County of Fairfax, Virginia Fairfax County Dept. of Transportation REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) For DESIGN OF MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS RFQ Information Meeting October 16, 2019, 10:30 AM Department of Transportation
County of Fairfax, Virginia Agenda ✓ Welcome/Introductions ✓ Overview of RFQ and requirements of the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) ✓ Engineering Proposal Document (EPD) ✓ Written Questions/Responses ✓ Q&A ✓ Closing Department of Transportation 2
County of Fairfax, Virginia Review of RFQ ❑ Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) Contract (On- Call Contracts) ❑ BOA is essentially an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) Contract. Also referred to as On-Call or Job Order Contract (JOC). Department of Transportation 3
County of Fairfax, Virginia Background Current BOA (On-Call) contracts: ✓ Nine Firms/Teams ✓ Approx. 214 Task Orders Issued to date ✓ Approx. $41.5 Million (including amendments) ✓ Avg. approx. $1 Million per firm/team per year ✓ Avg. Task Order value approx. $194,000 All data is approximate through 10/15/19. Values shown are not necessarily the amounts actually paid. Department of Transportation 4
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.1 - Procurement Overview ❑ FCDOT will award up to ten (10) On-call Task Order Contracts: ➢ Number of teams to be shortlisted and selected is still in question and will be based upon estimated Transportation Design Program Needs and Funding levels. ➢ If FCDOT estimates that ten (10) contracts will be needed, then up to 15 teams will be shortlisted. Department of Transportation 5
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.1 - Procurement Overview ❑ Contract Terms: Project and Yearly $ Limits ✓ $2.5M CAP per Project/Offeror Team Including multiple task orders that may be executed under the same project, all costs for sub-consultants, and any and all amendments or change orders. ✓ Cutoff will likely be around $2M per project to allow for all supplements, Amendments, Change Orders, etc. Department of Transportation 6
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.1 - Procurement Overview ❑ Contract Terms: Project and Yearly $ Limits ✓ FCDOT, at its own discretion, may decide to split services required for a particular project between multiple firms/teams due to conflict of interest and/or to stay within contractual cap limits. Example: Using one firm/team to perform environmental studies and permitting (preparation of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) or Environmental Assessment (EA)) while another firm/team performs design services. Department of Transportation 7
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.1 - Procurement Overview ✓ $6.0 M CAP per calendar year/BOA ✓ BOA Term ➢ 1 Year, w/up to 4 optional renewal years (total of 5 years) ➢ Renewal Terms: ✓ Optional – at County’s discretion ✓ Escalation Is Allowed for Renewal Years No Escalation allowed in 1 st Year • • VDOT Published Rate - Cap = 3% • Fixed Billable Rates Computation Example (Section 5.1) Department of Transportation 8
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.1 - Procurement Overview ❑ FCDOT will distribute work and assignments based on the following factors: 1. Specialized services required by a particular project and qualifications of the firm/team to perform said services; 2. Previous experience with similar projects including previous work in the same area of the County; 3. Number of previous task orders authorized/assigned (workload); 4. Dollar Amount of previous assignments. Department of Transportation 9
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Separated into two (2) main categories: ✓ Primary Services ✓ Secondary Services Department of Transportation 10
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Primary Services ❖ All types of Roadway Improvements; widening, realignment, and/or new alignment ❖ Intersection Improvements including turn lane additions and modifications, Roundabouts; ❖ Traffic Signal design (new signals and modifications to existing signals); ❖ Intersection Pedestrian Access Improvements; Department of Transportation 11
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Primary Services (cont.) ❖ On-road and off-road Bicycle Facility Improvements; ❖ Shared-Use-Path, Trail, and Sidewalk/Asphalt Walkway design; ❖ Bus Stop Safety and Accessibility Improvements including bus shelters; ❖ SWM Water Quality/Water Quantity; ❖ Hydraulic and Hydrologic Analysis; Department of Transportation 12
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Primary Services (cont.) ❖ Floodplain and Scour analysis; ❖ Structural design (particularly retaining wall and pedestrian bridge design); ❖ Pavement Marking and Signage; ❖ Traffic Management Plans, Maintenance of Traffic, and Sequence of Construction; Department of Transportation 13
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Primary Services (cont.) ❖ Preliminary Engineering in support of NEPA document preparation; ❖ Environmental Documentation (EIR/LERP/SERP) preparation, analysis, and review; ❖ Environmental Permitting including wetland and Waters of the US (WOUS) delineation; Department of Transportation 14
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Primary Services (cont.) ❖ Traffic Engineering Services in support of design (weave analysis, intersection analysis, VISSIM, and Synchro modeling, data collection, etc.); ❖ VMS/ITS Design; ❖ Geotechnical investigations and analysis; ❖ Design Survey and plat preparation; Department of Transportation 15
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Secondary Services ❖ Conceptual Plan development/feasibility analyses/constructability reviews, and Cost Estimates; ❖ Interchange Justification Report (IJR) or Interchange Modification Report (IMR) preparation; ❖ Utility Design including Sanitary Sewer and Water Mains; ❖ Roadway and/or Pedestrian Lighting Design; Department of Transportation 16
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.2 - Scope of Work ❑ Secondary Services (cont.) ❖ Landscape Design; ❖ Value Engineering (VE) Study support and/or facilitation; ❖ Prepare or assist in preparation of RFQ’s and RFP’s for Design-Build projects; ❖ Technical Specifications and Special Provisions preparation and review. Department of Transportation 17
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.5 - Procurement Schedule 1. Advertise RFQ – October 9, 2019 2. RFQ Information Meeting – October 16, 2019 3. Deadline to Submit Questions – October 25, 2019 4. FCDOT Responds to Questions – November 1, 2019 5. SOQ Submission Date – November 8, 2019 6. SAC Evaluation Deadline – December 6, 2019 7. Shortlisted Firms Notified – December 13, 2019 8. Interview of Shortlisted Firms – January 13-17, 2020 9. Final Selection by SAC – January 24, 2020 10.Notification to Selected Firms – January 28, 2020 11.RFP Information Meeting – February 3, 2020 12. RFP’s Submission Date – February 21, 2020 Department of Transportation 18
County of Fairfax, Virginia 2.5 - Procurement Schedule 13.Contract Award – March 30, 2020 14.Notice to Proceed – April 1, 2020 Department of Transportation 19
County of Fairfax, Virginia 3. - RFQ Requirements ❑ 3.1 - General Format ❖ Eight (8) copies – ➢ one marked “Original” with Original Signatures on all documents and CD including pdf of “Original” ➢ Seven (7) abbreviated copies- excludes most appendices, Forms, etc. ➢ Securely bound- Three ring binders NOT permissible ❖ 8- 1/2” x 11” white paper ❖ Organization Chart - 11”x17” but must be folded to 8 - 1/2” x 11” Department of Transportation 20
County of Fairfax, Virginia 3. - RFQ Requirements ❑ 3.1 - General Format ❖ Typed on one (1) side only, Times New Roman, 12 point font ❖ (Times New Roman, 10 point font may be used for Key Personnel Resume forms) Department of Transportation 21
County of Fairfax, Virginia 3 . - RFQ Requirements ❑ 3.1 - General Format ❖ “Original” SOQ ➢ Letter of Submittal ➢ SOQ Checklist ➢ List of Subconsultants ➢ SF 330 Parts I & II ➢ Certifications – Debarment Primary and Lower Tier ➢ Firm Data Sheet ➢ Ethics in Public Contracting Form ➢ SCC & DPOR Registration ➢ VDOT Form C-48 Department of Transportation 22
County of Fairfax, Virginia 3. - RFQ Requirements ❑ 3. 1 - General Format ❖ Original SOQ (cont.) ➢ VDOT Forms C-49, C-111, C-112 will be required for federally funded projects prior to issuing Notice to Proceed on a Task Order. They are NOT required to be submitted with the SOQ. ❖ Abbreviated SOQs (7 copies) ➢ Letter of Submittal ➢ SF 330 Parts I & II Department of Transportation 23
County of Fairfax, Virginia 3. - RFQ Requirements ❑ Contents of SOQ ❖ 3.2 - Letter of Submittal ➢ Original signature, in ink, on “Original” copy ➢ On Primary Firm’s letter head ➢ Signature of authorized representative of Primary Firm ➢ POC/Principal Officer’s contact information (name, address, phone#) Department of Transportation 24
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