developing integrated care

Developing Integrated Care Dr Kiren Collison, Clinical Chair, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Patient and Public Participation in Developing Integrated Care Dr Kiren Collison, Clinical Chair, Oxfordshire CCG Lou Patten, Chief Executive Officer, Oxfordshire CCG Our Developing Strategy We need to refocus on prevention and early

  1. Patient and Public Participation in Developing Integrated Care Dr Kiren Collison, Clinical Chair, Oxfordshire CCG Lou Patten, Chief Executive Officer, Oxfordshire CCG

  2. Our Developing Strategy…… We need to refocus on prevention and early intervention across health and care, increasing our community capacity to provide care at home whilst reducing bed-based care through our providers, who will work together to make this happen. Rebalancing spend over a 5 year period Current balance of spend Future balance of spend Low dependency Living, Ageing and Staying Well levels Living, Ageing and Staying Well Prevention & Early Intervention Rapid Response & Prevention & Early Reablement Intervention Rapid Response & Reablement Long Term Care Long Term Care High dependency …needs System Integration levels

  3. Our Clinical Case for Change Our length of stay in hospital needs to be shorter

  4. What is an Integrated System? What it is: What it is not: Mature partnerships - a coalition New statutory bodies or change to existing committed to collective decision making accountabilities Partners making a single, consistent set Employers, ways of managing financial or of decisions about how to deploy resources other resources Stronger local relationships and partnership Legally binding (deliverability rests on work based on common understanding goodwill, commitment and shared priorities of local priorities, challenges and next and objectives) steps A clear system plan and the capacity and Getting rid of the purchaser / provider split capability to execute it or of respective statutory duties and powers Place-based, multi-year plans built Tried and tested. There will be bumps along around the needs of local populations the way – the true test is in the and local health priorities relationships! Delivering system improvements Removing the need for consensus and collaboration

  5. Enhancing System Efficiencies If we make services more efficient in one part of the system We must ensure this does not pop up as a cost or burden elsewhere We must move from individual organisation thinking to working as a system Our service developments must consider the system implications

  6. Developing Our ‘Place’ Based Focus: Population Health Local areas are different and we need to understand the local health and care GP Practices challenges as well as the issues that GP Practices people are worried about GP Locality Locality Practices GP Practices Locality Locality GP Practices Hubs Locality Locality GP Practices Acute GP Acute Locality Locality Hubs Practices Care GP Practices Locality Locality GP Our Plan is to support each Hubs Practices Locality Locality Locality to co-produce the GP Practices transformation with GP Practices stakeholders, primary & GP Practices secondary care clinicians, GP Practices social care professionals, care homes, voluntary sector and others to deliver the System strategic priorities

  7. Patient and Public Participation NHS England – Statutory Guidance for CCGs and NHS England, 2017: Public involvement in commissioning is about enabling people to voice their views, needs and wishes, and to contribute to plans, proposals and decisions about services. Our use of the term ‘patients and the public’ includes everyone who uses services or may do so in the future, including carers and families. The term ‘involvement’ is used interchangeably with ‘engagement’, ‘participation’, ‘consultation’ and ‘patient or public voice’ and there are many different ways to involve patients and the public Different approaches will be appropriate at different times, depending on the nature of the commissioning activity and the needs of different groups of people.

  8. Building Strong and Lasting Engagement We must use different methods of engagement to be effective People get engaged when they are interested in the subject Our engagement will have to Diabetes Frailty develop across different clinical conditions, in different locations and with different age groups. Carers Localities We will need to map our Children GP Practices engagement and create a comprehensive directory of Dementia different groups Population

  9. Tiers of Engagement… Diabetes UK Locality meetings Reference in public groups that are Long Term statistically Conditions relevant to our Champions populations Governance meetings in public Carers Crowd Sourcing Parents of young Using other Locality meetings children Oxfordshire -wide stakeholder events in public integrated (BHT, BCC) engagement plan Targeted Background Future engagement engagement engagement?

  10. Engaging differently…. School Competition for best poster and video about using urgent care services properly

  11. Technology to support s elf help…. Facebook/Twitter to comment real time on health & social provision Personalised Risk Profile On line Health Trainer & FitBit Baby Buddy App Triage, then GP or Nurse appointment ..and a great engagement opportunity

  12. The Important Role of Healthwatch Healthwatch is: • Well placed to carry out engagement activity; • A trusted link to patients, public and stakeholders; • Connected to local networks, including voluntary sector and local authority health overview and scrutiny; • Has experience of engaging with harder to reach groups and those who have problems accessing services; • Provides a good source of existing patient and public insight ; • A useful source of intelligence on how people are experiencing services.

  13. Thank You!


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