direct evidence of

Direct Evidence of Student Learning Sharlene Sayegh 96 Direct - PDF document

MSC I EDUCATIONAL UniversityCommission PROGRAMS Senior College and Direct Evidence of Student Learning Sharlene Sayegh 96 Direct Assessment SHARLENE SAYEGH Outcomes By the end of this segment, you will be able to: 1. Define direct evidence of

  1. MSC I EDUCATIONAL UniversityCommission PROGRAMS Senior College and Direct Evidence of Student Learning Sharlene Sayegh 96

  2. Direct Assessment SHARLENE SAYEGH Outcomes By the end of this segment, you will be able to: 1. Define direct evidence of learning (direct assessment); 2. Artic ulate the difference between grading & assessment; 3. Define different forms and provide relevant examples of direct evidence of learn ing. 97

  3. 1) Desi gn Assessment: 51 Interp ret resu lts , .. Goals , outcomes, identify, .and impl ement revisions to pedagogy, ev ide n ce , crite ri a and cu rricul um , programs, standards {ex. ru brics} cri ter ia or outcomes. \ I Assessment Process 2) Pub licly share 4) Collect, review and outcomes, analyze evidence of criteria and student learni ng stand;ards 3) Provide ' int enti ona l learning e xpe riences (curri c ulum & pedagogy} Based on Driscoll & Wood, 2007 'lij 1"1.T Q& , '<OONG ,.I>\, l ='>T 1o.J sr•l!f '«>I N:>~,l\!IG -· ~ <SOOV'CCA'"'""1.~ 0,. 'l\\iP.T 'W NT 11110 IT . ~ ~ I Is calvin voicing a co ncern many have with curriculum? "What does t his assignment have to do with anything?• (gets us back to learning outcomes and alignment!) 98

  4. What is A ss e ss ment? Assessment is nothing new (as we l earned earlier) Quite simply defined: it is the process in which programs and institutions articul ate what studen ts shou ld learn, how students demonstrate tha t l earn ing, th ink critically about the effectiveness of me thods to st uden t learning, and make act i on plans based on the r esu l ts of these functions. Why is it important? Why should we bother? Wh at is Direct E vidence? products produced by st udents for t he purposes of learning and to demonstrate learning (e.g. pape rs, projects, presentat ions, posters, t es ts, theses, dissertations, et c.) 99

  5. What are some forms of direct evidence of student learning? • Tests and examinations • Use/ development of technology (movies, prezis, etc.) •Collaborative projects and presentation, •Research papers and essays What is direct assessment? Direct Assessment involves examining those samples of student work to make a determination of the effectiveness of teaching and learning 100

  6. Signature Assignments a generic task, problem, case or project that can be tailored or contextualized in different disciplines 0 Signature assignments can be used within departments - mu l t i-section courses 0 Or they can be used between departments - assessing a particular GE learning outcome across the campus 0 In both cases, signature assignments can be used to assess student lea rn ing, but also assess the degr ee of alignment of lea rn ing outcomes across the cu rr iculum "Authent ic Assessment " assignments/assessments des igned to replicate "real wor ld" act i vi ties via rel evant and mean ingful questions, tasks, problems, and projects. Often they are powerful forms of learning, as well as producti ve sou r ces of insight i nto student abil ity. The work of Marc Chun 103

  7. The c!ess ab ru ptly stopped prac ti cing Here vr.1s a chance to not on ly employ thelr skills. bu t also lo save t ho en ti re town Capstones Capstones represent a culminating experience; Provide a venue for the demonstration of integrative learning; Students work collaboratively or individually; Students present their findings/ projects to peers; Capstones provide an opportunity for summative assessment 104

  8. Summati ve Assessment Summative assessment occurs at the conclusion of a th , , learning exper ience (e.g. a course, a program), summa rizing student know ledge or abilit ies to that point. It prov ides information to affirm student achievement and/or to i nform '"'"•"'" ' offe,;ogs of ot ptogtam. Summative Assessme nts & GE General E ducat i on Curr i culum provides a number of capstone experiences; Student learning at the GE l evel can be assessed just as at the course and program level (example: UH Hilo) Types of GE Capstones 0 Integrative Learning 0 Wr i ting Intensive 0 Service Learning (often connected through the co- curriculum) 105


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