✳❡❞✉✴r❡s❡❛r❝❤✴s♣❛rs❡✴♠❛tr✐❝❡s✴ A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 10

  11. Linear equations Ax = b Solution alternatives: ◮ Direct methods 1. Decomposition: A = LU , A = QR , A = LL T 2. Forward/backward substitution ◮ To minimize fill-in: Analyze and permute ◮ Alternative: Iterative methods fixed-point solvers, Krylov subspace methods, multi-grid, . . . (Seminar Iterative methods for sparse linear systems ) A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 11

  12. Topic: Crash course in graph theory 1 R. Diestel. Graph theory . 4th ed. Graduate texts in mathematics. Springer, 2012. 2 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 4–6. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 12

  13. Topic: Basics of sparse matrices ◮ Memory formats ◮ Matrix modifications and arithmetic ◮ Solution of triangular systems 3 R. Diestel. Graph theory . 4th ed. Graduate texts in mathematics. Springer, 2012. 4 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 7–35. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 13

  14. Topic: Cholesky decomposition ◮ A symmetric positive definite ◮ A = LL T 5 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 37–67. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 14

  15. Topic: Orthogonal decomposition ◮ A = QR , Q T Q = I ◮ Householder reflectors ◮ Givens rotations 6 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 69–82. 7 G.H. Golub and C.F . van Loan. Matrix Computations . 3rd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. 206–247. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 15

  16. Topic: LU decomposition ◮ A = LU ◮ UMFPACK: Matlab \ 8 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 83–94. 9 T.A. Davis. “Algorithm 832: UMFPACK – an unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method with a column pre-ordering strategy”. In: ACM Trans. Math. Software 30 (2004), pp. 196–199. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 16

  17. Topic: Minimum degree ordering ◮ Preserving sparsity of matrix factors ◮ Minimum degree ordering 10 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 99–112. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 17

  18. Topic: Maximum matching ◮ Preserving sparsity of matrix factors ◮ Maximum matching ◮ Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition 11 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 112–126. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 18

  19. Topic: Profile reduction, nested dissection, solution ◮ Preserving sparsity of matrix factors ◮ Bandwidth and profile reduction ◮ Nested dissection ◮ Solution of decomposed systems 12 T.A. Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006, pp. 127–139. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 19

  20. Topic: Implicit LU decomposition ◮ Decomposition with possibility of updates 13 R. Fletcher. “Approximation Theory and Optimization. Tributes to M.J.D. Powell”. In: ed. by M.D. Buhmann and A. Iserles. Cambridge University Press, 1997. Chap. Dense factors of sparse matrices, pp. 145–166. A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 20

  21. List of topics Nr Date Topic Name 1 10.05.2017 Crash course in graph theory 2 17.05.2017 Basics of sparse matrices 3 24.05.2017 Cholesky decomposition 4 31.05.2017 Orthogonal decomposition 5 07.06.2017 LU decomposition 6 21.06.2017 Minimum degree ordering 7 28.06.2017 Maximum matching 8 05.07.2017 Profile reduction, nested dissection, solution 9 12.07.2017 Implicit LU decomposition A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 21

  22. Preparation guidelines for presentations ◮ Who is my audience? Imagine one or two concrete persons! ◮ How much time do I have? ◮ Structure: Overview, main part, summary ◮ One week before presentation: Meet me to discuss slides/black board ◮ Your presentation is more than your slides Deliver at least one, better two exercise presentations A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 22

  23. Introductory round ◮ Name ◮ Country ◮ Semester ◮ Study program ◮ Possible topics for seminar presentation A. Potschka Direct methods for sparse linear systems – 23


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