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Did you know? Mrs. Gutschmidt, 7 th Grade Service Ashland University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Did you know? Mrs. Gutschmidt, 7 th Grade Service Ashland University Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy University of Dayton Bachelor of Science, Middle Childhood Education 4-9, Math/LA Mrs. Gilanyi, 7 th Grade

  1. Did you know? Mrs. Gutschmidt, 7 th Grade Service • Ashland University Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy • University of Dayton Bachelor of Science, Middle Childhood Education 4-9, Math/LA Mrs. Gilanyi, 7 th Grade Respect • Ashland University Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy • Cleveland State University Bachelor of Science in Education 1-8 • +30 Credits of Instruction & Classes and HQT Mathematics

  2. College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Core Connections ALGEBRA  On a daily basis, students: -Problem Solve -Question -Investigate -Analyze -Gather and construct evidence -Communicate -Justify their thinking -Follow the Common Core Standards -Apply 8 Mathematical Practices

  3. 7 th th Grade Syllabus Chap apte ter r 1 – Func nction tions App ppendix dix – Re Repr presenting enting Expr pressio essions ns Chap apte ter r 2 – Linear near Functio ctions ns Chap apte ter r 3 – Simpl mplif ifying ing and Sol olvin ving Chap apter ter 4 4 – System stem of of Equ quatio ations ns Chap apte ter r 5 – Seque uence nces Chap apte ter r 6 – Mod odeling ling Two-Vari Variabl ble Data ta Chap apte ter r 7 – Expon onentia ntial Func nction tions Chap apte ter r 8 – Quad adratic ratic Functio ctions ns Chap apte ter r 9 – Sol olvin ving g Quadrat dratic ics s and d Inequal alities ities Chap apte ter r 10 – Sol olvin ving g Com omplex ex Equation tions Chap apte ter r 11 – Funct ctions ions and Data ta

  4. Webpage

  5. College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Parent Guide This PARENT GUIDE is available ON-LINE! Go to my website and CLICK on the link CPM Book. *We also have hard copies available, per request.

  6. College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) On-Line Login

  7. College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Parent Guide This PARENT GUIDE is available ON-LINE!


  9. The Classroom  Overall: The classroom this year is run with a large classroom, however each team is their own small classroom.  Co-Teaching Classroom Environment practices the same philosophy we are teaching in CPM.

  10. How do we manage the classroom?  4-5 people per table  Team Roles – see “Team Role” Posters  Table Teams are changed after every chapter  Classroom Strategies (ex. HUDDLE)  We use both classrooms  Large space  Small group  Presentations, we break up  Team centered approach, all student teams discover and learn, so all students feel confident about answers since they have shared in their among their teams first. –

  11. SunG unGar ard d (HA HAC) C)  Check for MISSING /ABSENT WORK  Check for STUDENT PROGRESS  Check if your son/daughter might be CONFUSED  Please check on a regular basis . . .  *Please call school if haven’t received letter with information and password.

  12. Grading System  CLASSWORK – 25% -Homework -Participation Quiz -Presentations  FORMATIVE - 15% -Team Challenge -Quizzes -Exit Slips & Quick Checks  SUMMATIVE - 60% -Individual Assessments  PRE-TESTS & STUDENT DATA – 0%

  13.  Team Support 5 th Period - (T-TH-F)  Talk to us, See us . . . don’t be shy! Schedule a time we can work together!  Email - We check email regularly!  HW Support at the Hudson Public Library in the Teen Room! Monday: 3:30-5:00 pm Monday & Tuesday: 7:00 – 8:30 pm

  14. Th The Team Id e Team Idea ea COLLABORATIVE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS T Together, work to answer questions. E Explain and give reasons. A Ask questions and share ideas. M Members of your team are your first resource. S Smarter together than apart.

  15. Team Idea (cont.)  Social support for learning math  Success for more students  Opportunities to see and discuss multiple approaches  More meaningful learning by discussing and explaining  Better mastery of basic skills  Greater mathematical exploration and creativity

  16. Assessments  Team Challenges are a graded review assignment to help students prepare for the end of chapter assessment.  Individual assessments are given 1 week after the end of the chapter.  Tests cover old and new material. (Summative) For example, you will even see things from Ch. 2 on the Ch. 9 Test .

  17. Best Ways to Contact Us Mrs. . Gut utschmidt: t: gut utschml@hudson.edu 330-653-1316 x2209 http://www.hudson.k12.oh.us Mrs. . Gil ilanyi: gil ilanyik ik@hudson.edu 330-653-1316 x1593 http://www.hudson.k12.oh.us

  18. We are excited to have your child! It’s going to be a great year!  Mrs. Gilanyi & Mrs. Gutschmidt


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