
DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE 7/10/2019 2 Learn about - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Im Implementing Youth Empowerment: DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE 7/10/2019 2 Learn about the problem Develop command of the topic Expertise = Understanding of possible solutions = Desire to take Action

  1. Im Implementing Youth Empowerment: DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE

  2. 7/10/2019 2

  3.  Learn about the problem  Develop “command” of the topic  Expertise = Understanding of possible solutions = Desire to take Action

  4. What is the knowledge students would need to conduct a marijuana prevention campaign?

  5. What is the knowledge students would need to conduct a marijuana prevention program?  Stats on use  MJ consequences in general  Effects of use on young kids  The existing laws in your state  Industry Practices and Promotions  Pop culture influences on MJ use  Current events – stories in the news where MJ use resulted in problems

  6. • What knowledge was needed to produce this poster as part of a social norming campaign?

  7. • Know the Survey Data • Understand what a Social Norming Message is.

  8. What is the knowledge students would need to conduct a BRAIN CAMPAIGN?

  9. Before you can take action… You need the SKILLS to do so.

  10. • Presentation Skills • Creating Media / Messages • Working with the Press • Writing Skills • Legislative /Policy Change • Media Development

  11. Presentation Skills for Advocates

  12. Public Speaking:

  13. Getting the Right Sound

  14. #3 Animation of Voice Hello

  15. Respecting your privacy is very important to us and we want you to understand how we protect your privacy as we obtain your information. We also want to inform you of the steps we take to safeguard that info.

  16. Getting the Right Sound  Volume Control  Speed Control  Animation of Voice  Animation of Body

  17. #1: Volume Control  If the audience can’t hear you… they can’t receive your message.  Fill the room – Project your voice!  Speaking from diaphragm vs. throat

  18. ... check your home

  19. ... check your home owners insurance

  20. ... check your home owners insurance and make sure…

  21. ... check your home owners insurance and make sure you’re covered in case a drunken student falls…

  22. They are all words that you have never seen in a tobacco ad.

  23. #2 Speed Control  You can speak faster than your audience can comprehend  If you speak too quickly your audience will tune you out

  24. Marijuana dependence is a problem for many people. Someone who acts like they are having fun or who seems like the life of the party might be the one in need of the most help. Help your friends before it’s too late.

  25. Marijuana dependence is a problem for many people. Someone who acts like they are having fun or who seems like the life of the party might be the one in need of the most help. Help your friends before it’s too late.

  26. #3 Animation of Voice  Communicates Added Info  More Interesting  Prevents Rhythmic or Monotone Speaking

  27. #3 Animation of Voice Hello

  28. Respecting your privacy is very important to us and we want you to understand how we protect your privacy as we obtain your information. We also want to inform you of the steps we take to safeguard that info.

  29. #3 Animation of Voice Five Techniques:  Spacing/Pauses  Emphasize Words  Vary Speed  Stretch Words  Vary Pitch

  30. Pauses / Spacing  Helps with speed control  The length of a pause can vary

  31. Addiction is a problem for many people. [full beat] Someone who acts like they are having fun [1/2] or who seems like the life of the party [1/2] just might be [dramatic pause] the one in need of the most [1/2] help. [full beat] Help your friends [full beat] before it’s too late.

  32. Hey mom, dad, with graduation coming up, I wanted to ask you what you thought about my friends having a party in the back yard.

  33. Emphasizing Words  Helps to convey the meaning of what you are trying to say  Makes what you say more interesting to listen to

  34. I'm taking all their phones away to make sure they don't text during class. I'm taking all their phones away to make sure they don't text during class.

  35. The Tobacco Industry wants you! They want you to suck on their tobacco…

  36. Vary Speed  Start slow and speed up…  Or, start faster and slow down at the end for emphasis.

  37. The marijuana industry wants you! They want you to suck on their products…

  38. The marijuana industry wants you! They want you to suck on their products…

  39. THC doesn’t just make you high… it affects the parts of the brain associated with memory, mood, coordination, reflexes and judgment.

  40. Stretching Words:  slows you down,  changes the pace,  makes what you say more interesting – or theatrical

  41. Stretching Demonstrated Don’t be a sucker… keep the marijuana industry out of [your] yourrrrr pocket.

  42. Dooonnn’t be a sucker… keep the marijuana industry out of your pocket.

  43. Don’t be a sucker… keep the marijuana industry out of [your] yourrrrr pocket.

  44. Host 1: Hello folks! Your listening to radio station WY2Y. And now it ’ s Host 2: time for our question of the day …

  45. Varying Pitch:  Gives the speech a theatrical flavor  Prevents monotone

  46. Raising the Pitch Oh my gosh, today is my birthday and I’m having a party!

  47. Lowering Pitch My cat ran in the street and got hit by a car.

  48. Tobacco use by teens has gone down in the past decade, but thousands of kids still become addicted to them every year.

  49. NAR: So you think you would be a “cool” parent to host a drug or drinking party for teens? Think about this: #1: How cool would it be if a fight broke out? #2: How cool would it be if there was a date rape? #3: How cool would it be if a partier died from alcohol poisoning? #4: How cool would it be if an angry parent filed a lawsuit against you?

  50. #4: Animating Your Body: • Use balance and smoooothness • Keep your feet under you – shoulder width • Avoid distracting or repetitive nervous movements or actions • Movements should reinforce your point – pointing to a visual for example

  51. Mom, it wasn’t my fault I flunked the history test!

  52. I just hit the lottery and won 1 million dollars.

  53. Boring Material Prevention Material

  54. Presentation Skills for Advocates


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