Developing a university content strategy: 6 key questions Richelle Quinn - Head of Strategic Marketing John Ferguson - Head of Digital Experience
Prospective Current Corporate student student marketing marketing marketing Content and digital team
The solution: to develop a framework that empowered marketers to develop their own audience specific content strategies
Stage 1 - audit
Stage 2 - thematic analysis
Six golden questions Why Sheffield? Why Sheffield Why this Why work What is? How do I? Hallam? course? with Hallam?
Why Hallam? Why this region?
Why this course? Why Hallam? Why this region?
Why work with Why this course? Why Hallam? Hallam?
Why work with Why this course? What is...? Hallam?
Why work with What is...? How do I...? Hallam?
What is...? How do I...?
Why work with Why this course? Why Hallam? Why this region? What is...? Hallam? How do I...?
Identified Gaps Overarching regional content (Video) Sell region to local audience. The benefits to staying Affordability and relatively low living costs compared to other areas Why this course? Why Hallam? Why this region?
Identified Gaps Overarching Employability (video) Graduates to big brand employers and small (cool) companies Showcase of Subject area Hallam employability accommodation. videos Overarching (video) Postgraduate showcase to sell Hallam to current students Why this course? Why Hallam? Why this region? Website: Re-structure/ Re-think of Study Here area Health and Graduation & Social Care Graduates, how has information Hallam helped find hub them a place in the world
Identified Gaps D e p a r t m e n t / C o u r s e l e v e l a c i l i t i e s f d e o i m a g e r y / v i Student viewpoint of s t g r a d u a t e courses, study and P o placements s s t u d e n t l o a n PhD's in a minute x 3 Why work with Why this course? Why Hallam? Hallam? Career changer video with support message Employability, Career progressor highlight the impact video with support of the learning message
Identified Gaps Showcase of why Business should work with Hallam Case Case studies studies of of ( Access our ( Leadership ) Talent ) Heart of the Region content Why work with Why this course? Case What is...? Hallam? studies of ( Develop your business ) Future Apprenticeship Leaders case studies Why get video an Apprentice (SME, Large corporate) Ads
Identified Gaps What is (subject) e,g, Engineering? Nursing? Paramedic? Mid level What is an introductions to subject areas What is Open Day? a Postgraduate? What does a PG, do day to day? What is a PhD? What is the Apprenticeship levy? What is Why work with Allumni and its team? What is...? How do I...? Hallam? an Apprenticeship and the benefits What is: to me? Leadership, Innovation, Enterprise, Internships, KTP , Research? What is the day to day of an What is an apprentice? Apprenticeship: resource pack for students?
Identified Gaps How do I afford postgraduate How do I apply for postgraduate study? How do I apply and fund a PhD? What is...? H o w d o I u s e m y How do I...? c u r r e n t e x p e r i e n c e f o r a n e w c a r e e r p a t h ? H o w d o I How do I w o r k w i t h t h e manage my v e r s i t y ? U n i workload? t a n d ( c o n t a c How do I p r o c e s s ) ? afford to live?
Identified Gaps Overarching D e p a r t m e n t / y Overarching Employability S h o w c a s e o f w h C o u r s e l e v e l (video) Graduates to B u s i n e s s s h o u l d regional big brand employers f a c i l i t i e s w o r k w i t h What is (subject) e,g, H o w d o I content and small (cool) Engineering? Nursing? i m a g e r y / v i d e o a f f o r d H a l l a m (Video) Paramedic? Mid level companies p o s t g r a d u a t e What is an introductions to Showcase of subject areas Sell region to What is e n t v i e w p o i n t o f Open Day? S t u d How do I C a s e Subject area C a s e s t u d i e s a Postgraduate? Hallam d P o s t g r a d u a t e apply for local audience. c o u r s e s , s t u d y a n s t u d i e s o f employability o f ( A c c e s s o u r What does a PG, postgraduate accommodation. p l a c e m e n t s s t u d e n t l o a n s ( L e a d e r s h i p ) The benefits to videos n t ) do day to day? T a l e study? staying How do I apply and What is a PhD? fund a PhD? Affordability and H e a r t o f t h e Overarching (video) relatively low R e g i o n c o n t e n t Postgraduate living costs showcase to sell compared to other P h D ' s i n a Hallam to current What is the areas m i n u t e x 3 students Apprenticeship levy? What is Why work with Why this course? Allumni and its Why Hallam? Why this region? team? C a s e What is...? H o w d o I u s e m y How do I...? Hallam? s t u d i e s o f p e r i e n c e c u r r e n t e x an y o u r Website: ( D e v e l o p f o r a n e w c a r e e r Apprenticeship Re-structure/ b u s i n e s s ) p a t h ? and the benefits W h a t i s : Re-think of Study to me? L e a d e r s h i p , Here area I n n o v a t i o n , E n t e r p r i s e , Career changer I n t e r n s h i p s , K T P , video with support R e s e a r c h ? H o w d o I message How do I What is the F u t u r e w o r k w i t h t h e n t i c e s h i p A p p r e manage my day to day of an r s L e a d e U n i v e r s i t y ? What is an c a s e s t u d i e s workload? apprentice? W h y g e t a n d v i d e o ( c o n t a c t Health and Apprenticeship: How do I Graduation & a n A p p r e n t i c e p r o c e s s ) ? Employability, resource pack afford to live? Social Care Graduates, how has r g e Career progressor ( S M E , L a for students? highlight the impact information Hallam helped find video with support c o r p o r a t e ) A d s of the learning hub them a place in the message world
How we make it work? Trello
Sign-off and buy in
Giving teams a framework empowers, supports and brings consistency
Teams need to think about ALL aspects of content
Thank you Questions? JohnFerguson_RichelleQuinn
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