development of useful and practical checklists

Development of Useful and Practical Checklists The Third and Forth - PDF document

1 Building Disaster and Climate Resilient Cities in ASEAN (CN18) Development of Useful and Practical Checklists The Third and Forth Workshop for Urban Resilience in ASEAN March 03, 2017 JICA Project Team Contents of Presentation 1.

  1. 1 Building Disaster and Climate Resilient Cities in ASEAN (CN18) Development of Useful and Practical Checklists The Third and Forth Workshop for Urban Resilience in ASEAN March 03, 2017 JICA Project Team Contents of Presentation 1. Objectives of Checklist 2. Approaches on “Checklists” Formulation 3. Feedback from 1 st Draft Checklists Trials in 3 Cities of AMSs 4. Proposed Composition of “Checklists” 5. Group Work and Discussion on “Checklists” for Clarification 2

  2. 1. Objectives of Checklist For Local government  To understand current status of DRR and clarify weakness through the Checklist  To identify necessary DRR activities for Urban Resilience  To utilize checklist as bench-mark and monitoring tool For National government  To understand the situation of local governments and examine necessary supports on DRR 3 2. Approaches on Checklist Formulation  Checklist for Practitioners  Checklist enabling users to do “Quantitative Assessment”  Checklist enabling users to identify “Necessary Activities” to be done  Checklist by “Compact Form” with essence  Considering DRR activities in “ Technique ”, “ Planning ” & “ Organizing ”  Two Checklists as cross-interactive 1. Checklist for “ Disaster Risk Management(DRM) ” Target = Department/Division in charge of DRM 2. Checklist for “ Resilient Urban Development ” Target = Department/Division in charge of Urban Planning  Checklist as a part of PDCA cycle  Taking account of assessment in PDCA cycle to improve DRR activities and capacity through periodical implementation 4

  3. Checklists considering Cross-Interactive Disaster Risk Management Planning Urban Development Checklists in line Data Collection Planning Hazard Coping Capacity with Two Physical Conditions Identification Identification Planning Data Outputs Processes and for Exposure Socio-economic, Analysis Conditions Implementations Disaster Risk of Disaster Hazard Assessment Mapping Management Spatial Analysis Land Plan & Urban Vulnerability Development Inputs Strategies Vision and Strategies DRM Strategies Plan DRM Strategies Inputs Development Disaster Risk Framework Management Plan DRM Spatial Interpretation Planning Land Use Plan Action Plan Reflecting Action Plans to Sector Programs Zoning Control Sector Program Project Implement- Implementation Project ation Prioritization & Monitoring Implementation Plan Building Control 5 Framework and Structure of Checklist: Four Priority Actions of SFDRR 2015-2030 Priority Actions Checklist A Checklist B For Disaster Risk For Resilient Urban on SFDRR Management Development 1. Understanding A1. Understanding B1. Understanding Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Disaster Risk A2 . Investing in 2. Strengthening B2 . Investing in Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Reduction Governance Reduction A3 . Enhancing 3. Investing in B3 . Enhancing Disaster Disaster Risk Disaster Preparedness Reduction Preparedness 4. Enhancing A4 . Strengthening B4 . Strengthening Disaster Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Preparedness Governance Governance 6

  4. Reference: Four Priority Actions of SFDRR 2015-2030 (SFDRR = Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030) 1. Understanding Disaster Risk 2. Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to manage Disaster Risk 3. Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience 4. Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for effective Response and to Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction 7 Checklist in PDCA Cycle of DRR (Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle in DRR) This time Next time Updated Updated ACTIONS DRR Activities CHECKLIST ・・ ACTIONS CHECKLIST  Surveys  Sharing data A1&B1.  Sharing data  Risk Understanding 0 1 2 3 4  Risk assessment 0 1 2 3 4 assessment Disaster Risk training training  Hazard mapping  Improvement of A2&B2. Investing  Improvement of organization in Disaster Risk 0 1 2 3 4 organization 0 1 2 3 4  Capacity Reduction  Coordination body building  Capacity building  Land use and A3&B3.  Land use and Zoning system Enhancing Zoning system 0 1 2 3 4 enhancement 0 1 2 3 4 Disaster enhancement  Budget Preparedness  Priority project allocation formulation  Budget allocation  Land A4&B4. reservation for Strengthening  Land reservation emergency 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Disaster Risk for emergency activities and activities and Governance effective effective recovery recovery 8

  5. 3. Feedback from 1st Draft Checklists Trials in 3 Cities  About Contents  Volume of the questions is acceptable.  Difficult to answer quantitative questions.  About Operation & Utilization  Once a year is desirable frequency for checking the list.  Representative officer in each relevant organization may be suitable for checking.  Checklist should be utilized for both of Local and National Government  Incentive mechanism for utilization of checklist is required. Luang Prabang Workshop / Lao PDR Pathum Thani Workshop / Thailand Bima Workshop / Indonesia 9 4. Proposed Composition of Checklists 10 Contents of Checklist A for Disaster Risk Management T=125 No. of Priority Actions Ques- Head Title of Questions (SFDRR) tions 18 A11. Identifying probable hazard that may affect the local society A1 Understanding 19 A12. Analyzing Local Vulnerabilities Disaster Risks 13 A13. Assessing Local Disaster Risks 3 A14. Sharing Hazard and Risk Information 7 A21. Formulating Strategies and Plans for Disaster Risk Reduction A2 Investing in 9 A22. Investment in DRR measures on key facilities Disaster Risk Reduction 4 A23. Back up or alternatives of key facilities 8 A31. Formulating effective disaster response system and administrative management 6 A32. Formulating effective emergency relief and resilient medical care system A3 Enhancing 5 A33. Formulating effective evacuation system Disaster A34. Formulating effective recovery plan and program in advance before disaster Preparedness 7 event A35. Formulating effective reconstruction plan and program in advance before 2 disaster event 10 A41. Overall mechanism of improving urban resilience A4 Strengthening 7 A42. Enhancing Capacity of Local Community for Improving Societal Resilience Disaster Risk A43. Participation of Private Sector in the Local Society for Improving Urban Governance 7 Resilience


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