deploying mongodb in production

Deploying MongoDB in Production Monday, November 5, 2018 9:00 AM - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Deploying MongoDB in Production Monday, November 5, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Bull About us 4 Agenda Hardware and OS configuration MongoDB in Production Backups and Monitoring Q&A 5 Terminology Data Document: single *SON

  1. Tuning MongoDB: WiredTiger ● WT syncs data to disk in a process called “Checkpointing”: Every 60 seconds or >= 2GB data changes ○ ● In-memory buffering of Journal Journal buffer size 128kb ○ Synced every 50 ms (as of 3.2) ○ Or every change with Journaled write concern ○ In between write operations while the journal records remain in the buffer, updates can be ○ lost following a hard shutdown! 53

  2. Tuning MongoDB: Storage Engine Caches ● WiredTiger ○ In heap ~ 50% available system memory Uncompressed WT pages ○ Filesystem Cache ~ 50% available system memory Compressed pages 54

  3. Tuning MongoDB: Durability ● WiredTiger - Default since 3.2 ● storage.journal.enabled = <true/false> Always enable unless data is transient - default true ○ Always enable on cluster config servers ○ ● storage.journal.commitIntervalMs = <ms> Max time between journal syncs - default 100ms ○ ● storage.syncPeriodSecs = <secs> Max time between data file flushes - default 60 seconds ○ 55

  4. Security “Think of the network like a public place” ~ Unknown

  5. Security: Authorization ● Always enable auth on Production Installs! ● Do not use weak passwords ● Minimum access policy 57

  6. Default Roles ● read ● hostManager ● readWrite ● backup ● dbAdmin ● restore ● dbOwner ● readAnyDatabase ● userAdmin ● readWriteAnyDatabase ● clusterAdmin ● userAdminAnyDatabase ● clusterMonitor ● dbAdminAnyDatabase ● clusterManager ● root ● __system 58

  7. Security: Filesystem Access ● Use a service user+group ○ ‘mongod’ or ‘mongodb’ on most systems ○ Ensure data path, log file and key file(s) are owned by this user+group ● Data Path ○ Mode: 0750 ● Log File ○ Mode: 0640 ○ Contains real queries and their fields! ● Key File(s) ○ Files Include: keyFile and SSL certificates or keys ○ Mode: 0600 59

  8. Security: Network Access ● Firewall ○ Mainly port 27017 ● Creating a dedicated network segment for Databases is recommended! ● DO NOT allow MongoDB to talk to the internet at all costs!!! 60

  9. Security: System Access ● Recommended to restrict system access to Database Administrators ● A “shell” on a system can be enough to take the system over! 61

  10. Security: External Authentication ● LDAP Authentication ○ Supported in PSMDB and MongoDB Enterprise 62

  11. Security: SSL Connections and Auth ● SSL / TLS Connections ● Intra-cluster authentication with x509 63

  12. Security: SSL Connections and Auth 64

  13. Security: Encryption at Rest ● MongoDB Enterprise ● Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.8-20 does have encryption at rest using keyfile in BETA ● Application-Level 65

  14. High-Availability

  15. High Availability - Replica Set ● Replication ○ Asynchronous ■ Write Concerns can provide pseudo-synchronous replication ■ Changelog based, using the “Oplog” ○ Maximum 50 members ○ Maximum 7 voting members ■ Use “vote:0” for members $gt 7 67

  16. High Availability - Oplog ● Oplog ○ The “” capped - collection in “local” storing changes to data ○ Read by secondary members for replication ○ Written to by local node after “apply” of operation ○ Events in the oplog are idempotent ■ operations produce the same results whether applied once or multiple times to the target dataset ○ Each event in the oplog represent a single document inserted, updated, deleted ○ Oplog has a default size depending on the OS and the storage engine ■ from 3.6 the size can be change at runtime using replSetResizeOplog admin command 68

  17. What is a Replica Set ● Group of mongod processes that maintain the same dataset ● Provide redundancy and HA ● Suggested for all production environments ● Can provide increased read capacity ● clients can send read operations to different servers ● Automatic failover ● Internals are similar (more or less) to MySQL ● async ● events are replicated reading a primary node’s collection: oplog ● Primary = Master ● Secondary = Slave 69

  18. Replica Set: how it works 70

  19. Replica Set: how it works 71

  20. Replica Set: automatic failover 72

  21. Automatic failover ● When a primary does not communicate with the other members ● electionTimeoutMillis period (10 seconds by default) ● The cluster attempts to complete the election of a new primary and resume normal operations ● The RS cannot process write operations until the election completes successfully ● The RS can continue to serve read queries if such queries are configured to run on secondaries while the primary is offline ● An eligible secondary calls for an election to nominate itself as the new primary 73

  22. Architecture ● Datacenter Recommendations ○ Minimum of 3 x physical servers required for High-Availability ○ Ensure only 1 x member per Replica Set is on a single physical server!!! ● EC2 / Cloud Recommendations ○ Place Replica Set members in odd number of Availability Zones, same region ○ Use a hidden-secondary node for Backup and Disaster Recovery in another region ○ Entire Availability Zones have been lost before! 74

  23. Arbiter node ● A node with no data ● Usually used to have an odd number of nodes ● Cannot be elected during failover ● Can vote during the election 75

  24. Priority ● Priority: weight of each single node ● Defines which nodes can be elected as Primary ● Here is a typical architecture deployed on 3 data centers 76

  25. Hidden/Delayed secondary nodes ● HIDDEN SECONDARY ○ Maintains a copy of the primary’s data ○ Invisible to client applications ○ Run Backups, Statistics or special tasks ○ Must be priority = 0 : cannot be elected as Primary but votes during election ● DELAYED SECONDARY ○ Reflects earlier state of the dataset ○ Recover from unsuccessful application upgrades and operator errors, Backups ○ Must be priority = 0 : cannot be elected as Primary but votes during election 77

  26. More details in other sessions MongoDB HA, what can go wrong? Igor Donchovski Wed 7th 12:20PM 1:10PM @Bull 78

  27. Quick Break and QA 15 minutes

  28. Troubleshooting “The problem with troubleshooting is trouble shoots back” ~ Unknown

  29. Troubleshooting: db.currentOp() ● A function that dumps status info about running operations and various lock/execution details ● Only queries currently in progress are shown. ● Provided Query ID (opid) number can be used to kill long running queries using db.killOp() ● Includes ○ Original Query ○ Parsed Query ○ Query Runtime ○ Locking details ● Filter Documents ○ { "$ownOps": true } == Only show operations for the current user ○ 81

  30. Troubleshooting: db.currentOp() 82

  31. Troubleshooting: db.stats() ● Returns ○ Document-data size (dataSize) ○ Index-data size (indexSize) ○ Real-storage size (storageSize) ○ Average Object Size ○ Number of Indexes ○ Number of Objects ○ 83

  32. Troubleshooting: db.stats() 84

  33. Troubleshooting: Log File ● Interesting details are logged to the mongod/mongos log files Slow queries ○ Storage engine details (sometimes) ○ Index operations ○ Sharding ○ Chunk moves ■ Elections / Replication ○ Authentication ○ Network ○ Connections ■ ● Errors ● Client / Inter-node connections ● The log could be really verbose ○ verbosity can be controlled using db.setLogLevel() ○ 85

  34. Troubleshooting: Log File - Slow Query 2018-09-19T20:58:03.896+0200 I COMMAND [conn175] command config.locks appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: findAndModify { findAndModify: "locks", query: { ts: ObjectId('59c168239586572394ae37ba') }, update: { $set: { state: 0 } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } planSummary: IXSCAN { ts: 1 } update: { $set: { state: 0 } } keysExamined: 1 docsExamined: 1 nMatched: 1 nModified: 1 keysInserted: 1 keysDeleted: 1 numYields: 0 reslen: 604 locks: { Global: { acquireCount: { r: 2, w: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } } } protocol: op_command 106ms 86

  35. Troubleshooting: Operation Profiler ● Writes slow database operations to a new MongoDB collection for analysis Capped Collection “system.profile” in each database, default 1MB ○ The collection is capped, ie: profile data doesn’t last forever ○ ● Support for operationProfiling data in PMM ● Enable operationProfiling in “slowOp” mode Start with a very high threshold and decrease it in steps ○ Usually 50-100ms is a good threshold ○ Enable in mongod.conf ○ operationProfiling: slowOpThresholdMs: 100 mode: slowOp 87

  36. Troubleshooting: Operation Profiler ● Useful Profile Metrics op/ns/query: type, namespace and query of a profile ○ keysExamined: # of index keys examined ○ docsExamined: # of docs examined to achieve result ○ writeConflicts: # of Write Concern Exceptions ○ encountered during update numYields: # of times operation yielded for others ○ locks: detailed lock statistics ○ 88

  37. Troubleshooting: .explain() ● Shows query explain plan for query cursors ● This will include ○ Winning Plan ■ Query stages ● Query stages may include sharding info in clusters ■ Index chosen by optimiser ○ Rejected Plans 89

  38. Troubleshooting: mlogfilter ● A useful tool for processing mongod.log files ● A log- aware replacement for ‘grep’, ‘awk’ and friends ● Generally focus on ○ mlogfilter --scan <file> ■ Shows all collection scan queries ○ mlogfilter --slow <ms> <file> ■ Shows all queries that are slower than X milliseconds ○ mlogfilter --op <op-type> <file> ■ Shows all queries of the operation type X (eg: find, aggregate, etc) ● More on this tool here 91

  39. Troubleshooting: mongostat ● Status of the current workload of a running mongod instance ● Useful after delivering a new application or for investigating ongoing unusual behavior ● By default it provides metrics every 1 second ○ number of inserted/updated/deleted/read documents ○ percentage of WiredTiger cache in use/dirty ○ number of flushes to disk ○ inbound/outbound traffic 92

  40. Troubleshooting: mongotop ● It tracks the time spent for reading/writing data ● Statistics on a per-collection level ● Useful to have a good idea of which are the collections that are taking more time to execute reads and writes ● By default it provides metrics every 1 second 93

  41. Schema Design “The problem with troubleshooting is trouble shoots back” ~ Unknown

  42. Schema Design: Data Types ● Strings ○ Only use strings if required ○ Do not store numbers as strings! ○ Look for {field:“123456”} instead of {field:123456} ■ “12345678” moved to a integer uses 25% less space ■ Range queries on proper integers is more efficient ○ Example JavaScript to convert a field in an entire collection ■ db.items.find().forEach(function(x) { newItemId = parseInt(x.itemId); db.containers.update( { _id: x._id }, { $set: {itemId: itemId } } ) }); ○ Do not store dates as strings! ■ The field "2017-08-17 10:00:04 CEST" stores in 52.5% less space! ○ Do not store booleans as strings! ■ “true” -> true = 47% less space wasted 95

  43. Schema Design: Indexes ● MongoDB supports BTree, text and geo indexes ● Collection lock until indexing completes ○ index creation is a really heavy task ● Avoid drivers that auto-create indexes ○ Use real performance data to make indexing decisions, find out before Production! ● Too many indexes hurts write performance for an entire collection ○ Index entries must be maintained for any insert/update/delete ● Indexes have a forward or backward direction ○ Try to cover .sort() with index and match direction! 96

  44. non-blocking Index creation ● db.collection.createIndex supports {background:true} option ○ index creation doesn’t lock the collection ○ the collection can be used by other queries ○ index creation takes longer than foreground creation ○ unpredictable performance ! ● Using the Replica Set an index can be created using the following procedure ○ detach a SECONDARY from the RS and create the index in foreground, the reconnect to the RS ○ repeat for all the SECONDARY nodes ○ at last detach the PRIMARY ■ wait fo the election and detach the node when SECONDARY ■ create the foreground index ■ reconnect the node to the RS 97

  45. Schema Design: Indexes ● Compound Indexes ○ Several fields supported ○ Fields can be in forward or backward direction ■ Consider any .sort() query options and match sort direction! ○ Composite Keys are read Left -> Right ■ Index can be partially-read ■ Left-most fields do not need to be duplicated! ■ All Indexes below are duplicates: ● {username: 1, status: 1, date: 1, count: -1} ● {username: 1, status: 1, data: 1} ● {username: 1, status: 1 } ● {username: 1 } ■ Duplicate indexes must be dropped ● Use db.collection.getIndexes() to view current Indexes 98

  46. Schema Workflow ● Read Heavy Workflow Read-heavy apps benefit from pre-computed results ○ Consider moving expensive reads computation to insert/update/delete ○ Example 1: An app does ‘count’ queries often ○ Move .count() read query to a summary document with counters ■ Increment/decrement single count value at write-time ■ Example 2: An app that does groupings of data ○ Move .aggregate() read query that is in-line to the user to a backend summary worker ■ Read from a summary collection, like a view ■ ● Write Heavy Workflow Reduce indexing as much as possible ○ Consider batching or a decentralised model with lazy updating (eg: social media graph) ○ 101

  47. Schema Workflow ● No list of fields specified in .find() ○ MongoDB returns entire documents unless fields are specified ○ Only return the fields required for an application operation! ○ Covered-index operations require only the index fields to be specified ● Many $and or $or conditions ○ MongoDB (or any RDBMS) doesn’t handle large lists of $and or $or efficiently ○ Try to avoid this sort of model with ■ Data locality ■ Background Summaries / Views 102

  48. More details in other sessions MongoDB Sharding 101 Adamo Tonete Tuesday 6th Nov 4:30PM 5:20PM @Bull 124

  49. Multi-document ACID Transactions

  50. Multi-document ACID transactions ● New in 4.0 ● Writes on multiple documents in different collections can be included in a single transaction ● ACID properties are supported ○ atomicity ○ consistency ○ isolation ○ durability ● Through snapshot isolation, transactions provide a consistent view of data, and enforce all-or-nothing execution to maintain data integrity ● Available for Replica Set and WiredTiger storage engine only ○ in order to use transactions on a standalone server you need to start Replica Set ○ transaction support for sharded cluster is scheduled for 4.2 128


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