“Wahre Freude hatue er an dem Rituerkreuz des sächsischen Civilverdienstordens (1816)” Otuo Jahn, Gedächtnissrede (1849) p. 26
“Wahre Freude hatue er an dem Rituerkreuz des sächsischen Civilverdienstordens (1816)” Otuo Jahn, Gedächtnissrede (1849) p. 26 But …. He lectured in Latjn …
August Boeckh Gottgried Hermann Modern Philology Linguistjc Philology German Natjonalism Latjn Cosmopolitanism
My fundamental questjon: How can we help Greco-Roman culture contribute to the intellectual life of humanity?
My fundamental questjon: How can we help Greco-Roman culture contribute to the intellectual life of humanity? This questjon, rigorously applied, challenges us to look beyond our own language and culture to humanity as a whole.
Greek and Latjn are not by themselves suffjcient to represent Classics, much less global philology
What does it mean to equate Classics or Klassische Philologie with the study of Greek and Latjn?
In case you think I am picking on Germany
Edward Everetu (1852) In the comparatjvely brief period of about two hundred years, substantjally the same transformatjon has been brought about in a considerable part of our Western contjnent, which has been the work of fjfueen or twenty centuries in Europe. Within two hundred years the barbarous natjve races have disappeared, and the children of civilized Europe and their descendants have succeeded to them ; and have introduced, as far as circumstances admitued, the culture of the old world, with all the improvements which have sprung from the novel and peculiar state of things here existjng. This, indeed, has been accomplished in much less than two centuries
How do Greco-Roman studies contribute to 21 st century Natjonalbildung ? p. 883 (1869)
Greek and Latjn may not be suffjcient but they are necessary – intellectually, practjcally, and politjcally
Big Language (English, French, German, Italian) Dominatjon
Big Language (English, French, German, Italian) Dominatjon What happened to speakers of Croatjan, Dutch, Lithuanian and other smaller European languages when the big Natjonalist Dialects displaced Latjn and asserted cultural-politjcal hegemony?
We caved into natjonalist thinking in the 19 th and 20 th centuries
We caved into natjonalist thinking in the 19 th and 20 th centuries In the 21 st century we stjll, in practjce, serve and reinforce natjonal thinking for the vast majority of those who study Greek and Latjn
Scholars of Greco-Roman culture are a trans-natjonal community in Europe (also Egyptology, Assyriology). We are never the Big Humanitjes (these are now always natjonal) but we have a strategic role that we CAN play.
But if Greek and Latjn are not suffjcient, they are essentjal
But if Greek and Latjn are not suffjcient, they are essentjal 1. The potentjal of reclaiming and transforming the cosmopolitan Respublica Lituerarum
But if Greek and Latjn are not suffjcient, they are essentjal 1. The potentjal of reclaiming and transforming the cosmopolitan Respublica Lituerarum 2. Numbers of students (and therefore of faculty) in the fjrst world
But if Greek and Latjn are not suffjcient, they are essentjal 1. The potentjal of reclaiming and transforming the cosmopolitan Respublica Lituerarum 2. Numbers of students (and therefore of faculty) in the fjrst world 3. Development of resources – esp. open resources
99.3% of Latjn students in Germany are in primary and secondary school Latj tjn schüler in Germany Greek and Latj tjn Studierenden (2013) 2010 807,839 2011 740,302 Greek 592 2012 705,407 Latjn 4,268 Greek and Latjn (combined) 4,860 htups://www.destatjs.de/DE/Publikatjonen/Thematjsch/BildungForschungKultur/Schulen/ AllgemeinbildendeSchulen2110100117004.pdf?__blob=publicatjonFile and htups://www.destatjs.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschafuStaat/BildungForschungKultur/Sch ulen/Tabellen/AllgemeinBildendeBerufmicheSchulenFremdsprachUnterricht.html.
99.3% of Latjn students in Germany are in primary and secondary school Latj tjn schüler in Germany Greek and Latj tjn Studierenden (2013) 2010 807,839 2011 740,302 Greek 592 2012 705,407 Latjn 4,268 Greek and Latjn (combined) 4,860 99.97% are NOT the c. 200 Lehrstuhlinhaber of Greco-Roman Philology, History, and Archaeology htups://www.destatjs.de/DE/Publikatjonen/Thematjsch/BildungForschungKultur/Schulen/ AllgemeinbildendeSchulen2110100117004.pdf?__blob=publicatjonFile and htups://www.destatjs.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschafuStaat/BildungForschungKultur/Sch ulen/Tabellen/AllgemeinBildendeBerufmicheSchulenFremdsprachUnterricht.html.
99%+ German students live in a German bubble
99%+ US students live in an English bubble
99%+ Italian students live in an Italian bubble
99%+ French students live in a French bubble
99%+ Spanish students live in a Spanish bubble
The US Natjonal Greek Exam -- English
The Graecum and Latjnum -- German
Maximize partjcipatjon and ownership within and across individual natjons and societjes
How big is the market? In terms of actual expenditures, the Fantasy Sports Trade Associatjon – yes, there is a trade associatjon – estjmates that 32 million Americans spend $467 per person or about $15 billion in total playing. Roughly, 11 billion fmows toward football. These fjgures don’t count ad revenue for fantasy hostjng sites. The NFL’s annual revenue falls just under $10 billion currently. So the “derivatjve” market has grown larger than the foundatjonal market. htup://www.forbes.com/sites/briangofg/2013/08/20/the-70-billion-fantasy-football-market/
How big is the market? In terms of actual expenditures, the Fantasy Sports Trade Associatjon – yes, there is a trade associatjon – estjmates that 32 million Americans spend $467 per person or about $15 billion in total playing. Roughly, 11 billion fmows toward football. These fjgures don’t count ad revenue for fantasy hostjng sites. The NFL’s annual revenue falls just under $10 billion currently. So the “derivatjve” market has grown larger than the foundatjonal market. htup://www.forbes.com/sites/briangofg/2013/08/20/the-70-billion-fantasy-football-market/
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