development of a terrestrial dynamical core for e3sm

Development of a Terrestrial Dynamical Core for E3SM (TDycore) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Development of a Terrestrial Dynamical Core for E3SM (TDycore) Nathan Collier Oak Ridge National Laboratory June 2019 Tale of Two Talks Common Theme: Considerations in choosing a discretization

  1. Development of a Terrestrial Dynamical Core for E3SM (TDycore) Nathan Collier Oak Ridge National Laboratory June 2019

  2. Tale of Two Talks Common Theme: Considerations in choosing a discretization method I. The Effect of a Higher Continuous Basis on Solver Performance Victor Calo (Curtin), David Pardo (Ikerbasque), Lisandro Dalcin (KAUST), Maciej Paszynski (AGH) II. Selection of a Numerical Method for a Terrestrial Dynamical Core Jed Brown (Colorado), Gautam Bisht (PNNL), Matthew Knepley (Buffalo), Jennifer Fredrick (SNL), Glenn Hammond (SNL), Satish Karra (LANL)

  3. C p-1 continuous basis Increasing p Higher Continuous Basis? Standard C 0 basis

  4. Poisson problem on unit cube 10 0 p1 C0 10 -1 10 -2 p2 C0 10 -3 | True Error |_H1 p3 C0 10 -4 10 -5 p4 C0 10 -6 10 -7 p5 C0 10 -8 p6 C0 10 -9 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 Number of Degrees of Freedom

  5. Poisson problem on unit cube 10 0 p1 C0 10 -1 p2 C1 10 -2 p2 C0 p3 C2 10 -3 | True Error |_H1 p3 C0 10 -4 p4 C3 10 -5 p5 C4 p4 C0 10 -6 p6 C5 10 -7 p5 C0 10 -8 p6 C0 10 -9 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 Number of Degrees of Freedom

  6. Are higher continuous spaces an efficient way to p − refine? What effect does continuity have on the solver performance?

  7. Are higher continuous spaces an efficient way to p − refine? What effect does continuity have on the solver performance? Spoiler Alert! C 0 C p − 1 C p − 1 / C 0 O ( N 2 + Np 6 ) O ( N 2 p 3 ) O ( p 3 ) Multifrontal direct solver O ( Np 4 ) O ( Np 6 ) O ( p 2 ) Iterative solvers ∗ ∗ Estimates for Matrix-Vector products

  8. Multi-frontal direct solver Based on the concepts of the Schur complement and nested dissection. ¡

  9. Key concept: size s of the separator s = 1 for C 0 s = p for C p − 1

  10. Estimates and Results ( d = 3 , N = 30 k ) C 0 C p − 1 O ( N 2 + Np 6 ) O ( N 2 p 3 ) Time O ( N 4 / 3 + Np 3 ) O ( N 4 / 3 p 2 ) Memory 24 550 4000 22 Time 1400 Time 500 20 Memory (Mb) 3500 Memory (Mb) 1200 Memory Memory 450 18 3000 time (s) time (s) 1000 400 16 2500 800 14 2000 350 600 12 1500 300 400 10 1000 250 200 8 500 6 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 polynomial order polynomial order

  11. Solution time for C 0 vs C p − 1 ( d = 3 , N = 30 k ) 1500 C^0 C^(p-1) time (s) 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 polynomial order

  12. Iterative solvers Much more complex to assess costs: P ( Ax − b ) = 0 Need a model for: ◮ Matrix-vector multiplication ◮ Preconditioner ( P ) setup and application ◮ Convergence

  13. Sample Linear Systems C 0 space C p − 1 space

  14. Matrix-vector multiplication - C 0 The cost of a sparse matrix-vector multiply is proportional to the number of nonzero entries in the matrix. Vertex DOF: Interior DOF: 2 p + 1 interactions p + 1 interactions element considered

  15. Matrix-vector multiplication - C 0 Number DOFs Number Dimension Entity of Entities per Entity of interactions 1D vertex 1 1 (2 p + 1) 1D interior 1 ( p − 1) ( p + 1) (2 p + 1) 2 2D vertex 1 1 2D edge 2 ( p − 1) (2 p + 1)( p + 1) ( p − 1) 2 ( p + 1) 2 2D interior 1 (2 p + 1) 3 3D vertex 1 1 (2 p + 1) 2 ( p + 1) 3D edge 3 ( p − 1) ( p − 1) 2 (2 p + 1)( p + 1) 2 3D face 3 ( p − 1) 3 ( p + 1) 3 3D interior 1

  16. Matrix-vector multiplication - C 0 nnz C 0 ( p − 1) 3 · ( p + 1) 3 = � �� � interior DOF 3( p − 1) 2 · (2 p + 1)( p + 1) 2 + � �� � face DOF · (2 p + 1) 2 ( p + 1) + 3( p − 1) � �� � edge DOF · (2 p + 1) 3 + 1 ���� vertex DOF p 6 + 6 p 5 + 12 p 4 + 8 p 3 = p 3 ( p + 2) 3 = O ( p 6 ) =

  17. Matrix-vector multiplication - C p − 1 The B-spline C p − 1 basis is very regular, each DOF interacts with 2 p + 1 others in 1D. nnz C p − 1 = p 3 (2 p + 1) 3 = 8 p 6 + 12 p 5 + 6 p 4 + p 3 = O (8 p 6 )

  18. Matrix-vector multiplication Matrix-Vector product 5 theoretical 4 . 02 measured 4 time ratio C p − 1 /C 0 3 . 39 3 2 . 77 1 . 94 2 1 . 00 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 polynomial order p

  19. Matrix-vector multiplication However, for C 0 spaces, we can use static condensation as in the multifrontal direct solver. Number DOFs Number Statically Entity of Entities per Entity of interactions condensed (2 p + 1) 3 − 8( p − 1) 3 vertex 1 1 (2 p + 1) 2 ( p + 1) − 4( p − 1) 3 edge 3 ( p − 1) ( p − 1) 2 (2 p + 1)( p + 1) 2 − 2( p − 1) 3 face 3 33 p 4 − 12 p 3 + 9 p 2 − 6 p + 3 = O (33 p 4 )

  20. Matrix-vector multiplication 70 60 C p − 1 to C 0 with static condensation ratio of number of nonzeros 50 40 30 20 C p − 1 to C 0 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 polynomial order, p

  21. 3D Poisson + CG + ILU p =6 12 Solve time ratio, C^p-1 vs C0 10 8 p =5 6 p =4 p =3 4 p =2 2 0 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 Number of Degrees of Freedom

  22. 3D Poisson + CG + ILU + static condensation 120 p =6 100 Solve time ratio, C^p-1 vs C0 80 60 40 p =5 20 p =4 p =3 p =2 0 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 Number of Degrees of Freedom

  23. Related Publications ◮ N Collier, D Pardo, L Dalcin, M Paszynski, VM Calo, The cost of continuity: A study of the performance of isogeometric finite elements using direct solvers, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 213, 353-361, 2012. 10.1016/j.cma.2011.11.002 ◮ N Collier, L Dalcin, D Pardo, VM Calo, The cost of continuity: performance of iterative solvers on isogeometric finite elements, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (2), A767-A784, 2013. 10.1137/120881038 ◮ N Collier, L Dalcin, VM Calo, On the computational efficiency of isogeometric methods for smooth elliptic problems using direct solvers, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100 (8), 620-632. 10.1002/nme.4769

  24. Tale of Two Talks Common Theme: Considerations in choosing a discretization method I. The Effect of a Higher Continuous Basis on Solver Performance Victor Calo (Curtin), David Pardo (Ikerbasque), Lisandro Dalcin (KAUST), Maciej Paszynski (AGH) II. Selection of a Numerical Method for a Terrestrial Dynamical Core Jed Brown (Colorado), Gautam Bisht (PNNL), Matthew Knepley (Buffalo), Jennifer Fredrick (SNL), Glenn Hammond (SNL), Satish Karra (LANL)

  25. Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ◮ The terrestrial water cycle is a key component of the Earth system model ◮ While conceptually key processes transport water laterally, the representation is 1D in current models ◮ Requirements: accurate velocities on distorted grids with uncertain and rough coefficients at global scale ◮ Naturally think of mixed finite elements

  26. Simplified Problem Statement Strong form Find u and p such that, u = − K ∇ p in Ω ∇ · u = f in Ω p = g on Γ D u · n = 0 on Γ N

  27. Simplified Problem Statement Strong form Find u and p such that, u = − K ∇ p in Ω ∇ · u = f in Ω p = g on Γ D u · n = 0 on Γ N Candidate approaches: ◮ Mixed finite elements (BDM) + FieldSplit/BDDC/hybridization ◮ Wheeler-Yotov (WY) + AMG ◮ Arnold-Boffi-Falk (ABF) + FieldSplit/BDDC/hybridization ◮ Multipoint flux approximation (MFPA) + AMG

  28. Simplified Problem Statement Strong form Find u and p such that, u = − K ∇ p in Ω ∇ · u = f in Ω p = g on Γ D u · n = 0 on Γ N Weak form Find u ∈ V and p ∈ W such that, � � K − 1 u , v = ( p , ∇ · v ) − � g , v · n � Γ D , v ∈ V ( ∇ · u , w ) = ( f , w ) , w ∈ W where V = { v ∈ H div (Ω) : v · n = 0 on Γ N } , W = L 2 (Ω)

  29. Problem statement Strong form Find u and p such that, u = − K ∇ p in Ω ∇ · u = f in Ω p = g on Γ D u · n = 0 on Γ N Weak form Find u ∈ V and p ∈ W such that, � � K − 1 u , v = ( p , ∇ · v ) − � g , v · n � Γ D , v ∈ V ( ∇ · u , w ) = ( f , w ) , w ∈ W where V = { v ∈ H div (Ω) : v · n = 0 on Γ N } , W = L 2 (Ω)

  30. Wheeler & Yotov 2006 Ingredients: u 41 n 1 ◮ Brezzi–Douglas–Marini (BDM 1 ) N 4 ( x ) velocity space u 40 ◮ Basis interpolatory at corners N 4 ( x 4 ) · n 0 = u 40 N 4 ( x 4 ) · n 1 = u 41 n 0 ◮ Vertex-based quadrature (under-integrated) ◮ Constant pressure space

  31. Wheeler & Yotov 2006 Ingredients: u 41 n 1 ◮ Brezzi–Douglas–Marini (BDM 1 ) N 4 ( x ) velocity space u 40 ◮ Basis interpolatory at corners N 4 ( x 4 ) · n 0 = u 40 N 4 ( x 4 ) · n 1 = u 41 n 0 ◮ Vertex-based quadrature (under-integrated) ◮ Constant pressure space This means that velocity DOFs only couple to each other at vertices.

  32. Wheeler & Yotov Assembly 1: for vertex v in mesh do setup vertex local problem 2: � A � � U � � G � B T = B 0 P F for element e connected to v do 3: � � K − 1 u v , v v A ← 4: Ω e B T ← − ( p e , ∇ · v v ) Ω e 5: G ← − � g , v v · n � Γ D , e 6: F ← ( f e , w e ) Ω e 7: end for 8: Assemble Schur complement 9: ( BA − 1 B T ) P = F − BA − 1 G 10: end for

  33. Wheeler & Yotov Assembly 1: for vertex v in mesh do setup vertex local problem 2: � A � � U � � G � B T = B 0 P F for element e connected to v do 3: � � K − 1 u v , v v A ← 4: Ω e B T ← − ( p e , ∇ · v v ) Ω e 5: G ← − � g , v v · n � Γ D , e 6: F ← ( f e , w e ) Ω e 7: end for 8: Assemble Schur complement 9: ( BA − 1 B T ) P = F − BA − 1 G 10: end for Global cell-centered pressure system which is SPD


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