des moines chapter of medical d m i ch t f m di l

Des Moines Chapter of Medical D M i Ch t f M di l Assistants, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Des Moines Chapter of Medical D M i Ch t f M di l Assistants, AAMA Where do you fit into the Wh d fit i t th organization? Presented by Suzanne Johnson CMA(AAMA) Suzanne Johnson, CMA(AAMA) Iowa Society of Medical A Assistants 2009

  1. Des Moines Chapter of Medical D M i Ch t f M di l Assistants, AAMA Where do you fit into the Wh d fit i t th organization? Presented by Suzanne Johnson CMA(AAMA) Suzanne Johnson, CMA(AAMA)

  2. Iowa Society of Medical A Assistants 2009 Map of Chapters i t t 2009 M f Ch t

  3. AAMA MISSION AAMA MISSION The mission of the American Association of The mission of the American Association of Medical Assistants is to provide the medical assistant professional with education assistant professional with education, certification, credential acknowledgment, networking opportunities scope-of-practice networking opportunities, scope of practice protection, and advocacy for quality patient- centered health care.

  4. CMA (AAMA) C CMA (AAMA) Core Values V l Actively participate in the delivery of quality health Actively participate in the delivery of quality health care. Promote patient safety and well-being. Contribute to a positive health care experience for patients. Demonstrate integrity and respect and protect Demonstrate integrity and respect, and protect patient confidentiality. Advocate the essential value of certification and Ad t th ti l l f tifi ti d continuing education. Embrace change, growth, and learning.

  5. CMA (AAMA) C CMA (AAMA) Certification tifi ti The CMA (AAMA) is awarded to candidates The CMA (AAMA) is awarded to candidates who pass the CMA(AAMA) Certification/Recertification Examination Certification/Recertification Examination. The The National Board of Medical Examiners serves as test consultant for the exam as test consultant for the exam. The The CMA(AAMA) credential must be recertified every 60 months by the continuing education y y g or re-examination method.

  6. AAMA Medical Assistant C d Code of ethics f thi  The Code of Ethics of the American The Code of Ethics of the American Association of Medical Assistants shall set forth principles of ethical and moral conduct forth principles of ethical and moral conduct as they relate to the medical profession and the particular practice of medical assisting the particular practice of medical assisting.

  7. Members of AAMA dedicated to the Members of AAMA dedicated to the conscientious pursuit of their profession, and thus desiring to merit the high regard of the thus desiring to merit the high regard of the entire medical profession and the respect of the general public which they serve do the general public which they serve, do pledge themselves to strive always to:

  8. A.  render service with full respect for the dignity of humanity;  B.  respect confidential information obtained through employment unless  legally authorized or required by responsible performance of duty to legally authorized or required by responsible performance of duty to divulge such information; C.  uphold the honor and high principles of the profession and accept its  di disciplines; i li D.  seek to continually improve the knowledge and skills of medical  assistants for the benefit of patients and professional colleagues; ass sta ts o t e be e t o pat e ts a d p o ess o a co eagues; E.  participate in additional service activities aimed toward improving the  health and well-being of the community.

  9. AAMA MEDICAL ASSISTANT CREED CREED  I believe in the principles and purposes of the  I believe in the principles and purposes of the profession of medical assisting.  I endeavor to be more effective.  I aspire to render greater service. I i t d t i  I protect the confidence entrusted to me.  I am dedicated to the care and well-being of all g people.  I am loyal to my employer.  I am true to the ethics of my profession  I am true to the ethics of my profession.  I am strengthened by compassion, courage and faith.

  10. I t Introduction d ti  How do you fit into your professional How do you fit into your professional organization?  How does AAMA benefit you? H d AAMA b fit ?  What can you contribute to your profession th through membership? h b hi ?  Explanation of how the tri-level organization i is structured. t t d  Officer and committee responsibilities.

  11. O tli Outline  Lesson 1: Tri-Level Lesson 1: Tri Level  National  State State  Local Chapter.  Lesson 2: Membership Benefits Lesson 2: Membership Benefits  Lesson 3: Responsibilities of membership.

  12. Obj Objectives ti  List the tri-levels of American Association of List the tri levels of American Association of Medical Assistants.  Discuss the Organizational Level interaction. Di th O i ti l L l i t ti  Understand the benefits to membership.  Know where to find the answers for questions regarding your professional organization.

  13. What are the benefits of joining as a member of AAMA ? b f AAMA ?  CMA Today. Get first-hand access to medical CMA Today Get first hand access to medical assisting news, continuing education articles, and health care information via CMA Today and health care information, via CMA Today , the bimonthly magazine of the AAMA.  Continuing education Have your Continuing  Continuing education. Have your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for AAMA activities entered in the CEU registry and access your entered in the CEU registry and access your transcript online.

  14.  Networking opportunities Benefit from the value  Networking opportunities. Benefit from the value of in-person, AAMA educational events provided by local chapter, state society, and national meetings meetings  Right to practice. Belong to an organization that works to protect your right to practice as a medical assistant. di l i t t  Legal advice. Get answers to your legal questions regarding job-related issues. questions regarding job related issues. CMA (AAMA) Certification. Apply for the prestigious CMA(AAMA)Certification/

  15.  Recertification Exam at a reduced fee if you Recertification Exam at a reduced fee if you meet the eligibility categories.  Discounts. Receive discounts on conference Di t R i di t f registration, workshop fees, self-study courses and the e Learning Center courses, and the e-Learning Center.  Insurance benefits. Get special rates for professional liability life accidental death professional liability, life, accidental death, and catastrophic major medical.

  16.  Volunteer opportunities. Volunteer for Volunteer opportunities Volunteer for association activities at all levels and help shape the future of the profession shape the future of the profession.  Professional image. Enhance professional credibility to peers and employers by credibility to peers and employers by affiliation with the AAMA.

  17. How can I recertify my How can I recertify my credential?  You can recertify either by passing the CMA  You can recertify either by passing the CMA (AAMA) Exam or by acquiring 60 recertification points, 30 of which must be AAMA approved continuing education units (CEUs) The continuing education units (CEUs). The category breakdown of points must be as follows:  10 Administrative  10 Clinical  10 General  10 General  30 from any combination of the above three categories g

  18. How often do I need to recertify my CMA (AAMA) credential? CMA (AAMA) d ti l?  To better ensure continuing competency and  To better ensure continuing competency and knowledge and thus better protect patients, CMAs (AAMA) are required to recertify every 60 months. Current status is required in order to use the credential.  Effective January 1 2010 all newly certified and  Effective January 1, 2010, all newly certified and recertifying CMAs (AAMA) will be current through the end of the calendar month of initial g certification or most recent recertification for 60 months after initial certification or most recent recertification recertification.

  19. Responsibilities of Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs and Committee Chairs  President: President:  Vice President:  Secretary:  Treasurer:  Parliamentarian:  Committee Chairs:

  20. Offi Officers for DSM Chapter f DSM Ch t  Suzanne Johnson  Suzanne Johnson,  President Vice  President, Vice CMA(AAMA)-President President, Secretary,  MaryAnn Smith, Treasurer and CMA(AAMA) Vice President CMA(AAMA) Vice President Immediate Past  _______-Secretary President  Becky Bernholtz, CMA, (AAMA)-Treasurer (AAMA) Treasurer  Parliamentarian P li t i  Nikki Jacobsen,  Committee Chairs and CMA(AAMA), -Immediate members members Past President Past President  Debbie Brown, CMA(AAMA)- Parliamentarian Parliamentarian

  21. American Association American Association Iowa Society Medical Iowa Society Medical of Medical Assistants (ISMA) Assistants (AAMA) Assistants (AAMA) President: President: President: Jolene Hall, Chris Hollander Chris Hollander, CMA(AAMA) CMA(AAMA) CMA(AAMA)

  22. R Resources for more information: f i f ti  assistants assistants   www aama-ntl org  www.aama


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