Development of a Programming Environment and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE Michael Gebhard 22.01.2019
Goals LOOP and WHILE Interpreter IDE Plugin Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 2
LOOP Syntax program: ; instruction instruction: variable := 0 variable + 1 LOOP variable DO program ENDDO Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 3
LOOP Semantics state s : Var → N instruction i : state → state sequencing instruction ◦ instruction Instructions: X := 0 X := Y X := Y + 1 LOOP X DO P ENDDO Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 4
LOOP Language f ( x ) = 2 x LOOP X DO X := X + 1 ENDDO; Y := X Primitive Recursive Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 5
WHILE Syntax Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 6
WHILE Semantics state s : Var → N instruction i : state ⇀ state sequencing instruction ◦ instruction New Instruction: WHILE X != 0 DO P ENDDO Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 7
WHILE Language X := 0; X := X + 1; µ -Recursive WHILE X != 0 DO ENDDO Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 8
Extended Language main.lw #LOOP #IMPORT math.lw in: y Basic Arithmetics out: x Comparison x := double(y) Variable Declarations math.lw Macros def double Imports in: i0 Language Flag out: o0 o0 := 2 * i0 enddef Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 9
Execution Environment Parsing Execution Macros Debugging Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 10
Parsing out: o0 o0 := 5; loop o0 do o0 := o0 * 2 enddo Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 11
Execution Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 12
Execution Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 13
Execution out: o0 o0 := mac(5); Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 14
Debugging Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 15
Debugging Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 16
Debugging Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 17
IDE: Intellij Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 18
IDE: Intellij Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 19
IDE: Intellij Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 20
IDE: Intellij Michael Gebhard IDE and Interpreter for LOOP and WHILE (22.01.2019) 21
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