diana lopez falcon max planck institute for demographic

Diana Lopez-Falcon Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Joint Programming Initiative More Years, Better Lives Data Mapping Project Diana Lopez-Falcon Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Population Europe Aims of the JPI MYBL 1. Exploration and understanding of Demographic Change

  1. Joint Programming Initiative “More Years, Better Lives” Data Mapping Project Diana Lopez-Falcon Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Population Europe

  2. Aims of the JPI MYBL 1. Exploration and understanding of Demographic Change through a cross-disciplinary and holistic approach 2. Implementation through joint activities 3. Alignment of programmes and activities at the national, regional and EU levels 4. Public Engagement

  3. Countries supporting the JPI 15 Members Austria France Poland Belgium Germany Spain Canada Italy Sweden Denmark Netherlands Switzerland Finland Norway UK

  4. Governance of the JPI MYBL • General Assembly - Delegates from 15 Member States • Steering Committee - Chair Prof. Paolo M. Rossini, Vice-Chair Prof. Marja Vaarama, Members Prof. Yves Joannette and Matthias Reiter- Pázmándy • Scientific Advisory Board - 22 scientists representing diverse disciplines • Societal Advisory Board - 15 members from European stakeholder organisations

  5. Strategic Research Agenda • 4 Research Domains – Quality of Life, Health and Wellbeing – Economic and Social Production – Governance and Institutions – Sustainable Welfare

  6. Data Mapping Project • Aims – To identify and map the range of data sources on ageing at the European and national levels – To identify gaps and challenges in the current data infrastructure – To inform the development of the JPI’s Strategic Research Agenda, and any calls or research proposals that will follow from it

  7. Data Mapping Project • Development – Scientific Coordination – 12 national teams – Key national and international data sources for the study of ageing – Ten policy fields

  8. www.jpi-dataproject.eu

  9. Data Mapping Project • Result – Identification and evaluation of 437 data sources for the study of ageing » Considers the needs of different user profiles: scholars, policy makers, analysts » Key is to avoid repetition of work by individual projects and to ensure that research proposals are well informed about existing data sources – Identification of the potential and needs of the current data infrastructure » Data availability Inform and » Research lines develop the » Funding possibilities SRA » Current and future activities Alignment strategy

  10. Alignment in the ERA Basic Research Applied Research Market Uptake European National National Programming JPI MYBL KIC Healthy Living and Active Ageing

  11. CONTACTS www.jpi-dataproject.eu www.jp-demographic.eu JPI MYBL Secretariat Denice Moi Thuk Shung ZonMw Laan van Nieuw Oost - Indië 334 2593 CE Den Haag Netherlands jpimybl@zonmw.nl

  12. Thank you for your attention!

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