developing cloud native applications with eclipse and the

Developing cloud-native applications with Eclipse and the Spring - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing cloud-native applications with Eclipse and the Spring Tool Suite Martin Lippert - Pivotal @martinlippert back in time Applications of that time

  1. Developing cloud-native applications with Eclipse and the Spring Tool Suite Martin Lippert - Pivotal @martinlippert

  2. back in time…

  3. Applications of that time


  5. Today?

  6. Cloud-Native Apps

  7. How does that change application development?

  8. the good old days UI Business Logic the database Data Access big monolith WAR app/web server

  9. need to scale? UI Business Logic the database Data Access big monolith WAR app/web server

  10. need to scale? UI UI Business Logic Business Logic the database Data Access Data Access big monolith WAR big monolith WAR app/web server app/web server

  11. many small service apps

  12. JAR microservice container JAR the world has changed… container microservice microservice JAR JAR microservice container container microservice microservice JAR container JAR JAR container container microservice microservice JAR microservice JAR container microservice container JAR JAR container container microservice microservice microservice JAR JAR JAR container microservice container container JAR container microservice microservice microservice JAR JAR microservice JAR container microservice container JAR container

  13. changing a running system

  14. JAR microservice container JAR working on a few container microservice microservice JAR JAR microservice container container microservice microservice JAR container JAR JAR container container microservice microservice JAR microservice JAR container microservice container JAR JAR container container microservice microservice microservice JAR JAR JAR container microservice container container JAR container microservice microservice microservice JAR JAR microservice JAR container microservice container JAR container

  15. too large to run everything locally on your machine

  16. We need to change the way we work with microservices in IDEs

  17. Demo

  18. Thanks Q&A (and don’t forget to evaluate) Martin Lippert - Pivotal @martinlippert download the Spring Tool Suite via:

  19. Evaluate the Sessions Sign in and vote at -1 +1 0


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