devolution and the commission on health and social care

Devolution and the Commission on Health and Social Care Integration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Devolution and the Commission on Health and Social Care Integration NECA The North East Combined Authority created 2014 7 LAs: Tyne and Wear councils, Durham and Northumberland Why Devolution and what does it include? NECA area

  1. Devolution and the Commission on Health and Social Care Integration

  2. NECA • The North East Combined Authority created 2014 • 7 LAs: Tyne and Wear councils, Durham and Northumberland Why Devolution and what does it include? • NECA area faces significant challenges, but also has real strengths – belief that decisions made locally would enable the area to achieve better outcomes for local people, in context of dramatically reduced public funding. • Focus on economic growth – create 100,000 new jobs. Investment fund £1.5bn. • Transport, Business and Innovation, Housing, Employment and Skills, Regulatory Powers, Health and Social Care Integration

  3. Joint neca / NHS Commission for Health and Social Care Integration The neca and NHS vision is to improve health outcomes for people and reduce health inequalities between the neca population and England, and also within the neca population. This will include improving wider wellbeing and prosperity as part of the wider neca devolution agenda and reinforcing the intrinsic links between economic regeneration and health and wellbeing. Our current system is unsustainable in the medium to long term so this needs to be addressed in such a way that we have a system that is: • proactive in shifting investment and effort to preventing ill health • financially sustainable • making the most of influencing the wider determinants of health Commission established February 2016, due to report Autumn 2016

  4. Three Core Themes of the Commission: • Investing in prevention: How can we shift the focus of our effort and investment towards prevention, including the need to reduce reliance on hospital based services? • Health, Wellbeing and work How can we link the prosperity of the North East to the health and wellbeing of local people? - We need to see work as a health outcome - How do we support people to be healthy and fit enough to work? - How do we ensure all employers value the strategic importance and benefits of healthy workplaces • System Leadership & Governance How do we develop the right leadership, relationships and governance to work together more effectively to deliver the neca/ NHS vision and the wider integration agenda?

  5. Th e “ Cycle of Missed Opportunity ” – we want the Commission to help us break this cycle 5


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