demographic risk sharing in overlapping generations the

Demographic risk sharing in overlapping generations: the case of - PDF document

Demographic risk sharing in overlapping generations: the case of DC pension funds Daniel Gabay, CNRS, EHESS-CAMS and ESILV Martino Grasselli, Univ. Padova and ESILV on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Wolfgang Runggaldier Brixen July

  1. Demographic risk sharing in overlapping generations: the case of DC pension funds Daniel Gabay, CNRS, EHESS-CAMS and ESILV Martino Grasselli, Univ. Padova and ESILV on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Wolfgang Runggaldier Brixen July 2007

  2. With Wolfgang: • Professor and much more • Pa-Pa no-crossing principle • Pension funds: back to the future

  3. Outline 1) Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution pen- sion funds 2) The classic actuarial approach: no market interaction and stationarity 3) The modern approaches for DB and DC 4) Demographic risk and generational overlap- ping: a delayed optimization problem 5) Optimal design of a DC pension scheme without market interaction 6) Adding the market: how can pension funds beat the market?

  4. MOTIVATIONS 1) reduction of the birth rate + 2) longer average life + 3) expanded school period and consequent 4) delay in beginning the working-life ⇓ Crisis of the pay-as-you-go system ⇓ 3 PILLARS system:

  5. • 1 st PILLAR : pay-as-you-go pension (France: ∼ 88% of total pension, about 68% in 2020) • 2 nd PILLAR: collective pension by capi- talization (France: ∼ 7,8% of total pension, should be 25% in 2020) • 3 rd PILLAR: individual insurance contracts (France: ∼ 0,9% of total pension, should be 3,3% in 2020)

  6. 2 nd PILLAR: PENSION FUNDS • Organisms established in order to assure benefits to workers, when they mature the rights provided for by the regulation. • How much money do they manage? 10,000 BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!! (WITH 10% INCREASE/YEAR, see Boulier and Dupr´ e1999)

  7. DB and DC pension funds • Defined benefit plans: solution preferred by workers, while the spon- soring employers will face the “ contribution rate risk ” • Defined contribution plans: solution preferred by the corporate, because the investment’s risk is totally charged to the beneficiary (“ solvency risk ”) NOWADAYS: • Defined Contribution with minimum guar- antee

  8. Actuarial approach: no mar- ket interaction • It is not possible for the trustee to directly allocate the fund wealth into the financial market. • Asset Liability Management: equilibrium between present value of contributions and present value of liabilities

  9. Standard stationarity assumptions on : • exogenous fund returns (i.i.d. or Wilkie 1987), • mortality rate • demographic variables (growth of popula- tion, salary..) ↓ stability of the pension fund wealth. Haberman (1993a) and (1993b), Haberman (1994) and Haberman and Zimbidis (1993), Dufresne (1989), Cairns (1995), Cairns (1996) and Cairns and Parker (1996)

  10. Modern approach: interplay between Finance and Insur- ance • If the trustees of the fund have the possi- bility to invest in a portfolio, fund returns depend on the funding method adopted (Boulier, Florens, Trussant 1995). • When market fall, also interest rates de- crease, then fund wealth decreases and li- ability increase, so that ALM has strong interdependence with the allocation strat- egy (Martellini 2003)

  11. The DC scheme with minimum guarantee What is the role of the guarantee? 0 ≤ E Q ( G T ) ≤ interest rate • It is a way to shift the risk from the con- tributor to the manager of the fund • It is a way to transform a DC in a DB • It is a way to introduce attractive payoffs

  12. Literature: • Boulier, Huang and Taillard (2001): opti- mal dynamic allocation with deterministic guarantee and Vasicek interest rates (finite horizon and CRRA utility) • Deelstra, Grasselli and Koehl (2003): op- timal dynamic allocation with determinis- tic guarantee and CIR interest rates (finite horizon and CRRA utility) • Di Giacinto, Gozzi (2006): optimal dy- namic allocation with deterministic guar- antee (infinite time span and general util- ity) • CPPI-OBPI based strategies: Pringent (2003), El Karoui, Jeanblanc, Lacoste (2003) (also in the American guarantee)

  13. Guarantee on the entire wealth path: Boyle and Imai (2000), Gerber and Pafumi (2000), El Karoui, Jeanblanc and Lacoste (2001) Separation result: Optimal strategy = strategy without guarantee +continuum of American put options • Superreplication constraint is too strong (the Lagrange multiplier is a process: contin- uous time almost sure constraint) Quantile approach is perhaps better: Pr( F t ≥ target) ≥ 1 − α

  14. Is there an optimal guarantee? Optimal for whom? ACTORS: • 1 manager Jensen and Sørensen (2000): the presence of the guarantee is an obstacle = ⇒ no guarantee!! • 1 manager + 1 client Deelstra, Grasselli and Koehl (2003): necessity to specify how the fund surplus will be shared!! ( F π T − G T ) = Fund wealth - Guarantee (1 − β ) ( F π T − G T ) + β ( F π = T − G T )

  15. Mortality risk Insurance companies face this risk due to huge changes in mortality tables together with low interest rates (then increase in the liabilities) • Haberman et al. (2005-2007): convert an- nuity into lumpsum and vice versa (pension funds typically hedge mortality risk by del- egating insurance companies) • Battocchio, Menoncin, Scaillet (2004), Menoncin (2005), Menoncin, Scaillet (2005) • 1 ”representative” client, who works and contributes during [0, a ] (Accumulation Phase) and keeps pension till his death [ a , τ ] (De- cumulation Phase)

  16. • Mortality risk modelled through a deter- ministic distribution function for τ (Gom- pertz) ⇒ classic Merton trading strategy (see also PhD dissertation of Nicolas Rousseau, 1999)

  17. IN FACT: El Karoui, Martellini (2001), Bouchard and Pham (2004), Zitkovic (2005),Blanchet-Scalliet, El Karoui, Jeanblanc and Martellini (2003) Utility maximization strategies with random hori- zon can be different from Merton’s strategies only if the random time distribution is corre- lated with the market!!

  18. Demographic risk in a DC scheme • Colombo, Haberman (2005): Demographic risk due to stochastic entry process (opti- mal contribution rate in a DB scheme with- out market!!) • Menoncin (2005) ”Cyclical risk exposure of pension funds: a theoretical framework”: Demographic risk for a PAYG pension fund (no generational overlapping!!) • Gollier (2002), Demange and Rochet (2001) repartition vs. capitalization!! ⇓ Almost no literature!

  19. Why? • DC schemes have been introduced to re- move demographic risk typical of PAYG systems!!

  20. OPEN QUESTIONS AND MOTIVATIONS • 1) Is there a ”representative” client in a pension fund? (overlapping generations..) • 2) What are the Accumulation and Decu- mulation Phases for a pension fund? • 3) How to distinguish the ”mortality” (longevity) and ”demographic” (fluctuations of global contribution) risk? • 5) Which is the advantage to enter a pen- sion fund w.r.t. invest directly into the market? (apart from taxes, legal and ad- ministrative incentives..)

  21. A SIMPLE DEMOGRAPHIC RISK FRAMEWORK: = − a t = 0 t = T t • At time t = − a the first clients (paying contributions) enter the fund • The number of clients entering the fund is described by a stochastic process c t includ- ing inflation and demographic fluctuations • At time 0 the first clients receive the pen- sion (lumpsum!! annuity ⇔ longevity risk!!) ⇒ [ − a, 0] = FUND ”APh”

  22. • At (a random) time T there are no more clients paying contributions ( T could be correlated with the market and fund per- formance!!) • At time T + a the last clients (entered at time T ) receive the (last lumpsum) pension ⇒ [ T, T + a ] = FUND ”DPh” • We focus on the FUND TRANSITORY PHASE [0 , T ]: at each time there are new entries and pensions to be paid out!!

  23. THE FUND MANAGER PROBLEM: • Optimize fund performance • Design a suitable (socially fair) contract for the fund clients allowing for demographic fluctuations ⇓ STOCHASTIC CONTROL PROBLEM WITH DELAY (pensions depends on past contributions!!)

  24. Delayed stochastic control • Typically difficult problem.. • Make it Markovian by adding suitable state variables by keeping finite the dimension of the problem (Oksendal-Sulem 2002): it works in very special cases • Embed the problem into an infinite dimen- sional Markovian setting where state vari- ables belong to a Hilbert space (Gozzi-Marinelli 2004, Federico 2007): difficult to obtain explicit solutions even in simple cases • OTHER APPROACHES?..

  25. WARM UP: the delayed model without market • Participants entry at time t , pay a lumpsum contribution c t and will receive a lumpsum pension at time t + a (No mortality risk for the participants!! and r = 0) • F t fund wealth dF t = ( c t − c t − a f t ) dt F 0 = x 0 , so that � T � T F T = x 0 + 0 c s ds − 0 c s − a f s ds. • No possibility to invest fund wealth at a rate greater than zero (not restrictive as- sumption)

  26. Aims of the manager 1. grant (almost surely) a minimal benefit: f t ≥ g a.s. 2. maximize the expected utility function of the clients receiving c t − a f t at (current) time t ; 3. find the solvency admissibility conditions for the fund (i.e. manage the ruin prob- ability)


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